

Habiibah462 · Urban
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23 Chs


Prim went inside and screamed in her pillow in happiness.

Prim.....Did he just buy for me tickets? It feels surreal, am so happy.Could it be that his trying to court me? Gosh! Hope its true because i miss him so much, i want him to love me like he used to, i miss those days.

The next day, she went to work happily and did her job as usual.Xue called her and they met.

Xue....You look happy, how is everything going?

Prim....Am indeed happy, thanks to you.Everything is going well.

Xue....Let me guess, your happiness is all because you met Adrian cause i saw your interview with him.

Prim....You indeed know me well.

Xue.....If your happy, then am also happy.

Prim....Lets go for lunch, my treat.


They ate lunch together.

Xue.....It was nice meeting you again.

Prim....Thanks for everything Xue.

His driver arrived.

Xue....I should go, send my greetings to Mike.

Prim....Sure, i will.

She hugged him and he left but Dante and Adrian saw them since they were also heading to the restaurant for lunch.

Adrian....Who is that guy?

Dante....I dont know.

Adrian....Can i ask you something dude?

Dante....Sure, go on.

Adrian....Do you like Prim?

Dante.....I dont know, maybe i dont.She is sweet and pretty, but we are just friends.Why?

Adrian....Am just curious, could that be guy be her boyfriend?

Dante....Why are you concerned?

Adrian....I dont know.

Dante....Well, i do know, its because you like her.

Adrian....You think so? 

Dante....Ofcourse, your heart always belonged to her.

Adrian....Did i date her before? I dont think so.

Dante....Then you should give it a try.

Adrian....I will see about it.

Prim went home, Eve contacted her and she visited her at her home.

Prim....Feel at home.

Eve.....Do you stay with someone?

Prim....I do, my nephew but his at school.

Eve....I see, i hope to meet him.

Prim....Ofcourse you will.

Eve.....So, whats with you and Adrian?

Prim....What do you mean?

Eve.....Come on girl, i saw you staring at him and he was also staring at you.

Prim....It was...coincendental.

Eve.....Dont deny it, love is love and its obvious that you guys like eachother.

Prim.....Do you think he likes me too?

Eve.....Ofcourse, he told me that his over Whitney and i knew that he seriously likes you.

Prim....Hope so, but i dont know what to do.

Eve....Its okay, i will give you these tips that no man can escape when a woman uses them on him.

Prim....Oaky, am all ears.

Eve....You must play hard to get and dont be available every time for him.You should catch him by suprise, how? You should look hot whenever you guys meet.And dont always say yes, i will make him want to chase you even more thats the fun love game.

Prim....Got it, am going to everything youve told me, hope it works.

Eve.....Trust me, it works like magic.In no time, he will confess his desparate unstoppable and uncontrollable feelings for you.

Prim.....Thanks alot Eve, but shouldnt you be telling this Whitney?

Eve.....I know but she is actually not my friend.She befriended me because am Dante's assistant and Adrian's friend, she wanted to get close to Adrian.

But we were not friends from the start.

Prim.....Okay, i get it.

As they were still talking, Adrian called Eve.

Eve.....Speaking of the devil, his calling.Let me put him on speaker.Adrian.

Adrian....Eve, are you busy?

Eve....No, am not.

Adrian....Sorry to bother you, i want to ask for something.

Eve....Okay, what is it?

Adrian....You and Prim are now close, am sure that you have her number.

Eve....I do.

Adrian....Can you please send it to me?


Adrian....Come on, dont make me beg.

Eve....Fine, but promise to tell me everything.

Adrian....Okay, i promise.

She sent him Prim's number.

Eve....See? Told ya.

Prim....So his serious.

Eve....Ofcourse he is, in a minute, he is going to call you cause his heart is not at ease until he talks to you.

He called her.


Prim....What do i do?

Eve....Answer, but then tell him that your busy and end the call.It will hurt him than never before and then he will call you again to ask when your not busy.That will only mean that he has ate the bait.

She answered his call.

Adrian....Hi Prim.


Adrian....Sorry to bother you, i wanted to talk to you.

Prim....Maybe later, am busy, bye.

Adrian....Wait, please.

She ended the call.

Eve.....Good! In 1..2...3..his calling.

Prim....Girl, this indeed works like magic.

Eve....Go on and answer.

She answered.

Adrian.....Sorry to call again.

Prim....Adrian, am really busy.

Adrian....I understand, but, when are you going to be free?

Prim....Maybe at night.

Adrian....Can i call you at night then? Pleaseee....

Prim.....Well, its upto you, i gotta go, bye.

She ended the call and they both laughed.

Eve.....Trust me, his not going to rest until he talks to you at night.

Prim....Your advise is really working.

Eve.....It will work better if you follow the procedure.

Prim....I will, i cant wait for him to confess to me anytime from now.

Eve.....Just wait and see, his now desparate because he thinks that his a celebrity and he can easily get any girl, your now proving him wrong.Now his scratching his head asking himself how to win your heart.

Prim....Yet he already won it.Let me cook something for you.

Eve.....Lets cook together cause i want to see Mike.

Prim....Thanks dear, his about to vome back anytime from now.