
Test Run Arc 05 The Confrontation




POV Dust

He teleported to his house after his hard fought battle against avenger. He was tired, fatigued and out of magic.

He walked up the stairs and headed towards his room.

He noticed a piece of paper stamped on the door to his room.

He took the note and read it.

{Dear Sans

Brother if you are reading this letter than that means that you have finally come back home. I the great papyrus went to go train with Undyne so I will be back late. There is some spaghetti I made in the fridge for you to eat.

Sincerely the Great Papyrus}

After reading the note he opened the door and entered his room.

He got on his bed as sleep took him.


He woke up from his nap. His body felt sore and his magic reserves are still low.

Despite that he was angry right now contemplating what happened roughly 2 hours ago.

He was so close to killing those humans.

But then one of them turned into an abomination and he was forced to retreat.

He cursed at himself for not killing them outright, instead he played around with them.

He then calmed himself down and came to the conclusion that he couldn't have predicted that things would have gone the way they did.

The fight against the female human took a high toll on him.

Next time he would go straight for the male human before he could power up that female human and get their EXP.

He then yawned but then snapped himself out of it.

As much as he wanted to lay down on this bed and continue sleeping he had more important things to do.

In his room it was kind of normal aside from some advanced machines in here.

He grabbed his laptop and placed it on his desk and opened it.

The screen showed screens of cameras showing various locations in the underground.

He hacked into Alphys camera network a long time ago and used it to monitor and keep tabs on Frisk.

While there were no cameras in the ruins and couldn't keep tabs on the 2 humans he instead looked to see where Frisk was.

She was still around snowdin in the village inside grillby's bar.

She was just sitting in there as if waiting for someone.

But what caught his attention was that she had some dust on her clothes. That was not a good sign.

There were monsters in there just drinking and eating.

It looks like she hasn't killed them…yet.

It was obvious to me that the person that she was waiting for him.

If he kept her waiting any longer she might get impatient and kill everyone in the bar.

Without any time to waste he teleported in front of grillby's bar.

He opened the door and walked in.

The whole bar went silent as the atmosphere went cold due to his presence.

He walked forward ignoring the monsters.

He sat on a seat next to Frisk and looked at Grillby.

"Can me and the human have the bar to ourselves?"

It took a moment for Grillby to come to a decision and nodded and then gestured for everyone to leave the bar while he left through the backdoor.

Once everyone was gone he looked towards Frisk.

"What's your game?" He demanded.

Frisk turned to me with one of her eyes open all black with a red pupil and said, "I think it's time to end this game of ours."

It took me a moment to register what she said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

If what she said means what he thinks she means, then this conversation could go wrong or worse.

"All these genocide routes have been getting boring. Even when competing with you over who can kill the most or who can get the most EXP. There is nothing else left to do." She responded to me.

He was sweating right now not liking where this was going.

"So I propose 1 final game between us. And once I'm done I will erase everything. Just to give you a heads up."

She got up from her seat and walked out of the bar.

He was left speechless.

He should be happy that this is the last genocide route, but that means that this is the last reset before they all get erased.

Everything he did, all the sacrifices he made meant nothing.

She will erase them all like they were nothing just because she is bored.

Even with all the EXP and LV he would gain, no matter what he does deep down he will never defeat her.

But there was something that felt weird about her.

The way she talked and her aura, especially her eye. She never opened her eyes in any of the resets ever. It didn't feel like he was talking to frisk, It felt like he was talking to someone else.

The presence felt familiar to the female human that he fought when she underwent that transformation.

But that didn't matter now. What matters now is what he will do.

All he can do now is do what he needs to do.

Get EXP.

End chapter