
Two Separate Worlds Collide

I have cried so much I can't cry anymore even though I want to. I laid on the pavement shivering in the cold night. I can't believe I finally left that hell after several months of physical, verbal and worst of all sexual assault. Oh, mummy and daddy how I wish you didn't die and you were here with me. A young life of traumatic experience and pain torments Deborah until a man worth loving saves her life. That is where two worlds collide in love.

Maria_Dey · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

   Usher's point of view.

I am in my room with a cup of coffee in my hand trying to stay awake so that I can complete a project I am working on. My mind wasn't at rest at all, I was thinking about the homeless girl I met today. Why was she so scared of me? Did something happen to her?. I don't think I did anything to purposely frighten her.  Then I heard a knock on my door. 'Who is it? I am busy' I yelled. 'Its me, your mother can I come in? Her delicate voice said sweetly.

   'Yes mom, you can come in', I responded. She quickly entered the room and shut the door behind her. She wore her nighty and slippers and her face had a worried expression on. 'What's wrong?'

     'I don't understand why you are asking me this?' I spinned my chair around to face her casually sitting on my bed. 'You came back home looking sad. Did something happen when you sent the sample to the clients?' she elaborated. 'No actually, everything turned out great but when I was driving home, I saw a girl she looks like a teenager, she was sleeping on a piece of cardboard basically in tears. When I got close to her she panicked and run away'.

    'Maybe she has gone through some sort of traumatic experience. She could've run away from home or something', my mother tried to explain.

   'I just don't understand why a girl who doesn't look too younger than me have to go through so much. I just really want to help her'.

    My mother gave me a slight smile and placed her hand on my shoulder. 'You are a wonderful boy Usher. I love you so much and I am proud that you want to help somebody. We can look for her and see what we can do to get her out of the street'.

    'Thank you mom, for understanding.'

   'Let me ask you one question though, where exactly did you find here?'

  'Outside the Shop and Save Supermarket why?'

     'We can go there tomorrow and search for her. She might still be there or around that area'.

My mother gave me a kiss on the forehead before she headed out of my room. I felt delighted that I had her on board as well.


     The next morning, I woke up, brush my teeth, took my bath and run downstairs to have breakfast. My mother was already on the dining table when I got there. Cynthia, our house help greeted me so politely. I told her to put down the broom and have breakfast with us. She looked surprised at first but she quickly went to wash her hands and came to sit with us on the table. She looked hesitant when she tried to take some of the toasted  beef sandwich and omelette but I made her know that she is allowed to eat as much as she wanted.

     'Cynthia, I want you to feel comfortable around us. You don't have to use any formal names on me. Just call me Usher okay'. She nodded and resumed eating her food.

      'Wow, Usher I raised a gentleman didn't I?' my mother applauded. I giggled a bit before I gave a response,'I treat everyone with respect no matter who they are. I believe we are all humans and no one has to be maltreated because of the circumstances they are in'. I took a bite out of the sandwich and took a huge sip of my Chocolate drink to wash it down.

     'Are we going to look for that girl I told you about?' the conversation began.

    'You care about her so much so of course we will go look for her'.


   After breakfast, I helped Cynthia clear the table before my mother and I got into my Range Rover. As we were getting closer and closer to the Shop and Save Supermarket, our eyes were focused on the pavements on both sides of the road to see if I could see any sign of the girl.

    'Oh, I see a young girl on the road, is that her?' my mother drew my attention to a girl with a tiny container infront of her as she sat on the bare concrete pavement.  'That's her'.

   I parked the car across the street to avoid scaring her off again. 'Let's go', my mother unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the door. She turned to look at me making no attempt to get of the vehicle, she asked,'Are you coming?'

    'She might recognize me from last night and run away again'.

     'Oh okay, I'll go. Wait for me here'.

      She crossed the road and made her way towards the girl. I watched them through the window with hopes that nothing goes wrong. The girl smiled at and rose to her feet. She wore a bagpack at her back and my mother escorted her towards the car