
Under the same sky (Gideon)

"Liar! You're a liar! You lied to me, you cheated on me! You used me! You abandoned me!You ignored me!" "Well if we compare what we have done to each other, you brought me from death , you made me immortal, you abandoned me as well. And who the hell is Skansi?! " " I don't know! " I yelled back. " Now I should worry about a guy named Skansi, and oh you don't remember what you have done and you don't remember me. I guess you win this game. " " How do you know is a guy?" " The fake doctor told me. "

Grettel_27_ · Fantasy
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28 Chs

24. Who is Skansi?

"What is going on with you?"

"I don't know." I barely could speak. Gide put me in the grass carefully as he searched around with his eyes.

"Someone is here. His energy is so strong. " He said but his voice was becoming more and more distant although he was near me.

I heard another voice, it was like it was whispering in my ear. "Find me! "

It was like the wind was speaking, it was a male voice, so familiar. I couldn't breath until everything became again quiet and I came to my senses.

"You scared the hell out of me." Gideon hugged me.

Footsteps were heard, Gide helped me get up and hid me behind him. I couldn't see who it was.

" Who are you? " Gide asked ready to attack .

" Skansi." a male voice was heard.

I left my safe place behind his back to see the person who spoke.

"Christoph?" I widened my eyes seeing my childhood crush right in front of me.

"Hello Tara." He smiled at me while Gideon hold my hand.

"You know him?" Asked Gideon looking me in the eye, I had a stupid smile plastered on my face.

"Yeah he is Christoph, my neighbour, my best friend's older brother."

"The one who gave you the rose?" Gideon remembered as his eyes darkened.

"But you left out of the country , now you're back. Who is Skansi, why you said his name, how do you know him? " I asked forgetting to breath.

"Calm down baby girl, I will explain everything." I lost it every time he called me baby girl, my face must have been red.

I felt Gide's grip on my hand tightened. Guess who is jealous. I pulled my hand, but he was stronger than me.

"Can you let my hand go?!" I whisper yelled at him.


"Just because you kissed me, doesn't mean I am not angry at you! Now that I know that you have touched her. "

He let my hand go and whispered in my ear. " You're finding excuses. I don't want you near him! "

I pulled back and turned my attention to Christoph. I loved to call him by his full name, his sister, friends and family called him Chriss.

"Christoph what is going on?"

"I have been searching for you. I return and your parents told me you were in some camp. Then my sister tells me you were in a mad house. I went there and you were not."

Christoph came toward me , but Gideon again shielded me with his body.

"Gide let me go, what are you doing?!" I whisper -yellet at him.

"You must be Gideon. Finally we are meeting."

"Do you know me?"

"I know you as a name, and what I have heard from Tara."

" But I have never told you about him?" I intervened.

" Will you join me?" Christoph sat into the grass inviting us. Gideon sat near him creating a distance between me and Christoph.

" I don't need hands to reach for her." Christoph laughed while I felt embarrased.

" Then I will break your hand and every other thing you use to reach for her." Gideon threatened him.

" I can blow you away just by blinking my eyes Gideon. You don't know me. I am not here for you, I came to talk to Tara."

" Then you will talk in my presence." Gideon answered him.

" Tara is it ok for him to stay?" Christoph asked me.

" Yes, I guess."

" Ok then. You already know I went out of the country, the excuse was the work but the real reason is because I found out who I am. Just like you are finding it out now. But I didn't have people to guide me, instead I had a creature of my kind, a fairy."

" A fairy? You are a fairy? But they are small and you.. Wait a minute, you are human, I know you since I was 12." I was confused.

" A fairy can change his size. I didn't know it either at the beginning, same as you. I thought I was crazy when I started to see the fairy. The thing is I remembered who I was, who I am. My name is Skansi. My fairy name. And we know each other from a long time."

" I don't remember anything." I pouted.

" I know, that's why I am here. Every magical creature knows about you. And when I mastered who I am I came back for you but I didn't find you. I have had a lot of help to find you here. I will help you ."

I smiled as he gave me a warm smile but Gideon was furious.

" She doesn't need you. I will help her!" Gideon stood up , Christoph stood up too."

"You don't know how." Christoph responded calmly.

" And you know how?" Gide responded harshly.

"Yes I know how. Why do you think she was able to use her powers earlier? Because of me, because of my presence." Then he returned to me.

"The feeling in your stomach , you felt like you were weak and strong at the same time. I experienced it to. Every thing that you feel I feel it too. It is because of what we have done."

" What have you done?" Asked Gide.

" To find a way to make you mortal again we took a jorney that left us with a bond regarding our powers. I am the source of your powers and you are the source of my powers." Christoph spoke to me and I couldn't understand.

" What?!" Both me and Gide asked at the same time.