
Test Run Arc 02 Rough Start





3RD Person POV

Avenger was a young adult female with brown hair with a little black dye and red eyes. She wore a long sleeve undershirt and a black and yellow striped shirt over it and wore black pants and shoes.

She looked down on her supposed 'Master', or at least that's the information she gained upon being summoned as a 'Servant'.

This was all too weird for her, but right now that isn't important she can think about this later.

Right now what is important is that her 'Master' is bleeding to death and she needs to save him.

She knelt down and placed her hand on his wound.

She transferred Determination Magic into his body in order to keep him from dying and force his body to heal his wound.

But she then noticed his Soul Trait and was confused and surprised.

"A gold soul trait? I've never seen anything like this before."


She turned around to see Flowey who was silent for the entire process. He had a shocked expression and looked like he was going to cry as if seeing a long old friend.

But the moment was ruined when a few Determination slashes were launched right at him.

He quickly evaded by burrowing in the ground.

He then resurfaced looking scared. "W-what C-chara…"

"I suggest you leave before I kill you" said Avenger Morphing her face to scare Flowey.

He immediately left for his life scared out of his mind when he saw Avengers face.

After a few moments Avenger placed her attention back to her 'Master'.

Once his wound healed itself Avenger stood back up and kicked him.


Her 'Master' woke up after being kicked.

Matt POV


I woke up from my near death experience and saw that I was no longer bleeding.

I then looked up to see the girl that I saw that was summoned before I fell unconscious. I got a better look at her and she looked annoyed for some reason.

"Get up."

"Wha-" Before I could say anything she grabbed my shirt and effortlessly lifted me up.

"I said get up," She said in annoyance.

She let me go and I was a little shaken, but stood up and was about to say something, but she interrupted me again.

"You will tell me all I need to know or else"

She then manifested a black knife on her hand and pointed it at me near my throat.

"I might not be able to kill you because I would then seize to exist without you serving as my anchor to the living, but that doesn't mean that I can't torture you and if you even dare use a command seal on me I will kill you before those seals start glowing."

As I was being put into another life threatening situation there was one thing that was going through my mind.

Why is this happening to me?

Ever since I got here I almost died and was put into a dangerous situation in only a few minutes. I thought that at least in my first experience in this reality it would be a nice little adventure before I get into dangerous situations, but I was immediately put into a dangerous situation and now being put in another one right now, by my own servant! I was completely defenseless and I can't do anything other than to comply to her demands or else I will die or get tortured.

I took a deep breath and braced myself and said.

"What do you want to know?"

Avenger pointed at herself.

"What am I? When I was 'summoned' here, I gained information on what I was and what your role is 'Master" She said in disdain "Could you care to enlighten me a little more on what a servant is exactly?"

I knew that she wasn't asking me but demanding me to tell her, I began thinking in the most simplest way I can answer.

"You are a being known as a 'heroic spirit' given form to look and act like the original."

Avenger paused for a moment taking in that bit of information.

She then started laughing a little and then laughed out loud like a maniac.

I was really weirded out right now at her laughing.

She laughed for a while before calming down "hahaha… Oh the irony, me being the copy of the original."

I have no idea what she is talking about. But while she was laughing I was thinking about a plan on how to deal with her.

Now as I am right now I can't beat her nor safely neutralize her without me dying.

The only advantages that I can think of that I have right now is information and my life.

She claims that she gained information upon being summoned, but still asks me a question that she should have already known the answer to.

Either she is messing around with me or the summoning system didn't give her all of the basic information that she should have gained.

Which can work to my advantage if I play my cards right.

If she really didn't get all the basic information that she was supposed to get, that means that I can give her false information or leave out some information and only tell her what thinks she wants to know.

Though it seems like she has some understanding of what she is and what my role is. She most definitely knows what the command seals are with her threatening to kill me before I could issue an order.

But aside from possibly playing the information game, my other advantage is my life. As she stated, the only reason she saved my life and hasn't left me to die or killed me yet is because I serve as her anchor to the living world.

Though she will kill me if I dare to use my command seals, aside from that I don't have to worry about her killing me anytime soon. As long as I answer her questions she won't torture me, at least I hope she doesn't.

While the plan that I made isn't much and is under the assumption that she didn't get the information that she needed to get then, there was not much else that I could do right now.

My best chance right now is to wait for 24 hours to make another summon that will hopefully summon a servant that will help me and not threaten my life.

Avenger then turned her head to me "What is that soul trait of yours, I've never seen a golden trait before?"

Time for my misinformation plan to take effect.

"I honestly don't know what soul trait my soul is. I only know that it looked like this ever since I got here."

She looked at me with a stern look and decided that I was telling the truth.

My plan is going well right now. She accepted my half truth answer and that means that she doesn't know about my abilities that come with this gold trait.

"What is your name?"


I replied honestly as my name isn't really going to give me any advantage here.

"Why are you here?"

I quickly froze upon hearing that question.

"What do you mea-?"

"Oh please do you think I'm stupid?"

She gave a threatening look.

"From our brief encounter here I learned a lot of things about you. First is that you know full well what I am and also know what you can do. You also know about soul traits which you shouldn't even know about and possibly know a little bit about this place and its inhabitants."

She then pointed her knife up at the hole.

"Also who would be dumb enough to fall right down here unless you knew that this place existed."

She then placed her knife back near my throat.

"So I'm going to ask again and don't lie to me again or else we are going to have a 'bad' time.


Shit I put myself into this situation when she asked me about my soul trait. Which was what helped her put the dots together on what I know.

I can't bullshit my way out of this or else she will hurt me. And I really don't want to get stabbed by her knife.

So I had no choice but to answer honestly.

"I was sent here on a mission."

She sent me a death glare.

"What mission?"

I can definitely feel a lot of killing intent coming from her.

"To gather information and Allies."

Her death glare dropped and then she paused and then gave me a confused look.


She seemed really confused at what I said. It looks like she thought I was here for not so good intentions. If that was true then there is an opportunity here.

"I'm sure that the both of us know that we are not in our AU."

I said this under the assumption that Avenger knows about the AUs, if not then I'm kind of digging myself into my own grave.

But looking at her expression it seemed like my gamble paid off.

"AUs, shit it looks like the old man was right"

And it looks like she is talking to herself again. I needed to clear things up between us if we are going to work together in the future.

"Look" She turned her attention back to me "If my assumption is correct, you think that I am here with bad intentions, But I am not."

She didn't look convinced.

But I continued.

"I mean look at me, what can I even do, even right now?" I gestured toward myself.

"I almost died to a talking flower and would have died if it weren't for you saving my life."

She then made a counterargument.

"While that may be true, that strange power of yours and your soul trait are unknown variables that I can't ignore."

The both of us stayed silent for a while after.

It looks like we both hit a stalemate. While I have convinced her that I'm weak and not really a threat to her, my summoning system and soul trait are what keep us from finding any common ground. I can't really do anything to her without dying, she can't kill me if she wants to stay alive.

I can't find any really good solution to this situation. So I had to make another gamble.

"I'm going to be honest here and say that I don't know much about magic in this world{or at least I don't know how to manifest my magic} and we definitely don't trust each other. I'm open to a compromise here."

She looked surprised at my idea and started thinking of a solution.


But before she could say anything we both heard an explosion not far from where we were.


Someone screamed at where the explosion came from, but the voice sounded familiar.

The talking flower that almost killed me got flown right towards us and he fell on the ground looking like he was torn apart.

Almost all his flower petals were torn off and his stem was cut off.

And before me and Avenger could react, a large blast incinerated the flower right in front of us and with an upside down white heart appearing before cracking in half.

The dead corpse then mysteriously turned to dust.

We both looked to see where the blast came from and saw a hooded figure slowly walking towards us.

Avenger took her knife away from my throat and took a fighting stance as I stood silent in fear.

Whoever this is easily killed that talking flower with ease, and once again im being put into another life threatening situation.

But before I could complain any further I froze when I got a good look at the figure.

He looked like Fate Sans without being fully colored white. His left eye socket was colored purple while his right eye socket was colored red.

He stopped walking and looked at us with a sinister grin.

"Well, well, Well what do we have here?" he said as two large skull beasts charged up an attack.

"We got some newcomers."

We are so fucked.