
Uncommon DC

Blue skies. Lush green trees. Rolling amber hills. Oceans that stretch for thousands of miles. Bustling cities and small towns. Vibrant, colourful life, community and culture. All of it kept safe by a squadron of super heroes known as the Justice League. But one variable occurred, disrupting this so call "peace"

spinxino · Movies
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5 Chs

Taking Action

Issac left the hotel without any trouble and drove back to his apartment at 6pm.

Before entering his apartment door, he looked at the bottom of the door to still see his strip of paper there.

"Great, no one broke in while I was away" Issac said as he opened the door and made himself a quick egg meal.

Issac got on his bed after eating and while laying down he emailed his boss for a 1 month vacation.

Without thinking too much, Issac quickly fell into deep sleep while he was mentally drained the whole day.


Issac woke up refreshed, while yawning and stretching, took a cold shower, put on running clothes and cooked fried rice.

After a 30 minute jog, Issac came back to his apartment, and meditated.

Turned off the lights, cover the window, dark room.

"It seems the original body is affecting me less the more I meditate. Now It's time to take action and completely devour the remaining consciousness" Issac said with a huge grin plastered on his face.

Issac closed his eyes and breathed slowly in and out.

Everything turned black. The noise outside became incomprehension.

Issac faded in and out of consciousness until everything turned into nothingness.

Inside Issac consciousness, a white hazy figure with lights shining out of the darkness is laying in the void completely unaware of the danger incoming.

In the distance void a dark abyss like hazy figure stalked its prey, slowly walking to it.

Issac looked down with no emotion and struck out his void hand slowly, closer and closer to his target.

As the distance comes closer and his hands came in contact with the white hazy figure.

Dark snake lines escaped from Issac hands and instantly crawled on the white hazy figure until its completely covered in dark, just like Issac abyss figure.

The now new dark figure is turned into energy form, quickly floating to Issac and being absorbed.

In this void, where lights shine and dim.

There's only one abyss figure, who now owns this void.

Issac slowly let himself wander out of consciousness.

As he came back to his sense, with the outside noise confirming he left.

Issac slowly felt his mind feel clearer then ever before, he can even remember the exact food he ate at January 12th, 2:13 pm, 2012.

"Amazing, never knew absorbing another human soul can lead to such an advantage. The soul is really a mystery" Issac said with amazement and curiosity.

He wonder If he absorbed all humans soul will he become a god?

"For the current me, It's impossible to extend my soul out of my body. Only defence I have is if someone weaker or similar soul strength enters my soul, I might be able to absorb them" Issac said as he quickly deduce his current soul strength.

Issac needs to conduct further analysis and experiments.

But right now Issac main focus is the technology route.

1 year later

Issac used his new insane soul benefits to instantly memorize all the stocks books he read and put it into practical use since all of it was theoretical.

By now, his assets accumulated to a terrifying amount of a hundred millions. He's a well known genius investor in the stock market community with his instant predictions.

A hidden underground base in Arizona.

In a laboratory room

There stood a young man in a lab coat alone talking to himself.

"what is the soul? where is it? can you measure it? touch it? recreate it? reincarnation and unexplained brain activity indicate the existence of the soul?" Issac said to himself with a curious expression.

Ever since Issac found out souls exist, he's been fascinated about it.

Day and night he would do in depth research on it, hoping to gain insight.

He even re-created the famous 21 grams experiment but with more advanced resource, technology and specific measurements. The results wasn't surprising.

But that's just a hobby for Issac, his main goal is sci-fi technology's.

He once invested in major technology companies/organization, like Wayne Enterprises, LexCorp and Palmer Technologies for hope to create powerful weapons.

Now his work has paid off, he created clones with each identity hidden all over the world, artificial intelligence to monitor, private military, etc.

He's now comparable to Bruce Wayne in the span of 1 year, thanks to how fast technology is advancing.

Before Issac can think any further he had a struck of thought.

Why can't he take the Soul and Technology power route together?

He has the money to make technology weapons and he has the soul power with infinite potential.

"I see, so this is the feeling of cognitive bias. Two brains are better then one."

"It seems like I need to program new A.I to install all my idea's. I.D.E.A - Innovation for Development Excellence Analysis."

"Noxus, connect my consciousness to the database and upload all my theoretical ideas."

"Create I.D.E.A, A.I"

"Give I.D.E.A the Deputy permission."

"Restrict other key access"

Issac said to Noxus, his personal A.I that monitors everything he controls, so it's stable enough.

One factor for his quick success.

"Committing Protocol 12"

"Creating I.D.E.A, A.I"

"Giving and restricting I.D.E.A permission to better serve host"

A emotionless and cold male voice echoed in Issac soul.

Yes, Issac biggest gain so far wasn't the technology weapons or making connections with powerful people.

But breaking the materialistic, metaphysics view of combining Soul and Technology by using very advanced Neuroscience and Solipsistic.