
CH. 15

Next morning I woke up to chubby staring at me like a creep. No wonder I couldn't breathe. She was scaring away my oxygen. I sat up and dragged the fur blanket off my body. Her eyes trail down my body and it made me uncomfortable. Like she thought I was snack or something. I flipped around so my feet hang off the bed. "Can you stop staring at me like that?" Pan Xia frowned before looking down. "I was just seeing if you had any morning stiffness you needed to work out." I mentally went blank before I realized what she wanted. I look at her body before deciding I wanted to pee and mess with the forge more than get squashed. "Sorry but as you can see. I don't have that problem." I dropped into some slippers and walk into the bathroom to piss and freshen up. I came out the bathroom and she was gone. Thank god. I got dressed in shoulderless tee and shorts and headed downstairs. Bai Qiu followed the moment I passed the lobby area. I check to see if Uncle Luo was sitting in the front or not. When the doorbell rang. I took a peek to see it was short women who was just a bit taller than myself. Bai Qiu walk past me and open the door. The lady was way to damn cheerful. "Hey! How are you? My name is Huang Bao and I will be your new store clerk. Is miss Chen Yi here?" Bai Qiu look at me and I stepped forward and held out my hand. "Chen Yi. Nice to meet you." Huang Bao stared at me before rushing to give me a hug. "Wow, you are so cute. I didn't know you could get that cute." I teleported away from her and look at Bai Qiu who stepped between us.

"Lady, don't touch the boss." Bai Qiu let her aura flared for a second and my Uncle appeared in the room like a ghost. He look at us before smiling. "Ah.. Miss Bao, this is Chen Yi. Your boss and the owner of this place. Please be respectful and know that, that little miss has cultivation rank higher than your own. She is almost to the Sky realm." Huang Bao look at me with shock expression. Even Bai Qiu look surprised. I sighed before explaining what she could be doing now and expected of her later. Plus her salary if she perform well. At least she had a serious side. After I was done, she went back to being super talkative and cheerful. Bai Qiu look at me amused as I headed outside to take a look at the forge. I shivered as I felt Bai Qiu staring at me with such an intense expression. I pick up a bar of iron and ran my finger over it. I had no innate gift for telling differences between pure iron to shit iron. I had some talent at forging weapons but I doubted the quality. Even doubted if I could lift a hammer enough to actually forge anything with my stick arms.

That was added to the fact that most blacksmiths were fire attribute. Well, I guess I could get around that by using arrays. I crack my knuckles and got to work. Temperature control flame array coming up. It took me a bit due having to take a break due to fatigue in concentrating. I added same array to the smelter. When I was done, i crank them up and sat back as the blistering heat warm up the chilly day. It only took a small effort to start melting down the liquid form. I used my qi to help me refine it and pick out carbon to refine the iron into steel alloy. A good ninety-three percent iron and four percent carbon. With the rest being what I failed to refined out of the iron. As I didn't have a complete understanding of the other elements that exist in iron. I poured the liquid steel, hopefully, into crystallize molds of metal bar. It took a bit to cool them down. I glance at Bai Qiu as I wiped sweat off my brow. It was hot enough to count as desert summer day. "Mind bringing me something to eat and water." She nodded as I conjured a small hammer. I pulled the first bar out and heated it up before banging on it like a drummer boy. Once it was nice and flat. I put it back into the forge while using my qi to fold the blade in half. I beat it back flat before repeating the process. Bai Qiu came in with a plate of steaming stew. This was the sixth folding process and the spine look decent to me. I guess I will find out after the sword finished. I open few clay pots and pulled out the mud before shaping it to fit the spine of the sword. I used fine tooth thread of qi to sketch on the inside of the clay before placing the sword in between and molding it to the sword. The moisture in the clay should cool down the sword. I put the mold down and sat on the chair by the table. My arms were trembling from the exertion. I parted my lips and tilted my head in gesture for her to feed. Bai Qiu look at me with a bit of frustration as she sat the bowl down and pulled up a stool.

"You know, I should get some kind of reward for this." I rolled my eyes as she shoved spoon in my mouth. Her caring side showcased itself as she fed and wiped my mouth. As if she done this many times before. Every time I wanted to speak, that bloody spoon will be at my lips. When I was done, I handed her a list of seeds and fruits I wanted for project that I had in mind. I pick up the sword and broke the harden clay. I was semi impressed that it actually work. I put the blade up on shelf and went back to attempting different blades and styles. When Bai Qiu came back, I was just finishing up my last project for the night. She look at the shelf and blinked. "I thought it took blacksmiths days to make a weapon?" I rolled my eyes. It could take them days but that was because they space out tempering process and I was using Qi to do a lot of it myself. The reason I was tempering it with Qi was because I wanted to the blade to absorb and be easier to control. I shook my trembling limbs before heading back to house.

"Did you get all I ask for?" I gave her glance. Bai Qiu held up a ring and frowned. "No, some of the things you wanted wasn't for sale to outsiders." I nodded. I expected it. Sects have a very overbearing manner when it comes to somethings but everything I need I can get with a little effort. "Send Ma Yu to my room. I want someone soft to cuddle with." Bai Qiu look at me as if I was speaking stupid. "Why not just sleep with me?" I open my room door and look at her with wry smile. "I want someone my age." Bai Qiu leaned against the door frame with her hands cross under her chest. "How old do you think I am?" I shrugged and took off the sweat soak training bra. I heard the door closed behind me and I sighed as I turned to and stared at Bai Qiu. "I am only fifteen this winter." She unbutton her tunic while walking towards me. I tilted my head in confusion. I have no idea why she would want to sleep with me. "Why?" She pulled her left arm out of the sleeve. "You do not understand your value. You will exceed us all and I will like to be dragged along. So I am willing to serve any and all of your needs." I was stunned. I mean, here I was thinking she was some kind of predator looking for my yin or something. Not that she was just really fervent in wanting to be useful to me. Of course, I don't know if it is just me now or emotions of the elements affecting me but I didn't like her and Pan Xia aggressive pursuit. It was off putting to me now. So much so that I wasn't turned on like I used to be.

My legs hit the bed and I dropped down. She kick her off her shoes and unlaced her pants before pushing me onto my back. "Let me show you how much I am willing to compromise. Anything you need of me. Even if it is my life." I frowned before pushing against she flat stomach. She ignored my discomfort as she took my lips with hers. I don't know what I did in my former life to find such aggressive women now. Bai Qiu was definitely an amateur for she just held her lips against mine. Her left hand slide down my stomach into the waistband of my pecker. How it was throbbing from her touch, I guess I was turned on and was just in self denial because I wasn't in control? Her hands stroke my soft member before moving on. She rubbed the balls before she brought her hand to her face and sniffed it. "I didn't think it would smell like this. When I ask some women, they said it smelled and stuff." I rolled my eyes as she crawled back and took off my slippers before shorts. I stared at her pale skin with lattice of scars over her arms arms and stomach. I raised an eyebrow and she shrugged. "Some are training accidents and others wounds from small skirmishes. I didn't have any healing pills at the time so they scared before I ate some." Bai Qiu look at my soft member before searching her pants for jadeslip. She put it to her forehead before coming at me with a look of determination. She began massaging it with a little experience but her posture was rigid. I was curious now about that jade slip. Her little pink lips encircle my head before she began bobbling. I give her F for technique. However, I never been a fan of getting head. She look at me as I sat up on my elbows.

"How about you just lay on your stomach and let me please us both, hm." Bai Qiu frowned before looking at the jadeslip. "They said this was guaranteed to work?" I laughed as she crawled onto the bed and laid on her stomach. Only turning slightly so she could watch me. I rubbed myself to spread her saliva around before I pushed her cheeks open and stuck my head in between. I lapped at her as I finger her with. I felt amused as she twitched and wiggled. Probably uncomfortable with the excitement of such pleasurable heat. I was surprised at how hard it was to get her wet. I hope she wasn't masochist underneath that obsessive layer. "Why does it feel like this?" I ignored her as I slide up her long legs and dove in from the gate. Bai Qiu jumped as her fingers folded the covers into her palm. I grabbed the fold of her ass as I short stroke the hell out of her. I was truly amazed at her level of self control because I would have beat the shit out of myself. She just buried her head into her pillow as she let out such distressing sounds. I thought she wasn't a masochist at first but I didn't overlook how tight and wet she got the harder I piston into. Or the minor orgasms and after shocks. This little tigress was beyond my imagination. I really never understood how someone could like pain so much. I sat back on her calves and she look confused and a little to glazed. I massaged my sore thighs. "Are you done?" I shook my head with evil grin on my face. "Come back to me." She look confused but got up onto her hands. I pulled at her waist until she was sitting on my legs. I reached around her and help myself go back in. I grabbed her breast and she held her arms out as if I was cop or something. "Did that jadeslip teach you how to bounce up and down?" Bai Qiu eyes shined as she started moving her hips in circular motions. I grabbed her hips and help guide her unto the path of righteousness. It seems this part is what she actually practiced on and she was decent enough to make me cum for first time tonight. I let go of her hips as I shudder out my loud.

"Oh, my! That feels so weird but good. Can we do it few more times?" I mentally blanked out before tuning into what she said. I wasn't this much of addict when I first lost my virginity. Either phase of it. I pushed her off me and headed for the bathroom. She followed me in minutes later as I was soaking my sore body. I glance at Bai Qiu and noticed she was still excited. She lowered herself onto my lap and I sighed. "Did it feel good the first time or the second time?" She tilted her head as she pondered. "Both times. It was this weird kind of feeling that was throbbing and then these earthquake like feeling. Like when beast stomps when its labeling its territory. I want to do it again but I can wait until you are ready." I closed my eyes as I lean my head back on cushion. She ran her fingers through my hair before she grinding against me. I pinched her hip and she stopped. "I'm trying to meditate here!" She grunted and groan while I refined her vital yin. When i open my eyes she was gone. I took my time freshen up for bed only to find her laying in it. Obviously waiting for me. I ignored her as I crawled in. bed and got ready for sleep. She slide closer to me and started rubbing me. I grabbed her hand as she grabbed my breast. Her other hand slide in between my legs. Her fingers dipping in and out of me until i scream in frustration. "Oh my gosh, please stop!" She giggled as I turned over and threw tantrum.

I tackle her and fuck her to morning light. She passed out very quickly and I meditated to refine the yin essences and hopefully breakthrough. Sadly, I was only at the mid level of second minor stage of earth realm. I hop out of bed bed before the nut woke up and pestered me. Quick shower before heading downstairs. Huang Bao was cleaning up the store front when I walk past. She waved at me and look like she was about to talk my head off. "I'll have items up for display shortly. Right now, I am working on a project." She nodded and I walk to court and pulled out the seeds. Time to get started on long term project that might just help me with my problem. I believe the reason I need so much yin is because I don't have as high of comprehension or showed the heavens my comprehension. I started expanding the court yard with spatial array before adding complex growth array to grow the seeds I collected. I didn't realized how complex I was making this until it took me about two weeks to complete. In between breaks, I forge weapons and brew ale and finer wine. Which Uncle Luo can attest to it meeting his high standards. I spent two days resting before opening the store officially. Uncle Luo set with me overlooking waterfall on tree house patio. "You know this is such an amazing getaway. Excellent ale. Even better view and quiet but beautiful companion." He was staring at Bai Qiu who was massaging my back. Bai Qiu rolled her eyes. "I don't swing that way." Uncle Luo spit out his drink and swung his feet of the lawn chair. He jab his finger at me. "I seen you ride the lil princess several times over past two weeks. And you telling me that you don't like dick?" Bai Qiu blushed while nodding. "I don't like your dick." I couldn't help laughing as Uncle Luo look hurt. I tapped Bai Qiu leg and rolled over. She didn't waste any time and sliding me inside her even though that wasn't my attentions. Well conscious attentions but lately, my subconscious has been influencing me a lot more than it has in past. Bai Qiu rock her hips back and forth. While winking at Uncle Luo. He look as if he wanted to say something and I giggled.

"You can have Pan Xia. She lost a bit of weight or we can share her if you want?" i spoke with breathy pause in between every three words. He studied me to see if I was joking but I wasn't. I didn't really like Pan Xia. Her personality irk me and she was already this clingy. Uncle Luo called for Pan Xia and she only took ten minutes to find her way up here. Bai Qiu bent down and I suck on her bottom lip while she added a bit of bounce to her dance. I wonder who she kept going to see that was teaching her these little tricks. I reach my hand under her and began rubbing the hood of her vagina. Bai Qiu squeezed my arm a bit too hard. Her eyes closed as she bit her lip. I could feel her body shuddering through the aftershocks. I turned my head to side to see Uncle Luo rubbing his crotch. I couldn't help laughing at his distress. Bai Qiu has been beefing with Uncle Luo since he first started hitting on her when she copied my dress code. Pan Xia came in and Uncle Luo look at me for confirmation.

"Pan Pan, Uncle Luo needs some relief and he willing to pick up guiding you to Divine realm." Pan look a bit hesitant as she glance at Bai Qiu who curled up in the side of me. "Do I have a choice?" Uncle Luo grumbled. "I don't know why they prefer you over a real man. It makes no sense at all." He stood up and touched his chest in dramatic fashion. "Little Lady, I can help you surpass Ma Yu and become a core disciple. Lil Princess doesn't understand your path like I do. I help tons of people enter divine realm. How can you ponder whether giving me a minor services versus waiting on young princess here to find you attractive?" I coughed and Pan Xia nodded with some convictions before open her mouth to say no. You could see it forming. I spoke up quickly. "He is right. Your personality doesn't suit me. You will be abstaining for a long time if you are waiting on me to like you." Bai Qiu shook her head as she stroke my friend with her thigh. Pan Xia frowned before lifting up her dress and bending over a chair. "Fine but I want quality pills in exchange!" Uncle Luo set pill bottle on the table as he step behind her. I got up as I was curious about how sales were doing. I left them to their own devices. From the sounds coming from the tree house, Pan Xia was definitely liking Uncle Luo advances. I kind of felt bad for selling her out but I really didn't like her stalking me. I could barely put up with Bai Qiu. We walk out of the tree house into the forest. It was a bit of walk towards the exit of the little paradise. Bai Qiu was awful quiet. Usually she would be trying to ask questions about the art I made for her. I stopped and waited for her to speak her mind.

"Why did you sell her for? She was brought along expressly for you." I sighed as she sounded hurt as if I would pimp her out or something. I grabbed her chin and smiled. "I didn't like her. We didn't connect because I don't like two annoying people in my life. Besides if I sent her back she would be serving some other young master who wouldn't help her progress and probably get rid of her after he was bored. My Uncle won't do that because his job is to protect me until I reach a certain stage where I don't need his protection anymore." Or that is what I guess. "Which means he will be kind to her and help her grow to cave his boredom." Bai Qiu accepted it but didn't like it. I could only shrugged and move on. I was surprised to find the store sort of busy. I noticed most were small timers in clans or sects. Few young masters drifted through my futuristic storefront. There was two screens showcasing various weapon techniques. While another two displayed few magical scrolls being used. The display cases for weapons were richly decorated with engraved glass. Silver lined the ebony wooden cases. Bookcase displayed Ma Yu and Uncle Luo passion for writing romance adventure stories.

My eyes widen as I moved from the decor to the powerful presences. That made my throat clench and my anus pucker. The lady in brilliant white and gold robe look at me with moderate amount of amusement as I bowed to Mother Luo. She walk towards me with three powerful elders behind her. I glance at Huang Bao who was working with a customer on a sketch of his weapon I hope. Bai Qiu smiled as she stood behind me. Too close for comfort. Mother Luo eyes glance at Bai Qiu for second before she stopped in front of me. "My lil princess. I expected you to take a while before you got up and running but.." I hugged her and she smiled before rubbing my back. "The reason I stop by today was to talk with you about a deal." I nodded and motion for her to follow me into the back room and out the door. I could see the Elders surprised as they felt the Dao's within the backyard. The towering trees and pure river that snakes in between them. Cobblestone path leading further into the forest. I took a seat at one of the tables before half turning to Bai Qiu. "Bring us something to drink and those little honey rolls." Bai Qiu bowed before vanishing. She pick up on my trick of using spatial law with her element. Makes it a lot easier to gain comprehension in both without suffering in either.

Mother took a seat beside me. The other three hovered off the side as they chatted about the arrays. "One of the reasons I am here is because my son needs a weapon and it's about to be his birthday. Second reason, is because of this." She wave her hand at the forest which had a heavy amount of water essences. "There is a small clan that is subordinate to me. Their daughter has high potential to reach divine realm but I lack many elders who are proficient in water element. As a lot of women fail to make it to divine realm and men tend not to focus on an element like water." She shot the three elders a look and they shrugged. "Would you be willing to train all my disciples with affinity to water or ice attribute? We will provide you with resources and funds." I shrugged as Bai Qiu appeared with jar of ale and honey rolls. I conjured cups and she poured us some. I took a sip to just have my mouth wet as my mother overwhelming power made me very thirsty. Mother stared at the ale as if it bit her.

"I don't need pills or such things. What I would like is seeds." I wrote out a quick list and pass it to mother. She recovered as soon as I spoke and look over the list before handing it to one of the elders. "Great! The clan will be here in four months. They are only about sixteen in total." She clapped her hands excitedly and I smirk as bit into roll. "Can you bring my brother over? Otherwise I won't be able to make a compatible sword and it might reject him." One of the elders snorted. "You are speaking like you are capable of making sentient swords. Just make one for the boy. It is just going to sit on a wall for decoration anyway." I wrinkled my nose before grabbing Bai Qiu sword and passing it to the Elder. "Try and draw the blade." He did and struggle with it before passing it around for others to take a look. "Each blade I make is design for a person in mind. I forge their aura and blood into the blade. Because of this, the owner has higher chance of reaching the fable sword intent stage much easier. Just randomly making a sword will key it to me and the moment it is sheath. It will never be unsheathe by another person. Which is why I don't have weapons just sitting in storage somewhere. " One of the elders spoke up. "You have a bunch of weapons on display. Are you telling me that you 'keyed' them all to yourself? And how positive are you that they can help someone reach sword intent stage?" I rubbed my neck.

"I didn't find out about that issue until after I made weapons for the display case. Just to showcase my talent and their appeal. As for whether or not they help you achieve intent. You question that yourself." Bai Qiu took her sword back before moving to clearing of tables. She drew her sword and began moving in fashion similar to fierce winter storm. You could feel the world around her becoming colder. Snow started drifting in heavy. Each snow pellet look soft as feather. I pick up a roll and tossed it over and everybody breathe caught as the rolled was sliced into tiny pieces before disappearing from one vision. Bai Qiu sheath her before strutting over. I rolled my eyes and turned to the expressionless elders but I knew they were excited. Mother nodded in approval. "I will bring your brother over. I am sure he has some kind of crazy design he would prefer anyway." Mother turned to Bai Qiu. "I am also glad to see you are making progress. Half step into divine realm and already reach 'one with the world'. It was the right choice to send you here instead of lose a valuable disciple." Bai Qiu blushed and I raised my eyebrow. She gave me that look as if we would talk later. One of the elders spoke up. "I will also bring my sons over and I would love it if you could create me a battle axe. We will talk about that when they come too." They stood up after drinking another round of ale and leaving. I walk to front to check and make sure no other high ranking member was

Some of the seemingly multiple twist and turns as I write is simply because my mate whose reading this has strange reading taste. She is telling me what she wants to see and I try and fulfill it..

africanchilcreators' thoughts