

Habiibah462 · Urban
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23 Chs


They talked about alot of different things but Prim refused to tell Dante about her imprisonment and Adrian's accident.

Dante....Lets play basket ball tomorrow if your not busy.

Prim....Oh, old memories.Am not busy, i only work three days a week.

Dante.....Good, ki should leave for now.

Prim....Let me walk you to the door, thanks for everything.

Dante.....You know that i will always be on your side.

Prim....Thanks again Dante, see you tomorrow.

He left.In the morning, she took Mike to school and later, Dante picked her up and they went to play basketball.

Dante.....Whenever i missed you, i always played basketball because it was the day we met, remember?

Prim....I do remember, how can i forget such good old days? I miss'em so much.

Dante....Me too, sometimes i wanna go back in time.

Eve.....Dante, we are here.

Prim....Huh? Whats going on?

Dante....Urgh! Sorry Prim, i almost forgot that we have a shooting today here.

Prim....I dont get it.

Dante....I own a model agency, those are my models and we are shooting an ad for sports wear.

Prim....Oohh, i see, i should go so that i dont bother you guys.

Dante....Wait, please stay.Also, Adrian is coming too.

Whitney....Lets start Dante.

Dante....Sure, sit here Prim and wait for me.

They went to dress up and Adrian arrived, he saw Prim and approached her.

Adrian....Hi...Prim, i still remember your name.


Adrian.....Are you here for the shoot too?

Prim.....No, am here to see Dante.

Adrian....Are you guys that close?


Adrian.....I want to ask you something, why did you hug me yesterday and even said that you missed me?

Prim.....Oh, that? It was...because....i....i...

Dante....Dude, your here, lets start the shoot.

Adrian....Sure, lets talk later Prim.

They started shooting the ad.

Dante.....Whitney, we practiced this several times, do it right.

Whitney.....Dont blame me, am not a real basketball player.

Eve.....Prim should do it cause i saw how she was playing with you Dante.She is suitable since she has a nice body and a pretty face.

Dante....Are you fine with it Prim?

Whitney....Fine, i wil do it right.

Adrian.....Let Prim do it if she really knows how, she is also pretty.

Prim....Okay, if you guys insist.

She did as she was told playing with Adrian.

Director....Cut, you guys must hug at the end.Lets do it again.

They did it again and hugged as the director told them to do, they both couldnt let go.

Director.....Cut, that was perfect.You guys look hot together, lets proceed with the rest.

Dante....How did it come out?

Director....Its perfect, she is indeed a good basketball player and a perfect model.

Dante....Well done guys, thanks Prim.

Adrian....Prim, can we talk?


They went away to talk.

Prim....About the hug...lets forget about it.

Adrian....Just like that? Do you love Dante?

Prim.....Huh? I...dont, his my friend.

Adrian....Can we be frends too?

Prim....Sure, its okay.

Adrian....Lets hung out sometime.

Prim....Ok...okay.(Does he want to be my friend now? Good start Prim, his heart will beat for you once again.)

Eve.....Excuse me, Prim, lets talk.

They went to the dressing room.

Eve.....Sorry, i was calling for the clothes.

Prim....I understand.

Eve.....You and Dante seem so close.

Prim....We are just good friends, you?

Eve....Am his assistant.

Prim....I see.

Dante....Eve, lets wrap up, where is Whitney?

Eve....She quit, she was angry that you gave Prim her part with Adrian.

Dante....Good, i never liked her anyway.Lets grab something to eat after here.

Dante left.

Prim....Am sorry Eve, i didnt mean to upset your friend.

Eve....Dont worry, she was jelous that you hugged Adrian a chance she has never got.

Prim.....What? I thought that they are dating.

Eve.....Well, Whitney likes Adrian but he didnt until she seduced him and he fell for her traps.But he never confessed to her thats why she doesnt any girl near him.

Prim....Oh, i didnt know.

Eve....Butnow she quit yet Dante also dislikes her.Now she wont get a chance to see Adrian again, she gets to see him since his Dante's friend and he oftens comes to the company.

Prim....I see.

Eve....Lets go so that we eat together, lets be friends.


They to a restaurant and ate together but Prim and Adrian couldnt stop staring at eachother.

Prim....(His giving a crush look, could it be that he maybe likes me now? Hope so.)

Dante....Prim, let me drive you home cause i need to go to work with Eve.

Adrian....Dont worry, i will take her, am not busy anyway.

Dante.....Thanks dude, Eve, lets go.

Eve....See you guys.

They left, Adrian drove Prim back home.


Adrian....Prim, wait.I have a match in Sweden next weekend, i want you to come and cheer for me.

Prim....Huh? In Sweden? Why?

Adrian....I dont, i just want to be close to you..as in friends.

Prim....But its...

Adrian....Dont worry, i bought tickets for you, please come.

Prim....Sure, i will think about it.

Adrian....Thanks, bye.