
Ultra Sapien : Soul Fraction[dropped,sorry guys]

Edward, on his way to become a millionaire got his path cut short and died before he reach his goal. However, his perseverance and attitude has given him the grace to try for the second time but now with even greater goal, within a greater reality! Now with a headstart that none could compare against, what path would Edward take? will he be a Saint? a Devil? or a simple bystander? ================================ Author-san Notes : MC(Edward) will be the complete antithesis of another MC(David) but they're not enemies per se. This fanfic will present the clash of three transmigrators from Earth. Edward with his innate gift after rebirth. David who starts from the very bottom after transmigration. and Clark with OP powers granted by a certain High Being. The former barely has moral baseline, the latter is too fixed on being a human, and the final one took everything for granted. While this fanfic contains a lot of dark R-18 elements in latter chapters, I will add many comedy elements as well. Hence the tags.

FakeOda · Movies
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20 Chs

Dr. Wellmont

"Fascinating how a single drop of blood could be made into such calamitous wonder weapon of destruction." Wellmont said with fervent fascination in his eyes.

Dr. Wellmont, one of the oldest, strongest, and most intelligent member of the Saint race has pursued the truth behind Overlord race for thousands of years.

Behind the one-way glass window he's standing at, in a white room, is a young boy barely 10 years old. An Ultra Sapiens that Dr. Wellmont manage to kidnap. The boy is an orphan, which is a very rare case and they are usually very well protected. The fact that he manage to take one for his experiment speaks volume of his intelligence and cunningness.

Dr. Wellmont has created several 'homonculus' from the boy's blood, and put them up for a 'stress test' that results in chaos on several worlds.

The homonculus of his creation, couldn't really hold the immense power that was evident inside the boy's blood.

The result? The homonculus appearance became savage and fear inducing monstrosity.

Dr. Wellmont 'adopted' the young boy and he already prepared the necessary steps in order to turn him into the perfect Overlord race's terminator.

Aside from his 'mad scientist' vibe and way of doing stuffs, Dr. Wellmont also has his own 'network' including high status individuals from several races which allow him to walk away scot-free even if he did heinous war crimes. Just like that one particularly nasty occupier 'country' on Earth. In comparison however, Dr. Wellmont has actual power to do as he wish. Trickery and deceit are nothing more than simple by-product of his intelligence.

"An Ultra's blood are much more potent than the pedestal I put it on. The fact that not even the Genesis Runes could dis-obscure Ultra Sapien's Life Code isn't even a matter worth being surprised over. As expected of the Ultimate race." Dr. Wellmont heaved a weary breath. However, his face later twisted in hysterical delight as his lips curved upward. The look on his face would send shivers as he look like a devil that has found it's perfect prey.

"The time for me to obtain power on par with the Ultra Sapien would surely come. And when it came. No. When I surpassed the might of the Ultra Sapien, nothing could, or would block my road any longer. I will be the owner of all life! HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Dr. Wellmont laughed hysterically within the confine and comfort of his hidden lab.


"Welcome Father." Said the young man while bowing slightly to the person that entered his small tree hut. The young man wore worn down cloth, but underneath that, his body exude palpable aura but it pales in comparison to the newcomer.

Axel's father nod his head as response to his bow. He closed the door behind him and walk toward the only wooden chair in the tree hut and sat down. Axel followed his father and sit down on the floor facing the latter.

"The elders proposed a gathering for younger generation. It will take place in Blue town next week. Also, a war is coming. You will need to take part in it." The man said. Axel kept sitting in silence and didn't even question his father's word.

"Yes, father." Axel knew what he should do even without an explanation from his father. In Ultra Dimension, the higher the standing of a family or clan, the harsher their living condition are. Such system were made so that the strong would always remain strong and stronger. Such was the fate of those 'unlucky' enough to be born in a prestigious household in Ultra Dimension.

Contrary to that, the people within prestigious family or clan also hold privilege that are very hard to acquire for 'normal' citizens. One example is the opportunity to descend on Infinite Space.

It is obvious that Axel has descend to Infinite Space before and he's just came back home to Ultra Dimension several days ago under the same circumstances as Edward and many of his peers.

In his descend to Infinite Space, Axel found a hidden realm that was not in his clan's record. Without much hesitation, Axel chose to descend on that realm while locking away most of his strength. It was an unwritten rule among the Ultra Sapien to lock their power when descending down on lower level worlds so as not to destroy the fabric of reality and thus, avoid completely destroying the world to dust.

The world which he entered, is a typical cultivation world but with more complete cultivation realm levels and technique. Which points out that the strength of the world's inhabitants to be much more comprehensive than most worlds of the same type.

Axel started out using a forged identity claiming that he is an orphan and became a rogue cultivator. For a thousand years, he didn't even open a layer of his strength that he locked away and did the complete opposite. He gradually lower his strength to suit the circumstances of this world. All while paving his own legend in that world.

He is aware that his name and legendary feats start to become occasional words spoken by many across the world but his goals lay elsewhere. He seeks to refine his temperament and not spread his glory. Thus, the words of legend surrounding him was not directly spread by him but by the eyewitnesses.

What better method to refine his temperament than taking on a role of a teacher, correct? And so, Axel begin another chapter of his journey by taking in disciples to teach a snippet of his knowledge and at the same time, seek to obtain the mystery behind all Dao and Paths. He learn as he taught, and he taught what he learn. A continuous cycle that he grew to be fond of.


At this very moment, the peace back on Earth where David is in, are about to get disrupted. The epilogue of Marvel Cinematic series has already kicked in after Tony Stark made his first Iron suit. Mark One.

The very moment he land in America, he immediately ordered his secretary Pepper to arrange a press. Without giving any explanation to anyone. David were also present on site where the press were hold but he doesn't make himself visible and hid at an inconspicuous corner while hearing Tony's announcement about shutting down it's weapon production line.

While the press is in full swing, someone from the crowd stood up. Tony's eyes caught the sudden movement and trained his eyes on that person.

"Hello Mr. Stark. My name is Harold Gabon. Spokesperson of the Maverick Corporation. I came to announce that Maverick Corporation has made a decision to cut off our partnership with Stark Industries." Harold said with a voice loud enough for everyone present to hear.

Tony scoffed at Harold's word because he thought that the Maverick Corporation has been playing an active role in the company's illegal distribution of weapons to terrorist. Just like what he had personally experienced in Afghanistan. However, he didn't express his thought. As for Harold's identity? Tony had of course seen him before, during annual meetings and some other company's event.

Without the support of the Giga corporation, Stark Industries would be having a lot of troubles waiting them ahead. It's reach and influence would be cut short, meaning that the company would go downhill from this moment on. However, that doesn't mean that Stark Industries would face bankruptcy in the near future. It only means that the money rolling in would drop down at least by 50%.

"That's unfortunate but Stark Industries won't reconsider reopening the arms production line." Tony said in flat tone. Hearing that, Harold nodded and walk out of the press. All the while, the flashes of cameras didn't cease for a second and everything were captured. Oh how tumultuous the next morning news would be.

After another short while, the press ended and only then did Tony went to his home to rest. But not for long as he got a very important matter to do. He wanted to make a better suit to prepare for whatever will come. And so, Tony spent most of his time staying cooped up in his lab.


User : David Davidson

Powers : [Superhuman Strength],

[Superior Sense],[The Alpha Male],[Eldritch Magic Mastery V],[Superior Physique of Mana],[Worlds Walker]

Perk : [Explosive Growth],

[Willpower/Weapon],[Hunter or Predator?],[Eldritch Hollow Core],[Sustenance of Sustainability],[Reality Warp Immunity (IV)]

With the coming of Iron Man, it indicates that the calm before the storm period has started with the storm already entering the line of sight. I knew days ahead would be perilous and with how much I've worked my ass off due to constant pestering of those unknown masked people, I felt almost ready to face the future.

Thor would get banished to Earth, Shield baring it's face more often, Dr. Banner pulled into it's fold, and the reemergence of Captain America. After that, I think the New York invasion would start?

Oh yes, it looks like I've entered the radar of Shield. Nick Fury even go to the length of sending Black Widow to scout me. Since I already knew who she is and the fact that she approach me using a forged identity, makes it much more fun to play game with her. Well, two can play this game that Shield's cooked out.

Black Widow is a meanie, and she likes to said subtle threats a lot whenever she felt like losing grounds to me. Also, I've caught her red-handed when she was trying to install hidden spying camera and microphone around mine and Francisca's place. It has been so long, if ever, did she get caught doing it during her 'career' and seeing how hard she's trying to hide her awkwardness is a bit refreshing.

Yup, I'm currently staying together with my girl Francisca at her place. Oh don't worry, I got tons of money though I don't work. My focus lay solely on preparing myself for troubled times ahead. For the note, I won't be playing a hero much. However, I will take in part in many future events as a way to gain experience. Especially in a battle against a certain purple fucker.