
Two Separate Worlds Collide

I have cried so much I can't cry anymore even though I want to. I laid on the pavement shivering in the cold night. I can't believe I finally left that hell after several months of physical, verbal and worst of all sexual assault. Oh, mummy and daddy how I wish you didn't die and you were here with me. A young life of traumatic experience and pain torments Deborah until a man worth loving saves her life. That is where two worlds collide in love.

Maria_Dey · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

  'I won't hurt you. Please don't be scared', he said from the other side of the sofa I was hiding behind. I refused to come out. I couldn't look at his face without flashbacks taking place in my head. 'Come on dear, we have to show you your new room. You can take your shower and slip into some comfortable clothing', the friendly lady came to me and offered her hand to me. I stared at it for a few seconds before I placed my hand in hers. When I was finally away from the chair, I locked eyes with  him and quickly got behind the woman. She giggled before speaking up,' Don't be scared of him. He is my son. He was the one who wanted to help you so he is completely harmless'.

     The man smiled at me and gave me a light wave,'I don't want to do any harm to you. I actually want to help you'. He sounded like a good person but I still don't trust him. I have been tortured by too many men to trust any of them for now. 'Don't worry, she would open up', the lady commented. We went up the grand stairs and went through beautifully decorated corridors. Then she opened the door that led us to a luxurious bedroom. My mouth dropped opened. I have never slept in a room so huge before. The bed is almost too big for me, I am not complaining though. That's a whole Jado Steel Style Bed, that's one of the most expensive beds that I know.

   The room is quite spacious, with a walk-in wardrobe sitting comfortably on the side. There was a glass door that led to a balcony that has a beautiful view of East-Legon. There was a luxury style dressing table set also gracing the room as well. The window had a tiny mattress with many pillows packed on it. It looks like a nice place to read novels and feel the cool night breeze on your skin. 'Nice, isn't it?' she snapped me out of my daze. 'It is. It's truly beautiful', I replied.

    'The bathroom is behind the door there. You can take a bath and feel fresh. While I look for some dresses for you until we find time to go shopping', she said before departing the room.

   I wasted no time and quickly moved to the bathroom. Another thing about this house to make you lose your ability to speak is this luxurious bathroom. A beautiful bath tub was comfortably situated opposite the standing bathroom. The sink rested beneath a large mirror with drawers underneath it. I took off my clothing and jumped into the standing bathroom and turned on the shower stuck on the wall. The temperature of the water was perfect; not too hot and not too cold. It rinsed off the sand that stuck to my skin. The water loosened up my nerves in a way that felt so good. As if all my sufferings never happened, like I was in a world were my parents never died and life was perfect once again. I untied my hair and allowed the water flow through my dirty afro hair that hasn't experienced any care in days. It fell lazily on my face as I rinsed it in the water. I saw a number of shampoos resting on the step just outside the cubicle I was in. I stretch my hand out to it and took a look at the label. 'Natural Hair Shampoo. Perfect for people with kinky afro hair'.

  My hair texture is very soft like cotton and the label says it works on all types of afro hair. Without anymore thinking, I poured it on my hair and washed it. The first wash turned the foam brown but the second one came out white. After bathing I opened the drawers under the sink and found a set of white towels folded and arranged in it. I took one and cleaned my wet body and hair until it was almost dry. Then I went back to the bedroom and saw fresh clothing lying on the bed. How did they know my body size though? I laid on the bed and rolled around in it. It was so soft, I could never get used to this.

   Knock! Knock!


  'Who is there?' I got up and quickly went under the blanket to cover my naked body. 'It's me Cynthia, the househelp. Mrs Helena told me to bring you some flip flops and a pack of panties'.

    'Come in', I yelled. She opened the door and entered the room and put the soft rib slippers on the floor by my bed and placed the pack of panties on the bed. 

    'Are you okay? You know if you need to talk to someone, I am here for you', she said as she sat on the bed. I sat up and leaned my back on the bed head with a pillow to support my back. 'I want you to know that Usher is a really good man. He has a really good heart, sometimes I imagine how lucky his future wife will be'.

      'Has he ever had a girlfriend?' I asked. 'I have no idea because I have worked here for only a few months but I think he might have had a girlfriend,now ex but I can't be sure'.

     'I see. I just can't trust anybody now. I... I don't know if I should tell you but...'

    'You don't have to if you don't want to'.


    'No, I want'.