
Chapter 5 War between Fairies and Devils

Thousand years ago, a war between fairies and devils break after the King of Devils, Ko'mar decided to annihilate the human race whom live peacefully on Dunia. This is because they were Jealous of the human whom received a better place to live than the devils. During that time, human and the people of the fairy land has the strong relationship of friendship. Of course during that time too, human was trying to be more civilized to give a better life to the next generation. The supreme fairy people, the Dajyun was the leader of the fairy people. Humans and the other fairy race feared them as being the strongest living thing in the world.

The war broke after the King of Devils, Ko'mar intruded the human world. Children, women even elders was killed during the war. Almost 60% of the human race were almost wiped out from Earth. Dajyun and the other fairy race fought so hard to chase the Devils out from Dunia and returned them to Hades Realm. But the Devils' strength overwhelmed them. Even the Dajyun's race almost annihilated during the war.

Feeling like there's no more hope for them, the gods listened to a girl's prayers. She lost her entire tribe and family during that time. She also blamed the gods whom didn't lend them some strength to fight the devils. The gods granted her wish and blessed her with a divine spirit thus being reborn as the Child of Light, the first Child of Light.

The last war was very devastating, the numbers of victims raised rapidly. The girl or known as the Child of Light stepped out to the battlefield. Devils was laughing, a frail girl gonna defeat them? Nonsense. As they marched towards the Child of Light, lighting struck when the girl raised her hand, calling the strength of God of Wind, Zephry. The first front line of the Devil army was struck by the divine lighting. Feeling angry, Ko'mar commanded the berserk army of him to kill the girl.

The berserk army altogether cast black inferno towards the girl. The humongous strength didn't scared her, she then summoned the God of Water, Poseidon. a huge wave of water appeared out of nowhere wiped the entire berserk army of Ko'mar. Enraged by that, he then challenged the girl for a duel. The girl accepted his challenge and came fort to face the King of Devils.

Ko'mar slashed his Blood Sword towards the girl but a shield summoned by her blocked the attack then reflected the impact created by the attack just now. Ko'mar was devastated to beat the girl, but he can't since she has godly power beside her. He then tried multiple attack to injure her but any of it failed to reach her not even a slight one. Humiliated by his defeat, he surrendered and became the Child of Light prisoner.

Day by day passed as the human realm getting better after the war ended. With the King of Devil still being held as a prisoner, the Devils won't attack anymore fearing that their king would be killed if they act arbitrary.

Because the Dajyun and the fairies had fought hard to protect the human world, the Child of Light decided to pay tribute for their willingness fighting for the human being by offering her as a bride to the crown prince of Dajyun. Of course both of the human and the citizen of the fairy realm would be delighted for the great news. Since the prince hold a deep feeling for the Child of Light, he was very happy when she also shared the same feeling toward him. It was the greatest history in the royal family of Dajyun. Love was so great between those two. They planned they wedding together and helped the damaged citizen to build their new life on Dunia.

Many months later, the human and the fairy people wait stopped when the crown prince and the Child of Light will be holding a marriage on the field where the Child of Light defeated the King of Devils. It was gonna be a happily ever after but a human was fooled by the Ko'mar to kill the Child of Light so he can escape and grant that person his wish.

After being married as husband and wife, just before the crown prince and the Child of Light exchange kisses, an arrow with a poisoned tip has penetrated the Child of Light her body causing uproar to the crowds. As soon as the Child of Light heart stopped, Ko'mar was released from the divine prison setup by the Child of Light. The King of Devil start slaughtering everyone at the wedding avenue. Everyone panicked when he appeared. Blood splashing from his attack. Being satisfied after months being held prison he can now resume his work annihilating the remaining human. Everyone cried, screams and terrified. But not the crowned prince of Dajyun. He felt nothing but sadness warped around his little heart. He then carried his soulless bride to the gods altar.

Looking at his soulless bride, he then screamed in agony. Tears running down his cheek with his eyes full of rage, the gods granted him the Soul Sword. A sword crafted from the soul of the Child of Light. Since the Child of Light has a deep love towards human being, he was not allowed to kill human using the Soul Sword or their race will never be able to be a friend to the human anymore nor marry one of them. If he break the taboo between the human and fairy, the human will die when they consummate.

Not wanting to break the rules, he then took the Soul Sword. A sword made from his bride's soul. He swear upon it that he will avenge her.

Aishh... this is a long update. Hope ya all enjoy the history between human, fairy and devil. Please be aware that none of this true. Do not sue me for making a fake history. This is a story coming out from my brain. Its fantasy! okay, fantasy! Btw... please rate me to know how much I've progressed in this novel. Your rating will be meaning full for me.

Kayen:When will my heroine appear?

Author:Hmm... give me money first

Kayen:*Smacked the Author*

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