
Chapter 6 War Between Fairies and Devils part 2

The Soul Sword and Divine Protection from the gods and his beloved wife, he confront the King of Devil, Ko'mar. He was disgusted when he saw the devil's physical splattered with innocent blood. That bastard enjoy his game while the prince was mourning on his wife death.

"Haha you dare to challenge me, son of the Dajyun race?! Only your beloved dead wife could defeat me you know! Oh, no. She's dead right? Poor thing... you even didn't have the chance to f*ck her! Hahahahahaha!" Enraged by the demon's word, the crown prince charged ahead to the laughing bastard. How dare he say that thing toward him. He'll make sure that, 'that thing' won't ever see another daylight.

"What you're gonna do with that wretched sword of yours, huh? It shall not be able to kill me even scratch me!" No you're wrong Ko'mar. That sword ain't a normal sword. Its a sword filled with divine energy by the Child of Light. As soon as the blade touched the devil's skin, a divine light shine brightly, bright enough to burn Ko'mar's skin. The pain he has to endure was great for a dark being like him.

Angered by that he then strikes back. His long and sharp clawed managed to injure the crown prince's left hand. But, with the help of the divine's blessing, the pain was reduced and he managed to continue attacking the devil. Sword and claws clanking when both of it collide. Both of them didn't want to lose. The crown prince wanted to end the war while the other wanted to resume the war until the human race even fairies are gone.

Realizing that this fight won't end until he kicked the demon out of Dunia, he opened a portal to the Hades Realm to lock the King of Devil forever in his realm. Seeing that portal frightened the demon king. He didn't want to be sent back to the Hades realm or he'll be punished by the underworld god, unfortunately divine powers suppressed him and he was sent back to the underworld. People who saw that start to cheer. But not for the poor crowned prince. His beloved wife died before they can start a new life as a human dan Dajyun. He didn't expect that she would leave him that soon.

Now he finally avenged his wife after kicking out the King of Devil to the underworld. He thought that it was Ko'mar who killed his wife, he was gravely mistaken. Soon after the fight ended, the witness who witnessed the Child of Light murder caught the person who killed the Child of Light.

Everyone including the fairies was angry. The demanded justice for her. The crowned prince who still warped in sadness and anger wasn't thinking straight anymore. He was so angry even the dragon would bow down to him. He forgot the rules of the gods when using the Soul Sword. He cannot kill human with the divine sword or their race will never be able to have the rights visiting the human realm nor marrying them anymore.

The Soul Sword that was granted to him was stained by a human blood when he butcher the head of his wife's killer. Suddenly the gods appear before them. All of them was scared and bowed down to respect the gods' appearance. "Shiina, The Crown Prince of Dajyun. I hereby to punish your mistake for breaking the Soul Sword taboo. Our beloved child soul was stained by her own race. I won't punish you alone but to your whole race. You shall never had the rights to live in Dunia anymore and you shall never marry any of the human male and female. Or they'll die when you consummate them."

Starting from that day, the human's memories about the Dajyun's race was erased from their history only the history of the elves and other fairy race remains. They've return to the fairy realm with regrets. The portal to Dunia was closed for thousands of years up until now.

Huuu I'm so tired... Well I hope you enjoy the history of the Dajyun race. Please leave a comment about it and I really need rating for this chapter so that I can fix more spelling and grammar error for the next update

Kayen:Where is my heroine

Author:Here... Have some Heroin...

Kayen:*Smacked the author half dead*

Author:Don't do drugs kiddo,*Cough blood* or you'll be purchasing death for yourself*Cough blood*

Nocturnal_Writercreators' thoughts
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