
Uchiha revenge DxD

Vasilli_niko · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Accepting destiny

Issei stumbled back hitting the wall. "WHAT THE FUCK!" He ran out the bathroom and went straight to his living room.

[Why do you run?]

Issei looked around everywhere looking for that voice. "What do you want?" Issei was spinning around in circles. "Tell me what do you want?"

[Except your destiny.]

"What destiny? All I want is to live a peaceful life." Issei sat down on his couch and looked at his hand. He was shaking in fear.

[Live a peaceful life? Don't make me laugh, you are destined to fight. You can't live a peaceful life.]

"What do you mean fight? and where in the hell are you?"

[When you summon me I will explain to you why you must fight. But for now I will tell you who I am.]

Issei didn't move and just waited for the strange voice to speak again.

[I am Ddraig, and I am your partner. I am also known as the Red Dragon Of Domination. I am a heavenly dragon.]

"Wait, your telling me that you are a dragon and you are heavenly? How the hell is that suppose to work? Aren't dragons suppose to be creatures that destroy everything?"

[I am telling the truth boy. There are some that want to destroy everyone and everything.]

"And if your a dragon then where are you then?"

[I am only in your subconscious. Only you can hear me.]

"Oh, then explain to me about my destiny then? What do you mean I must fight?"

[You boy have been chosen to become the next Red Dragon Emperor. Every person who has a heavenly dragon as a sacred gear they are destined to fight. There is no escape.]

"Hold up, your telling me that I must fight?"


"I have to maybe kill someone?"


"And most of all my peace is gone then?"

[Yes boy now stop asking so many questions.]

'My life is ruined. My life is FUCKING ruined. No more tits no more ass no more of anything. Stupid fucking dragon.'

[You do know I can hear you right?]


Scene Break

Madara was sitting in his chair reading his book as usual. It was really quiet no one said a word until Raynare couldn't take the quietness anymore.

"Ok, this is really boring. Why is everything so boring in this house? There isn't anything to do your always reading that lame book."

Madara looked up from his book and looked at her with a boring expression. Raynare shut her mouth instantly after he looked at her with those eyes of his. 'When you actually take a moment he looks pretty hot.'

'What the fuck is wrong with you Raynare? Why did I say that and I said it to a human.' Raynare grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"Tell me something woman. Do you wish to die because if so I can grant your wish?" Madara closed his book and set it down on the table.

"N-No Lord Madara. I didn't mean to say it like that." She was shaking in fear. She didn't know what he was gonna do to her. Madara sighed and looked out his window. "Do you believe there will be peace at all between the three factions woman?"

Raynare was a little surprised to hear him ask her such a question. "Well maybe, there could be things that could ruin the other factions dearly."

"The three factions don't want to be extinct so that's why we are recruiting humans to help out our cause." She said.

"Your telling me that the three factions are making human's fight in your little quarrel so you people don't become extinct?!" Madara clenched his fist.

"That's the gist of it."

"As I have suspected. This world is anything but peaceful. Scum like Devil's Angel's and Fallen Angel's trying to ruin the peace of such a world is unforgivable."

Madara stood up and walked over to his window. Raynare stared at his back. "What are you gonna do about it then?" She asked slightly nervous.

"I am going to fix this world and I will not fail this time. If it takes me years, decades or centuries I will fix this world. I will destroy anyone who stands in my way."

'Fail this time? What does he mean by that?'

Madara turned around and walked towards Raynare. "You and blueberry will help me in this. We will make a world of peace no wars no hatred between factions just peace."

"And how in the hell will we do such a thing? Your a human who can shoot fire out of his mouth and make replicas of himself and also your little eye thing. That isn't enough to change the world."

Madara stared at her for a bit before smiling. "You don't even know the extent of my strength woman. I only just begun to show my powers."

"Well if you have a power greater than that do you think it's enough to fight off the four Satans or God himself?"

Madara kept on smiling. After a bit he started to laugh. "hahaha...hahahaha...hahahahahahahahaha."

"What's so funny?" She asked a little irritated.

Madara immediately stopped his laughing and had a serious expression. "If

you think a Satan will stop me then you must be a bigger fool then I thought." Raynare stood up and narrowed her eyes. "I am not a fool. I am a being far above yo-"

Raynare realized that if she finished that sentence her head would be on a pole or even worse. In her eyes the being known as Madara is higher than her.

"Forgive me Lord Madara." She lowered her head.

Madara went over to his seat and sat down. "Well my little Uchiha woman. We are going start by leaving a message."

Raynare looked confused at the two things he said.

"What's the plan then?"

"First we need allies to join our cause and you will do that. Blueberry will gather intel on high class Devil's." He said.

"Why would she want to gather intel on them?"

"I need to find out who is a high class so I can fight them and send a message to everyone."


"There is a way just call your friend back here first." Raynare didn't understand what this man is thinking at all.

Raynare made a magic circle to her ear and called Kalawarner to comeback.

Madara looked up at the ceiling. "Let us begin our journey through endless pain and happiness once more."

Scene Break

Rias and her peerage except Issei were at an abondoned warehouse to kill a stray devil.

"Is everyone ready?"

"Yes Rias we are." Akeno said.

All of them walked in the warehouse. As they entered the smell of blood instantly hit there noses.

All of them wanted to puke but if they did that would drop there guard. "It smells like shit in here." Koneko said.

"Indeed." Kiba said.

They all went further in the warehouse. They came upon a woman that walked up to them.

"Viser, it seems that your time has come." Rias said.

"Rias Gremory, oh how nice it is to see you. I can't wait to eat you up." She said as she transformed.


Viser shot magic beams out of her tits almost hitting them.

"Koneko" She nodded and ran up to her punching her making her fly back.

"Kiba" Kiba moved in and cut her making her scream in pain. "Akeno" Akeno made lightning in her hand and shot it at her making her unable to move.

Rias walked up to her. "Any last words." She said as she put her hand in front of her.

"Go to hell."

Rias made the Power Of Destruction and blasted her to smithereens.

"We got the stray so let's head back now." Rias said. Everyone nodded and followed her out the building.

"Rias should we check up on Issei to see if he's alright?" Akeno asked.

Rias put a hand to her chin. "We will talk to him tomorrow and see what's going on with him."

Akeno nodded and they continued to walk back to the clubroom.

Scene Break

Issei was walking down a street thinking about his destiny as the Red Dragon Emperor.

"Why is my luck so bad? First, I die then become a Devil. Second, I have a strict teacher. And third, I have to fight, this is bullshit man."

"All I want is to live a normal life. Is that to much to ask for? Maybe I should go talk to Mr. Uchiha about this."

He kept on talking to himself not paying attention where he is going until he bumped into someone. "Shit my ba-" He stopped when he realized who he bumped into.

"Asia? What are you doing here?" He asked as he gave her a helping hand.

Asia took his hand and she stood up. "I had free time so I just wanted to go for a walk."

"I see"

"So why are you out here Issei?"

"I was just taking a walk and thinking about life. Nothing to special." He said with a smile.

"So Asia? Do you want to hang out?"

"Yea sure I would like that."

"Sweet" Issei motioned for her to follow. He took her to places she never

been. Like a fast food restaurant, they walked around town and he bought her a stuffed animal.

After that they were at a park sitting down.

"That was really fun Issei." She said with a smile. Issei smiled back at her. "I'm glad you had fun."

"If you want we can hang out again in the future?" He said.

"Yes definitely."

"Asia Argento, I have finally found you." A voice said. Issei looked in front of him and saw his killer.

He immediately stood up. "Yuuma, what the hell do you want?" He said as he got in front of Asia.

"Look here kid i'm not here for you i'm here for her." She pointed at Asia.

"Why do you want her?"

Raynare face palmed herself and slid her hand down in frustration. "You see, my Master want's to meet her and if I don't do as he wishes then my life is over."

"Then why don't you just die then? And who is your master?" He said.

"I can not say, now hand her over." Issei looked at her with angry eyes. "Never, after what you did to me you think I will just hand her over to the likes of you?"

"I didn't want to this but I have no choice now." Raynare made a light spear and threw it at Issei piercing his leg.

He fell the ground holding his leg. Raynare flew down and grabbed Asia. "Sorry kid but it's my Master's orders." She said as she flew off with her.

"ASIAAAAA!" Issei slammed his fist on the ground. "Why can't I do anything?"

Issei slammed his fist down again. "Why am I weak?"

[Do you seek power?]

"The longer you live." Issei grabbed the light spear and started to pull it out.

[Do you seek vengeance?]

"the more you realize Reality is just made of pain." Issei clenched his teeth. [Do you seek tranquility?]

He moved his hand towards the spear and grabbed onto it.

"suffering" Issei yanked the spear out and threw it. Issei lowered his head. "Mr. Uchiha you are right about this world. It is filled with pain, suffering, and most of all...emptiness."

"And for that reason I want to change the world. I want to protect the ones I love. And most of all I want to save this world from beings like Angel's, Fallen Angel's and Devil's."

"Ddraig, I want you to teach me how to summon this Sacred Gear."

[So your finally in the mood now huh?]

"I have to follow this destiny you speak of. So it's time for me to become the Red Dragon Emperor."

[Very well boy I like your spirit.]

Issei raised his head and he had a angry face. "Where do we begin?"

[First off what do you want in this world the most? What do you desire?]

Issei stayed quiet for a bit before responding. "I want to become a harem king but I want peace in this world the most."

[I see. Let us begin your training then.]