

Habiibah462 · Urban
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23 Chs


The match ended and Adrian took the trophy as usual, his fans were all over the place.

Producer.....We need to interview him, can you talk to him?


Producer.....Yes you, he is heading to the dressing room so no one will be there.Dont worry, he cant harm you, please.

Prim.....Ok..okay, sure.

Prim was scared to talk to him since its been awhile, she went to the dressing room and he was there with his friends.

Men....Hey, are you lost pretty lady?

Prim....No, sorry to bother you.Am here for Adrian.

Man....Adrian, a fan is here to see you.

Adrian....Not now, am busy.

Man.....Sorry pretty one, you heard him.

Prim....Can i go inside?

Man.....Huh? So brave? Okay, if you insist.

Prim....Am coming in.

She opened the door and went inside, he had finished dressing up.Prim was very happy to see him upclose again.He saw her too and he was suprised, Prim hugged him.

Prim....Adrian, i missed you.Why didnt you come to visit? I thought that..you...

Adrian....Hey..hey...hey...slow down, i dont know you lady.

Prim....Huh? Seriously?

She stepped back.

Adrian....I didnt know that i had a die hard fan, thanks for the support.Let me give you my autograph.

Prim.....Wait...your not joking, right?

Dante.....He is not.


Dante also entered the room, he pulled Prim outside.

Dante....Primera? Its really you, where have you been this whole time?

Prim.....You didnt know what happened to me?

Dante....What happened?

Prim....It doesnt matter, why is Adrian acting like he doesnt know me?

Dante....Its because he has alzheimer's disease, he doesnt remember you.


Her phone started ringing.

Prim....Its the producer, i need you to help me because i want to interview him.

Dante.....Your a reporter?

Prim.....Am still new, just help me.


Dante helped her to interview Adrian but she was not in right her mind after what Dante told her.


Prim....Thanks guys for watching the tennis live, am here with the champion of the day we all know very well, Adrian.How do you feel?

Adrian.....I feel lucky to have such wonderful fans, their cheering for me gives me strength to play better and not disappoint them.

Prim.....Well, you heard him.So, whats your inspiration?

Adrian....My family and my fans all over the world, i really love you guys.

Prim.....Well said from the winner himself, what are your last words to people watching?

Adrian....I have alot to say to my fans, but all i can say is that thank you and i love you all.Thanks for having me.

Prim....The pleasure is ours, thanks.That was our champion for the tennis match, thanks you guys for watching, am Primera your host.

Producer.....Cut.That was awesome Prim, lots of people were watching and they are happy that we got Adrian who usually dont do interviews.

Prim.....Thats good.

Producer....You look sad, is everything fine?

Prim....Dont worry, am fine.

Producer.....Lets go and eat something, my treat.

Dante.....Sorry but i need this woman for today.


Producer.....Dante? She is all yours.

Dante.....Lets go Prim, follow me.

He took her in his car.

Prim.....Where are we going?

Dante....Dont you think that we need to catch up? Its been years Prim, i really missed you.

Prim....I missed you too guys, its been years indeed.

He drove ad they arrived at a restaurant, they went inside but Adrian was there and his other friends.

Prim.....Why did you bring me here?

Dante....I know that you want to be with him so bad, dont be afraid, am here.

Man.....Look, its the pretty fan of you dude.

Dante....Lets sit.

Adrian....Hi once again, am Adrian by the way.

Prim....Yeah, i know.

Adrian.....Do you know her Dante?

Dante....Very well, she is an old friend i havent seen in ages so i brought here to catch up.

Adrian.....Is she your girlfriend?

Dante....Like i said, she is a friend.

Adrian....I see, she really pretty.

Man.....What now dude? What about Whitney?

Adrian....I didnt say anything wrong, i just complimented her.

Dante.....Lets just eat for now and talk later.

Adrian....By the way, Whitney and Eve are joining us.

Man....Again? When will you confess to her?

Adrian....I need time to confess to her.

Whitney and Eve arrived but Prim had her eyes abd focus on Adrian, her mind was blank.They sat with them.

Eve.....Hope we are not late.

Adrian....No, your not.What do you want to eat Whitney?

Whitney.....Anything will do.

Eve.....Who is this pretty fine lady?

Dante....She is Primera, my friend.

Eve.....I didnt kniw that you had a female friend Dante, she is gorgeous.Am Eve, nice to meet you Primera.

Prim.....Nice to meet you too Eve.

Adrian was focused on Whitney, Prim saw him and got jelous.

Prim.....Thanks guys for tonight, i have to leave.

Adrian.....So soon?

Eve.....Come on, dont go yet.

Dante....Then let me drive you home.

They went outside and Prim started crying, Dante hugged her.

Dante.....Its okay, i understand.

Prim.....Does he really....love that girl?

Dante....Am not sure, but his not that serious about her.

Dante drove her to her place.

Prim....Why dont you come inside? I want to introduce you to someone.


They went inside, Mike was there playing a game.

Prim.....Am home Mike.

Mike....Aunt Prim.

She ran and hugged her.

Prim.....This is Mike, my nephew.Mike, this is uncle Dante, his my friend.

Dante....Nice to meet you Mike.

Prim....Why dont you guys sit down as i order some snacks for everyone.

Mike.....Sounds good.

They ate snacks and Mike later went to bed.

Dante.....His a sweet boy, your lucky to have him.

Prim....Iam, i wish his mum was here.

Dante....Prim, what really happened to you? I looked for you these years but i never saw you again.

Prim.....Its a long story Dante, i should keep it to myself.Tell me about Adrian.

Dante....He fell off their house and hit his head hard, he was in a comma for a month but when he woke up, he lost his memories.

Prim....What about his mum?

Dante....She now owns three private schools, she is richer and his dad is running for presidnet next year.


Dante....As for Joana, she committed suicide.

Prim....Huh? Why?

Dante....No one knows why, but Adrian doesnt remember you.I also befriended him once again to be friends with him now.