
Uchiha revenge DxD

Vasilli_niko · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Meeting between Issei

Chapter 2

Dohnaseek was surprised to see his eyes go from black to crimson in just a blink of an eye. "Who are you?" He asked again.

"Like I said before, I am Madara Uchiha." Dohnaseek raised his hand up and made a light spear.

"Do you honestly think that little twig of a spear can harm me?" Madara asked. "Of course because a human like yourself is nothing compared to me. NOW DIE!" Dohnaseek threw the light spear.

Madara jumped over it and ran straight to him. "Don't get cocky now human." Dohnaseek made another light spear and threw it again at him.

"Come onnnn, show me a fight, not a dance recital." Madara jumped out of the way and thrust his fist at Dohnaseek's face but he jumped back. Dohnaseek started to get mad. "Why won't you just die?" He asked.

"You think that those weapons of yours can do anything to me?" Madara jumped straight at him and kicked him in the gut.

Dohnaseek flew a couple feet from the kick hitting his back against a tree. Dohnaseek threw up some blood.

"Boring, this is truly boring. You can't bring anything to the table so I will just finish this. I will end your miserable life." Madara walked slowly towards Dohnaseek.

"Let me ask you this. Do you feel fear?" Madara asked as he was almost a few feet away from him.

"haha...hahahaha...hahahahahaha. I feel fear? You must be stupid if you think I would ever fear a human." Dohnaseek slowly got up.

He stared into Madara's eyes. "Then let me give you a first-hand experience of fear," Madara said with a sinister smile.

"I will never fear you." Dohnaseek held his gut. Madara grabbed his neck with his right hand.

"Let me take you to a place where time is slowed." Madara closed his eyes then opened them up slowly.

"Tsukuyomi," Madara said and the world changed around them. "What is this place?" Dohnaseek looked around him and saw he was tied up.

"What the hell? What did you do to me?" He asked.

"You are going to be here for three days and in those three days you will experience hell." He said.

Dohnaseek tried to get himself untied but he couldn't. "Let me out of here." He demanded.

"Don't even bother, you can't escape," Madara said.

"Time and space are slowed down and now let us begin." Madara grabbed a sword and plunged him in the gut.

Dohnaseek screamed in pain.

"Hmmm, it seems like this isn't enough. Madara said. Dohnaseek blinked and saw more Madara's around him. "What is this? H-How is t-there more o-of you?"

Madara didn't answer him and he stabbed him again and the other Madara's did the same.

There were at least 50 swords in him. "AHHHHHHHH... (pant) m-make its-stop p-please." He pleaded.

"Ohhhh, are you begging to be spared? Don't make me laugh. You think that you can start a battle then beg to be spared? You're a fool." Madara stabbed him again.

After ten minutes Dohnaseek was nearly dead. "Is i-it over n-now?" He asked.

"Well only 71 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds have passed," Madara said. Dohnaseek looked at Madara with fear "AHHHHHH NO NO NO, LET ME OUT I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE AHHHHH!" Madara removed the genjutsu from Dohnaseek and they were back in the real world.

Madara removed his hand from his neck and Dohnaseek fell down lifeless from the immense torture on the mind.

Issei was confused. He saw his teacher stare at the guy for like ten seconds then he just fell to the ground.

Issei got up and slowly walked towards his teacher. "Mr. Uchiha are you alright?" He asked.

Madara turned around and looked at Issei. "What is it a failure?" Issei was shocked to see that his eyes are now crimson.

"Mr. Uchiha a-are you a-alright?" He asked scared a little. Madara walked up to Issei and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Go to that Gremory girl and she will give you answers." Madara took his

hand off his shoulder and started to walk back home.

As he was walking his Sharingan faded away and his black eyes appeared. "Is this all the world can offer? A prostitute and a pedo? How lame."

Scene Break

Issei was sitting down in class not paying attention. The reason why is because he was thinking about what happened last night.

When that strange man attacked him and his teacher having crimson eyes. He couldn't think straight.

Madara was writing on the board and explaining the lesson to them at the same time.

Issei's friend Matsuda whispered to Issei to pay attention. "Psssst, Issei pay attention before you-"

"How about you shut up when I am teaching before I cram this book far down your throat," Madara said as he turned around.

"Yes, Sir," Matsuda said as he went back to reading his book. "Hey failure, if you don't pay attention I will make you hold buckets of water outside of the classroom."

Issei looked over to his teacher and apologized. "I am sorry sir." Issei started to write down the notes on the board but there was a knock on the door."Come in," Madara said as he looked at the door. The door opened up and Kiba walked in.

All the girls were screaming and blushing when they saw Kiba walk in.

"Oh My God Kiba is in our classroom." One of the females said as they couldn't contain themselves.

Madara shut his book and looked at the classroom with serious eyes. "If all of you women like to chase men then don't do it when I am teaching the class."

"If this is an everyday thing then what is the point in teaching if this school is filled with perverts and horny females?" Madara said as he sat down at his desk.

The whole class didn't say anything. They were too scared to say anything because if they did say anything then Madara would do something to them.

"Hello Mr. Uchiha, can I have Issei for a bit? My President wants to see him." Kiba said with a smile.

"Take the failure and keep him," Madara said with no care.

Kiba nodded and Issei stood up and left the classroom. "Class is dismissed," Madara said as leaned back in his chair.

"What do you mean the class is dismissed?" Aika asked. "You heard me a brat, the class is dismissed. I can't teach a class that can't pay attention." He said.

"Now leave and don't come back until tomorrow." The whole class stood up and left the classroom.

Time Skip

Issei and Kiba reached the clubroom Kiba opened the door for Issei and they both walked in.

"Hello Issei, my name is Rias Gremory and I am the president of the Occult Research Club. Please take a seat." Issei did as he was told and he sat down.

"I bet you're wondering about that girl Yuuma? Forget about her Issei she is not to be trusted." Rias said.

"What do you mean? And how do you know her?" Issei was confused on how they knew her.

"She is a Fallen Angel and she killed you. And after that, I have revived you and now you are a Devil." She said.

"Wait for what? What are you talking about? Am I a Devil? That sounds stupid." He said.

"Well let me show you." Rias and her peerage all stood in front of him and spread there wings.

Issei's wings spread as well. "What the hell? So it's true?" He said.

"Yes, and you are my servant." She said. "What? I am a servant so that means

I have to be beaten up if I don't listen?" He asked.

"Oh no no, I treat my servants like family I won't do such things." She said. "I see, but explain to me about Mr. Uchiha then?" He asked. "What is there to

talk about? He is a person of mystery." Rias said.

"Well, when I was walking home I was attacked by a man. He had black feathered wings and when I thought I was going to die Mr. Uchiha saved my life."

"Wait, a Fallen Angel attacked you?" Rias asked. "What is a Fallen Angel?" Issei asked.

"Well Fallen Angel's are Angel's who fell from heaven they fell because of there lust."

"You see, there are three factions. There are Angel's Fallen Angel's and Devil's. The Devil's have four leaders of the Underworld and There is the Fallen who have Azazel as there leader." Rias said.

"I see, then who is the leader of Heaven then?" "That would be God of course." She said as she sat down in her chair.

"The war broke all three factions and there is only a handful of Devil's Angel's and Fallen Angel's," Rias said.

Issei nodded. "Then what do I do now?" He asked. "Well, you can do

whatever just don't go alone when it's dark because you are most likely to be attacked," Rias said

"Alright then, may I go back to class?" Rias nodded and Issei walked out.

"Do you think he will be alright Rias?" Akeno asked. "We will have to see Akeno."

Time Skip

Issei walked back to class. As he reached his classroom he opened the door and was surprised to see that the whole class was gone.

"Where is everyone?" Madara didn't look at him. "They left." Was all he said.

"And why would they leave?" Issei asked as he was trying to figure out why they all left.

"I have dismissed class that is why," Madara said as he was still looking at the book.

"I see." Issei made his way to his desk and sat down. It was quiet for a few minutes.

"Why don't you go do your usual perverted stuff?" Madara asked as he turned the page.

"Well If I did go you would just interfere with it," said Issei. "Well, at least you have learned a lesson or two."

Issei smiled nervously. "So why do you always read that book? What's so special about it?"

"This book has some interesting things about Japan," Madara said. "You make it sound like you never even heard of Japan."

"Why don't you do something fun instead of reading that boring book?" He asked.

"No, there is nothing in this world that is fun. Mostly everything is either perversion or something called video games." He said.

"I prefer to read it relaxes the mind and makes you learn a thing or two."

"Then why don't you try to fall in love? I know you can find a woman." Issei said with a smile.

Madara looked up at him and narrowed his eyes. "Love is not necessary, power is the only true necessity."

"So you only care for power? Without love you are empty." Issei said.

Madara stood up from his desk and walked to the door. "Remember this. The longer you live the more you realize reality is just made of pain, suffering, and emptiness."

"When you are in love you must accept the fact that there will be pain, hatred and most of all despair." He said.

"And Love is something I lost a long time ago and I will not be dragged down by love." Madara walked out of the classroom and started to leave the campus.

"Well whatever you went through, I will not become like you, Mr. Uchiha." Issei reached for his bag and started to pack up his notes and pencils. As he was doing this there was a knock on the door. "Come in."

"Excuse me? Do you know where Mr. Uchiha went?" She asked. "He just left," Issei said as he stood up and left the classroom.

Sona turned around and left the classroom.

Scene Break

Madara was sitting on top of a hill with one knee up and his left one laying down. He had his right arm resting on his knee that was up while his left hand was supporting him.

The wind blew and his hair was moving with the wind. "What a peaceful night." Madara looked up at the moon.

"Where have I went wrong? Tell me Hashirama."

"IT'S YOU!" Madara turned around and narrowed his eyes. "I swear I can't have at least ten minutes of peace." He said as he looked out towards the city.

"I am gonna kill you this time but I brought some help this time." The girl said. "Listen here prostitute I don't have time."

"My name is Raynare and I am not a prostitute I am a being far above you human. I will enjoy killing you." She said as she made a light spear.

The other two females did the same. "Come on now. Do your little eye thing or are you too scared?" Raynare said.

Madara stood up and turned around looking at the three females. He crossed his fingers and two Madara's appeared.

"It seems that I must renew this world as well. Let us dance again."