
Ch 14

Author thoughts: So I thought at this point that the background information might help but then I got distracted. And lost my train of thought then imagine multiple ways things could go and before you knew it. I somewhere along the line digress from the main point.

My hips shot back to straight position and she stared at me before sighing. She released my hands to pull down her panties. She straddle me before giving me a look that made my knees weak. "If my mother didn't tell me to go easy on you. I would have beaten the shit out of you for those chains and how sore you made me." I gulped as I look at the bigger predator. Cold sheen of sweat made my body glisten like I rolled in a tub of sparkles. She wiggled her hips before taking all my energy away. When she was done with me, she just pulled me into her while dragging the covers. My body was shivering from the overuse. It didn't take her long to start snoring in my ear. Even less for me to pass out from the exhaustion.

This time, I didn't get bullied when I woke up. I took my time washing myself clean. Making sure I work out the sore muscles. I dressed in clean and last pair of clothes I made. A simple cheongsam. I conjured a chopstick and put my hair up in bun with single blue braid hanging as my bane. I rubbed mixture of liquid fat and liquids from few fragrant flowers, onto my expose chest, arms and legs. Giving myself a kind of smell that would drive myself wild. Then i headed out the room. It took me a minute to find the main hall. Where all the other families tend to hang out. People gave me mixture of lusty and possessive looks. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to utilize my natural advantage. I turned as I felt a familiar presences. Uncle Luo was talking to group of old bags while glancing my way. Kind of pervy for old bastard like himself.

I hung out in corner as I watch everybody interact before I noticed a distinction between clothes. It seemed the inner disciples had expensive clothes. While the outer disciples had coarse clothes. Of course, that could just be servants but then the servants brought in food or handle business wore different matching attire. I rubbed my thumb before walking away from the corner as lecherous little rat came my way. I quickly spotted Aunty Luo and headed for her. She turned slightly to let me know that it was fine for me to walk up. She held out one arm and I collapse into her side as that arm wrapped around me. It was for self preservation that I gave my best smile as I look up into her eyes. Aunty Luo laughed before massaging the bite mark on my neck. "Your father has been looking for you. Has a gift for your birthday since you miss it." My eyes sparkled with excitement even though I felt a bit confusion as her calling Uncle Luo my father. However, it was a politics game. Showcasing my talent in cultivation as I was first rank earth realm at nine. That was out worldly for some places. I glance behind me as Uncle Luo came up with huge smile upon his face. The ladies around him stop discussing Aunty Luo amazing children and bowed before the Patriarch. "Lil Luo, do you want to visit the main sect or really the capital?" I shrugged as my face return to its normal stoic expression. He sigh as he patted my head. "Your cousin will be going to capital to open up a restaurant. How about you go with her? I already bought mansion for you to live in. Your mother, of course, will stop by every now and then as she lives in Sect when she not here." I thanked him but didn't mean it. He talk for good hour before taking me to where I can I can find ink and scroll parchment. I spent the time until it was time to leave creating several teleportation scrolls. It was way too easy. Spreading my qi equally wasn't hard. I done it plenty before. Definitely when I interact with water particles in the air. They came in and found me working on different type of scroll with ink stain fingers and exhaustion evident in my features.

Aunty Luo picked up a few scrolls before shaking her head. "Princess, you can take a break. You don't have to work yourself into a coma." Aunty Luo waited for me to finished before lifting me as if I was play doll. She carried me to bathroom before stripping the ink stain clothes and washing me good. I must have passed out at some point because I woke up in a bumpy carriage with my head on Aunty Luo lap. I stayed in same position as she scratched my scalp, gently. "Since you are awake. Let me explained to you what to expect from the capital." I sat up and noticed three other girls in the carriage with us. Well two girls and one older lady. Probably peak sky realm. Two girls were in mortal realm. Definitely older than thirteen. I turned back to Aunty Luo for information. She rubbed her padded thumb over my cheek. "I invited them onto this journey for a reason. Luo Wuhan has two personal servants she trained. My step son has his own servants. You are the only one who doesn't out of all three of my children. They all practice a variation of water element method." She paused for second before ring appeared in her hand. "Aye, I almost forgot. I changed plans a bit. I am curious to see how you can make it on your own. Inside here is twenty gold coins and my crest." She slide it onto my finger before vanishing. I blinked a few times. Before looking at the eldest who had rank in the sky realm.

"Don't look at me. I was told you could assist me in overcoming the barrier keeping me from divine realm." I turned to the other girls who look like they might have a clue. They were average in looks and talents it seems. She was giving a challenge that she probably would fail. Imparting cultivation insights were hard if the listener lack the mindset. I tried with Alice and it was like talking to wall. The short chubby girl passed over a booklet with light blue cover. I flipped it open and study it for few seconds. Then it click. This was cultivation method and it relied on principle of morning dew. Which was thought to nourish life. The effects was suppose to help her become slightly more attractive but because of her incompatibility. She made small gains in it. I passed it back before looking at the other girl. Who look a little more put together minus the pudgy stomach and freckles on her arms. She took out book and I flipped through it. This one focus on principle of rain. It could be considered more powerful as rain had so many things it symbolizes. Renewal of life or painful loss. Water is often times considered along the lines of birth and fertility but that was the western ideology. Chinese believed water was a yin property. That it represented intelligence, wisdom, flexibility, softness, and emotional calmness.

When I focus on meditating myself, I am focus on simply things. How water can be headstrong and violent or soft and calm. Frigid and remorseless. Like an ex who cheated on you and think you are not man enough because you move on. They pick decent principles to focus on if they at all focus on them. Most people in the body tempering to sky realm tend to forget the true purpose of the first couple ranks. And that is to slowly adapt themselves to laws that govern them. I handed hers back and turned to the sky realm girl. She pulled out her booklet and I studied it. Hers was more appealing to me than the others. That was because I focus on a more yin and yang deal. Ice and water. Soft and hard. Don't get me wrong. Ice was just a aspect of solidifying water. I knew a lot more about ice than morning dew. Don't get me wrong. I just never look or thought about something soft as morning dew. Rain, sure. When it's heavy downpour. Everything seems to stop existing but you and the sounds of rain crashing down.

I rubbed my chin while I ponder how best I can help them become more compatible with the principle they were comprehending. Since all it took to enter heaven realm is for them to comprehend a principle. Snow globes were amazing creations. They could house a memory for as long as they remain unbroken. That memory could lead you into a world of fantasies. I held my palm up and pictured a rainy day in meadow. How the brilliant green grass darkens..The sun is overturn and the dark clouds reign supreme. How all sounds but the majestic sounds of every life in a single drop compounds into a symphony. Like million drummers boys beating at different times, every alternating second. Like marching to war drum drill. I bottle all that up as I let that scene replay over and over again in my mind. Transferring that feeling of power and vitality into snow globe. When I finished, I open my eyes and stared at the amazing scene. All three girls look at me as if I was Godzilla. Awe and fear evident in their eyes. I turned to the pudgy girl with the freckles. "This should be able to assist you in finding meaning in your path." I tossed it to her and she caught it like it was a precious thing. I glance at the fat girl. Well she wasn't truly fat just chubby. Like her parents told her not to stop eating or something.

"I never really thought about your principle of water. I always focus on what could be used to kill someone or protect myself. Saying that if you look at my features. You can guess what path I focus on." Both girls who were left out. Studied my face before the ice girl spoke. "I would say you comprehended some frozen arts?" I shook my head. "The only art I comprehended was movement speed. Everything I do is by using my will and my comprehension of water aspect." Ice girl look as if she didn't believe me but I wave my hands in front of her. While conjuring miniature snow typhoon in my palms. I transform them to dancing polar bears then swimming fishes. She stared in awe before doubting again. She probably seen an art that could do this. Which was why I didn't try very hard to convince her. However, I did create what I thought of morning dew. The renewal and nourishment of life. I gave the snow globe to fat girl before sending my will into the storage ring. There was not only thousand gold taels but bolts of fabric, food, water, and materials to make scrolls.

The ice girl coughed. "What about me, young mistress?" I shivered before turning to the only other attractive person. "I would have to watch you fight in order to learn what path you took. Or if you have few scrolls of the arts you learned?" Ice girl took out several scrolls from her ring. "My name is Bai Qiu and here." I unfolded the scrolls and read them one after another. Her movement art was simple one that created mirages of herself. She didn't move all that fast but it was confusing. However, I doubted she focus on it beyond getting it to third level. The art was mostly focus on fire element. It wasn't compatible unless you exchange the fire parts with water element. A bowl of water could reflect your image back at you. Same as any body of water. In fact, ocean is the reason the sky is blue. Her offensive scrolls outnumbered the defensive options. Which was expected. A lot of people felt that flashy killing options were sexy. Thus the didn't focus on what the defensive options offer. Like mine for example, I could use the water particles to feel my enemies location and how they were going to react. Which made me a better fighter than I was. Her offensive spells left little to the imagination. If you think about it that all arts require you to be able to visualize the move before you use it but they give you picture or diagram to guide you. Then when it comes to something truly hard like making your own art or free-styling. Which is what I do. Then you are shit out of luck. My fighting style is base off need. If I want to be domineering, I can do so because my will at that moment is stronger than my will at peaceful time. So having an art limits your actually capabilities.

I tossed the scrolls back to her after getting an idea of where she was at. Not that I could really guide her as she not use to doing her own thing. I took out jar of ink, a quill, and parchment that was almost as long as my hair. I began writing down the instructions to freestyle art that I learned to first move my qi into different shapes before learning how to use it to change the elements around me. Everything was made up of matter and matter could then be broken down into various chemistry elements. If you want to add layman terms to it, then I guess you can say everything is broken down into five major types of physical elements. Water, wind, earth, fire, and life. Ninety percent of most planets surface area is cover by water. Same with a person or thing body. Flesh could be considered a part of earth. To stay alive, we need the nourishment of fire but it also something that keeps our blood flowing smoothly. You could say that you breathe in and out air. And life is reason you are able to walk on any planet. It could be said to be your core of existences. The matrix of million questions. Does a soul really exist? Each of the base elements governs our world and our lives. We worship these elements without even knowing why. We given physical manifestation to a concept and that concept awaken its own soul.

Despite that, I digress. Every matter is made up of billions of atoms that could be the building blocks or it could be something else. But if you considered that base building blocks are neutral and they only take form to converge into one of the base elements then into something else. Then why can't you control it to bring into existences what was already there. The reason I can turn my essences into physical solid material is because only one percent of my essences is used in making these objects. The rest is provided by the environment.

I stop just before my qi almost ran dry. I didn't realize how hard it was to impart intent into words until i tried to make a art myself. I passed the half done parchment to her. She could study the first three levels now. I needed a break and long nap. Two weeks in and I don't understand how these girls were progressing. The questions they ask lack substances but that could be just my western experience. I expected them to want to know the why and how. Not baseless confirmation that they were using their imaginations finally. I sigh as the driver pulled the carriage over by river bank. Perfect time to take a bath. I jump out the stuffy carriage and headed for the bank. I took off my clothes and piled it on the bank before stepping in. The water was perfect but I couldn't tell the differences between cold water anyway. I pulled out soap bar and began scrubbing myself. Little miss touchy touch plop her fat ass right behind me and started groping me. I noticed she has a habit of touching people and she can't help herself. She grew up with a bunch of sisters and they were all way to close. Definitely for my taste. Bai Qiu stepped in few yards away from me and Pan Xia. I couldn't blame her. Poor little Ma Yu shyly undress and hurried into the water. She was from rural village and her family sold her to clan for much needed income. Her talent wasn't bad, however, it wasn't good enough for her to be considered worthy of being inner disciple. Considering most outer disciples never make it to be inner disciple. They tend to become servants. I sighed in annoyances as I scrubbed my armpits.

"I thought Elder Luo said you were boy." Pan Xia exclaimed for the eighteen time. I wasn't going to explain until I saw Bai Qiu head underneath me. I felt her hand slipped between my leg and I let my irritation out in freezing aura that didn't really bother Bai Qiu. But sent Pan Xia swimming away. Bai Qiu head popped out the water and she waited for explanation. I sighed as she was my guard more or less and actually member of Aunty Luo sect. Core disciple with promising future. Whether she made it to heaven realm or not. Thus she had the power now and later to make my life a little less boring.

I continued washing myself and spoke with almost caring voice. "I practice an extreme yin and soft yin, yin and yang method." That was all i was going to say on the matter but it seem to pique her interest. "I seen a bunch of guys practiced frozen arts but they don't transition into a female." She grabbed my breast and I batted her hands away before trying something I thought about for a while. My body changed to water qi as I teleported onto the bank. I pulled out towel and began drying off while their mouths fell open. "I would not have changed if it had not been for the fact that I am practicing quad yin method. Water by itself is yin property. Ice is considered extreme yin and because at the time my yang was overpowering my yin. I refined my mother yin after she was done servicing my father. Plus I mostly refine the moon yin and my comprehension into water and its various aspects is godly." While I didn't mean to brag. I did hate not bragging. Despite my vague answer, Bai Qiu eyes still lit up as she appeared before me like a ghost. Before I even realized it, I was laying on my back and this pest was hover over me. I noticed the driver glance our way. "If you need to be service, I am more than willing to sacrifice my purity for you." I rolled my eyes as I slipped from underneath her. "I understand and when I am in need. I will call you." However, that will be a while as I was sore and scared to play in that field again. Back on the road and it took us another week to make it to the capital. I was expecting a mansion after what Uncle Luo said but what the driver took us to was definitely not a mansion. It was blacksmith two story, store on the main stretch. Fully stock with precious materials. I walk through it for a while before sighing. Aunty Luo was definitely not someone I wanted to get on bad side of. Her power was much more dangerous than she let on. You could feel the lightning crackling underneath her skin and we usually take on the personality of the elements we take after.

I began cleaning up the store front while the others clean up the apartment above. The driver even took a room and I knew that he was one of the guards. Since he was in the heaven rank. I wasn't all that worried. While I was cleaning, I was also laying down defensive and invasive arrays. I had plenty of high tier orbs to work wit. So I wasn't going to be stingy. It took me a few hours to lay down such a large and intricate system of arrays that would piggy back off each other. When I walk back inside from checking out the forge, I noticed the driver sitting on the counter reading a book. He look too scholarly to be simple servant. Actually he look a bit like Aunty Luo. I bowed to him before searching the cabinets and shelves for inventory list. He pointed at top shelf that I could not reach. I glance at him and gave him my best cute face and he chuckled. "I guess I will get it for you, little miss." He spoke in elegant tone. Something you would expect from an official. He pulled down three books and passed them to me. I flipped open all three at the same time and realized one was just expensive. While the other much thicker list what materials and where the bulk of them came from. How much the cost. I rubbed my chinny chin chin before turning to the Elder. "Uncle Luo, do you mind finding me someone reliable to help me run the store front? Nobody will take a nine year old seriously." He nodded and crouched down. "How do you figure I am your uncle? And your mother arranged for young miss to come by tomorrow morning. She will handle what every products you wish to sell." i gave him bright smile and he glance away while rubbing his neck.

"You look like Luo Ming. So you must be related by mother. Considering you are in divine realm. Close brother." I tilted my head as if to ask if I was right. He just laughed before patting my head. "You are smart little princess. I see why your mother bribe me to watch over you." He pick up a chair and went through back area. I headed downstairs and began laying down an array to increase the storage space. A bit of spatial dimension stuff. I had to take several breaks as it drained me harder than making scrolls. When i expanded the basement to four times its original size. I almost cried when I saw how I had to reorganize everything. I sighed before taking off the dress and putting on sports bra and shorts. I almost cried as I ran out of essences moving such heavy things after setting up so many arrays but by the time I came up for bed. The not so useless servants had prepared meal for me in the upstairs kitchen. I ate before walking into the bathroom. I was definitely not about to take baths using tubs anymore. With my last remaining strength. I set up a decent shower system out that absorb essences in the air to recover itself.