
Test Run Arc 06 The Ruins


Matt Gold


Matt POV

After my compromise with Avenger we ventured through the ruin. Or dungeon as I would like to call it due to all the traps and puzzles that we had to go through.

Avenger took the lead going through all the traps and solving all the puzzles which was weird, it was as if she knew that they were there and knew how to solve every puzzle without any hesitation.

I'm going to have to ask her later.

There was something I noticed and on our way, there were a few piles of dust on the floor.

Avengers eyes would linger on those piles of dust for a few seconds before moving on.

I wondered why before I remembered what happened to that flower.

'When he died instead of just being a corpse and bleeding he turned to dust' I realized going over the events that happened a few hours ago.

'Were these piles of dust once monsters who were killed? That skeleton probably killed them before he killed the flower and attacked me'.

I put these thoughts in the back of my head.

It was sad that these monsters were killed, but there was nothing I could do about it.

Right now what matters is surviving.

After going through all of the traps and puzzles we came across a large black tree surrounded by red leaves.

I'm not even going to question it.

Up ahead was a house which we entered.

Inside there were 3 pathways, one led to some stairs underground, the other one led to a living room and a small kitchen, and the last one led to a bedroom.

Once again Avenger looked like she was reminiscing over past memories which raises more questions.

I wanted to ask her right then and there if this was her AU, but I decided against it as it would likely lead us to argue again.

Avenger headed to the kitchen while I was in the living room where there were some books about snails for some reason and some backpacks that we could use for supplies.

But then my system acted up.

[Command Code Detected]


My eyes shifted to see the item that the system detected.

And I saw a pair of glasses that was on a brown seat couch.

[Toriels glasses]

[Dreemur Blessing Command Code: High resistance to fire magic and Small Kindness Magic healing]

Well would you look at that.

I don't know about the high fire resistance, but the healing is something.

'System transform this item into a command code' I command.



[You have met the command code requirements]


[Transforming the catalyst into command code initiating]

The glasses on my hand started glowing until the light dimmed down.

[Command Code completed]

The glasses still looked normal, but thanks to the system it a command code.

Sadly it's abilities can only be used when someone was wearing it.

Good thing avenger wasn't around to see me do this.

I put the glasses in my pocket and walked towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen there was some tea and pies. I helped avenger store the food so that we can eat it later.

After that I went to explore the place. There was a bedroom that I entered to see a normal bedroom, but I spotted a family photo that caught my interest.

There were 3 goat-like monsters, a large male with blonde hair and beard, the other one was a female and the last one was a little boy.

But what caught my attention was the fourth person in the photo.

A little brown haired girl held a lot of yellow flowers close to her, but I looked more closely to see that the girl had red eyes and rosy pink cheeks.

'She looks just like Avenger!' I was shocked at the revelation.

This answered so many questions.

I heard some footsteps going towards my direction. I panicked and hid the picture. Avenger entered the bedroom.

"I gathered all the food for supplies" she said wearing a backpack, "It's time for us to go."

I nervously nodded and got out of the bedroom as fast as I could.

I went to the living room and grabbed my own backpack.

I waited in the living room for a few minutes until Avenger came over wearing a jacket and held a jacket in her hand.

"Put this on" she said, handing over the jacket.

I grabbed the jacket and asked "Why?".

She pointed towards the stairs "Those stairs will lead to an underground hallway which leads to a gate and past it is a snow biome."

I gave her a look that said 'how do you know this!'.

Before I could say anything she spoke up.

"If you're not going to tell me anything, I don't see any reason to tell you anything" she said with a glare.

I closed my mouth and said nothing.

She turned around and walked towards and down the stairs.

I stood there for a moment holding the jacket contemplating on how I should deal with the situation.

It's obvious that she and I don't trust each other.

If I want to gain any information from her I need to give her the information she wants.

I'm hesitating on whether or not I should even trust her.

She didn't save me because she wanted to save me. She did it to preserve her existence.

Her class as an Avenger also raises a lot of red flags.

She must have done something terrible or something terrible must have happened to her that would have led her to become one.

She also threatened my life and while she is tired and low on magic, who is to say she won't go back to threatening me again.


After a while of thinking I came to a decision and put on the jacket.

I went down the stairs and crossed through the hallway, but I noticed it was damaged with cracks on the wall and floors along with a lot of burn marks.

'What the hell happened here!' I looked at the greatly damaged hallway.

It looked exactly like the damaged landscape that I woke up to before coming here.

Did that skeleton battle against someone else here?

At the end of the hallway was avenger who was looking at a pile of dust.

She was also holding a piece of ripped purple clothing.

I immediately realized whose clothes that belongs to.

The female goat monster in the family photo.

Then that means that her name was Toriel due to the name of the glasses command code.

And if what I have seen correctly so far is true then that means she was avengers mother.

This is not good.

End chapter