
Uchiha revenge DxD

Vasilli_niko · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Raynare and Kalawarner

Raynare was shocked to see two more of him. "H-How did you do that?" She asked.

"There is no time for talk." Madara rushed Raynare and his two clones attacked the other two female Fallen's.

He thrusted his fist at Raynare but she moved her head out of the way in the nic of time. She made a light sword and tried to stab him in the chest but he jumped over it.

"Your to slow." Madara said as he went for a leg sweep but she took flight.

Kalawarner is struggling with her opponent. "Is this all you can do?" He punched her across the face then he roundhouse kicked her making her fall to a knee.

"Your an eyesore." He said as he grabbed her by the hair and lifted her up. "Why is it that every person I fight they are either a pedo or a prostitute answer me that?"

Kalawarner clenched her teeth and she tried to punch him but he caught her fist. "Not so fast." Madara threw her hand away.

"He raised his hand and made it into a fist. He thrusted his fist forward and was going for her neck but he let her go and jumped back dodging a light spear.

"You almost got me there you little Devil." Raynare clenched her fist. "I am not a Devil."

"Your opponent is me." Madara threw a shuriken at her and cut her cheek a little. Raynare flew straight at him with Mittelt behind her both ready to cut him in half.

Madara smiled and crossed his arms. The both of them swung there swords and cut him in half.

Raynare turned around and looked at him. "How does it feel to be a

worthless human?" She asked.

"Oh wait you can't answer because your dead hahahahaha."

"Take that you stupid human." Mittelt said as she was stomping on his upper half. As she was doing that his body became smoke and a log was there instead of him.

"What the? Where did he go?" Raynare asked. "Well, I guess it's time to end our little dance." Raynare and Mittelt were looking around to see where that voice came from.

"Show yourself you worthless human." She said. "Very well then."

"Fire Style: Dragon Flame Loud Singing Jutsu" Madara said as he shot out three flaming dragons at them.

Raynare turned around and she widened her eyes. "What are you doing Raynare? Get out the way!" Mittelt yelled.

Raynare flew up in the air but the the dragons were still following her. "Leave me alone." She said as she flew away from them but they kept following her.

"Raynare was flying faster and faster trying to get away from it but the dragons were getting closer and closer.

She flew towards Mittelt and landed beside her. "Alright Mittelt let's try to block this together." She said.

Mittelt nodded and got her sword ready. As the dragons came to them Raynare threw Mittelt in front of her and She flew towards Kalawarner.

The dragons blew up upon contact. Making Mittelt nothing but a pile of ashes.

Madara walked towards Raynare and Kalawarner. "I am truly disappointed in you brats."

Raynare looked at him with narrowed eyes. "And why is that?" "Well, you guys couldn't dance any longer. All of you are boring partners." He said.

"I will never lose to a human you hear me? NEVER?" Raynare tried to make a light spear but Madara's clone kicked her hand.

Raynare looked to her right to see the the same person. "H-How? Just tell me how is there another person just like you?" She asked."Now why would I tell you such a thing?" Raynare looked at him with a angry expression.

"I must end this now." Madara walked up to the both of them and his clone disappeared.

Madara made a fist and pulled it back ready to punch her right in the neck. He thrusted his fist forward.

"WAIT!" She yelled. Madara was a centimeter away from delivering the killing blow. Raynare was shaking in fear. She was never scared from a human.

But for the first time in her life she is trembling in fear. She threw Mittelt in front of her to save her own life.

Raynare got on both knees and lowered her head in front of him. "Please don't kill us. I beg of you. Let us serve you. You will be our Master and we will listen to anything you say. So please don't kill us."

Madara stared at her for a bit before replying. "No" Raynare eyes went wide at what he said.

"WE WILL DO ANYGHING! if you wish for someone to be killed it will be done, if you wish to rule the world we will help you, if you wish to use our bodies anyway you like we will let you." She said as tears came out of her eyes.

Kalawarner was shocked to hear her say this. Raynare becoming a slave to a human is something she can't believe.

"Raise your head." Raynare did as she was told. She raised her head slowly and looked up at him but when she did she was shocked to see those crimson eyes again.

"I will let you serve me but if I desire to kill the Devil king or rule the world you will obey my every wish. Am I clear?"

Raynare was lost in his eyes but was brought back to reality when he raised his voice. "Am I clear?"

Raynare nodded and she looked at Kalawarner indicating for her to bow down before him.

Kalawarner went beside Raynare and bowed before him. "What should we call you then?" Kalawarner asked.

"My name is Madara Uchiha." He said. "And as for my first order we are heading back to my place." 〔Yes Master} the both them said. "Just Lord Madara will suffice."

The both of them nodded and they stood up. "Let us go." He turned around and they started to go to his apartment.

Scene Break

Issei was walking home and thinking on what Madara said to him the other day. "When you are in love you must accept the fact that there will be pain, hatred and most of all despair."

"Should I fall in love? If I don't there won't be any despair or pain, I would be fine. Ahhhh forget it. That is why I am the ultimate pervert who needs one girl where I can just peep on millons." He said with a smile.

Issei frowned at the thought of someone important in his life dying in front of him. The longer you live the more you realize Reality is just made of pain, suffering and emptiness."

"Why am I thinking of this? I need to think of something else. I will never become like him and be swallowed by the dark." Issei looked up in the sky.

"Maybe he is right. Maybe this world and it's people are filled with pain, suffering and emptiness."

As Issei was walking back home he bumped into someone. "Ahhhh" the girl yelped.

Issei looked down to see a nun. "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." He said as he lowered his hand so he could help her up.

"No, I'm sorry." She said as she grabbed his hand. Issei helped her up. "I'm sorry but can you help me out?" She asked.

"Yea sure I can do that." He said. "Well you see i'm lost and I don't know where to go." She said.

"Where are you trying to go?" "I'm looking for a church on top of a hill?" She said.

"Ohhh I see, just follow me then." He said as he started to walk towards the church. "Thank you so much." She said with a smile.

As they were walking Issei finally spoke up. "So what's your name?" Issei asked. "My name is Asia Argento. What's yours?"

"My name is Issei Hyoudou." Issei couldn't believe how pretty she looked. As they were nearing the church a boy ran by them and fell to the ground crying.

Asia ran up to the boy. "Don't cry i'm gonna heal you up." She said as she started to heal his wound.

"Thank you." The boy said as he stood up and ran. 'This must be a Sacred Gear I keep hearing from Rias.'

"Well just go straight you can't miss it." He said. "Thank you so much Issei."

"It's no problem." He said as he turned around and started to walk back home. Issei put one of his hands in his pockets and looked back up in the sky.

"I guess we will just see if your right Mr. Uchiha." Issei looked back down and narrowed his eyes. Scene Break

Q Suche

Madara sat down on his chair looking at his two servants. "Now, if you will be serving me you will remove those pathetic clothings of yours and dress more properly."

Raynare and Kalawarner both nodded and they stood up removing there clothes. "Not in front of me. There is a bathroom over there use it."

"And one more thing. There are clothes provided for you in there so just put them on." He said as he closed his eyes.

The two Fallen's went over to the bathroom and started to change. "Hey Raynare? Do you think this was the best choice?" She asked with a frown. "What do you mean?" Kalawarner looked at her with a serious expression. "I mean do you think making this decision of making us slaves to a human?" Raynare frowned for a second before making a small smile. "We will just have to see." She said as she started putting on the clothes they were provided. Raynare and Kalawarner both walked out wearing a bare-bellybutton jacket with the Uchiha crest on the back. Raynares being black and Kalawarners being purple colored jackets.

They had short black skirts that go above there knees and they had high thigh black stockings with a garter belt.

"This makes us even more erotic then ever." Kalawarner said. Madara opened up his eyes and looked at the both of them.

"At least your not wearing those perverted clothings." He said. "And what are these symbols on the back of our clothes?" Raynare asked.

"That is the Uchiha clan symbol." He said. "Uchiha clan?" Raynare asked confused.

"Yes, that is the clan I am apart of." "Sounds pretty weird to me." Kalawarner said.

"So let me ask you this then. How do you do that weird eye thing then? I have never seen anyone in the entire world do such a thing like you do." Raynare asked.

"That's a story for another time but for now I have a mission for you blueberry."

Kalawarner took this as a insult. "I have a name you kn-" Madara stared at her with eyes intend to kill.

"What is it you wish Lord Madara?" Madara regained a calm expression before speaking.

"I want you to try and set up a meeting between me and this Azazel guy." He said. Kalawarner went wide eyed at that.

"I can't just ask for him I am a low class Angel I need to be a high ranking official to try and contact him.

Raynare eyes were wide as well. "Well you better hury and find a way because my patience is running thin." He said. Kalawarner bowed and left his apartment. "And as for you. We are going to speak with the Devil's in school." Raynare's shock keeps rising by the second.

"Why would we do such a thing?" She asked. "Simple, so we can stop this little fight between you brats so I can live peacefully."

Raynare sighed and she walked over to the kitchen to start making something for dinner.

Scene Break

"Koneko do you got any reports?" Rias asked. "No"

"Well Rias, what if he isn't really a threat. What if he is just living here and doing his job?" Akeno asked.

"I highly doubt that. He could be working for a faction Akeno. And plus he could have a Sacred Gear as well." Rias said as she put a hand to her chin.

Rias couldn't forget the thing she saw when she and her peerage teleported to the park. Those piercing eyes that were glowing a crimson red in the dark. Rias wanted to ask him about his eyes but she was to sacred to ask.

"Alright everyone there is a stray nearby so we will soon leave to go deal with it." Rias said as she was looking around.

"Where's Issei?" Kiba looked over to her. "He went home. He said he wasn't feeling good."

"I see, everyone get ready, we are departing soon."

{Yes President!} They all yelled.

Scene Break

Issei was sleeping peacefully but after a while he started to turn in his bed quickly.

Issei's Dream

"Ahhhhhhhh! What is this?" He asked. [You are dreaming boy] A voice said.

"Who's there?" Issei was looking back and forth looking to see where that voice came from.

[Behind you] Issei turned around and looked up to see a big red dragon. "WHAT THE FUCK!" He yelled as he tried to run but he wasn't moving at all.

[Listen to me boy my name is Ddraig and you are my partner so hurry up and summon me]

Dream End

Issei woke up and sat up quickly. He had sweat going down his whole body. "What the hell was that?" He stood up and went to his bathroom to wash his face.

He bent down and put his hands together so he could get as much water in his hands. Once he had a handful of water he splashed his face.

He looked up at the mirror and saw that same red dragon.