
Two Separate Worlds Collide

I have cried so much I can't cry anymore even though I want to. I laid on the pavement shivering in the cold night. I can't believe I finally left that hell after several months of physical, verbal and worst of all sexual assault. Oh, mummy and daddy how I wish you didn't die and you were here with me. A young life of traumatic experience and pain torments Deborah until a man worth loving saves her life. That is where two worlds collide in love.

Maria_Dey · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

Deborah's Point Of View.

'I am so hungry', I mumbled as I sat down watching people going about their usual day. My money cup was out on the pavement as I tried to get people to drop any amount of money they can give into it. No breakfast this morning, not even food that had been left on the floor was available for me to eat.

I was on the verge of tearing up when a woman came towards me from across the street. She has worn a pair of sunglasses on her tied up locks. Her dark skin looked well taken care of like she uses the best of creams. She looks like she could be in her mid thirties.

'Hello there ', she went down on one knee. She looks friendly too. 'Hi', I shyly waved at her with a smile planted on my face.

'It breaks my heart to see little girls like you on the street. So I want to help you', she said with a very calm tone. I didn't make a comment or anything, I just stared at her like a deaf person.

'Do you have anywhere to stay?'

I shook my head. 'What do you say if I take you to my house and take good care of you'.

I didn't say anything or make any reaction. 'I won't hurt you. I promise on the Bible', she further said. I showed off my teeth in a wide smile and nodded aggressively. I mean what could go wrong. I have already gone through torture already so what could this nice woman do that my Uncle hasn't already done.

'Yeah, take your bagpack and let's go. I have a car over there waiting for us', she offered her hand to me. I quickly reached for my bag and the cup I put out on the pavement and rose to my feet. She held my hand and took me to the beautiful Range Rover. I was just admiring the beauty of this car. This woman must be a millionaire or something. I don't even think I am clean enough to touch the outside of the car much less sit inside it. I haven't showered in days. She opened the car door and made sure I was comfortable before she went to the passengers seat. 'Why is she going to the passengers seat? Shouldn't she be driving the car?

'Thank you mom', I heard a voice say. I turned to the direction of the voice. My eyes saw double. He is that guy from last night. Is he kidnapping me or something? Maybe he used his mother as bait.

It was too late, the car had already started moving. I was shaking on my seat. The chorus of voices saying to scream for help flooded my senses.

'I am sorry, I didn't mean to break it'.

'Sorry, isn't going to fix our vase right'.

He pulled out his belt and hit her with it till blood started oozing out of the cuts left behind on her skin...

'Little girl, Little girl. Wake up'.

I opened my eyes and realized that I was in a car lying at the backseat. The kind woman was waking me up. I must have slept off during my anxiety attack.

'You kept screaming 'I didn't mean to break it' for five minutes now. We have reached our house now'.

I instantly got out of the car and admired my surrounding. The outside of the house is just breathtaking. I was right, the woman is rich. There were bougainvillea flowers and hisbiscus lined up against the fence walls. The grass is bright green with sprinklers shooting water onto them. The pavements pass through the lawns making a beautiful design. She escorted me to the veranda which had beautiful forget-me-nots in flower pots at the edges of the veranda.

'This is our home and yours too. For as long as you like', she pulled me into the house. The living room looked luxurious. Expensive chandelier lights hanged on the beautifully designed ceiling. The Navy Blue Velvet Gold Geometric Cushions sat gloriously in the centre of the living room. The brown wooden center table sat in the midst of the cushions carrying a vase of artificial flowers.

'Make yourself at home as I grab you some food to eat. I am sure Cynthia is done cooking the jollof rice and grilled chicken for you. You must be starving'. I nodded before I continued examining the insides of this beautiful mansion. I sat on the floor not wanting to stain their beautiful cushions with my filthy body. 'Why are you sitting on the floor?' the woman asked. 'I don't want to dirty your chairs. They look really lovely and I haven't showered in days. 'Nonsense, sit on the cushions. I said feel at home. You are more important than those cushions', she smiled. I was hesitant at first but I sat on the cushions but I placed only a bit of my body on the seat so that the mess won't be so much. The food they are cooking smells delicious. My stomach is even crying by just smelling the aroma of the jollof in the air. It's been days since I ate decent food.

In less than five minutes that I saw a young woman bringing me a table and went back to bring me the food and placed it in infront of me. I started salivating just looking at the beautifully garnished food. 'Eat up and the kitchen is that way, if you want more food you can head to the kitchen and serve yourself', the lady said and left.

I quickly picked up the spoon and started eating. The jollof tasted so good. It was a little spicy just how I liked it. I ate everything and focused my attention on the chicken thigh. The young lady is really good at cooking.

After eating I took my plate to the kitchen and washed them. Then I went back to the living. That was were I saw the mistery man from last night sitting comfortably on the couch watching television.