
Twisted Fate: Unexpected Love

Lin Yan and Li Jun have been married for three years without any child, even with the pressure from his family and friends to have a mistress that would give him a child, Li Jun has refused the idea after all he loved his wife. But one day he met his ex girlfriend Fang Min and found out he had a five years old daughter with her, even though he was shocked, he was still excited about being a father. Lin Yan who has always been touched by her husband faithfulness wanted nothing but to give him a child and the day she found out that she was finally pregnant was the happiest day of her life, not able to wait to share the good news with Li Jun, she gave him a surprise visit to his company but got a surprise herself when she saw her faithful, loving and caring husband kissing another woman in his office. Filled with anger, she confronted both of them and Fang Min couldn't help but gloat that she has a child with Li Jun. Feeling betrayed, she ran out of his office and company but immediately got hit by a car, her hands clutched her stomach as she felt her life leaving her. Opening her eyes again, Lin Yan found herself in the body of Shen Yi, the wife of Li Lingyun who was also Li Jun youngest uncle. A man whose only soft spot was his three years old daughter. Will Lin Yan live her life as Shen Yi just for revenge or will she fall in love again with the most ruthless member of the Li family and how will she protect her family when the real Shen Yi who has entered another person body comes demanding for Lin Yan to give her back her family.

Rosepetals456 · Urban
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145 Chs

Daddy, What's A Divorce?

On the other hand, Shen Yi excitement has died down after seeing her apartment. She have always been used to living in a mansion so how can she now live in this small apartment and eat nothing but noodles. She looked at He Jia and asked "How you sure this is where I live?"

"Why? Do you think you live in some mansion? It seems you have forgotten about yourself so let me remind you. Your name is Zhou Xi. You have no parents, and have lived with your uncle most of your life, but when he planned to sell you, you escaped to the city and decided to pursue your dream. You are twenty-three years old and we have known each other for three years. You have no penny to your name so stop acting like you came from a rich family. You are only a small time actress but that is going to change when you become the female protagonist of 'Lies'."

Shen Yi have always been a proud woman, she could not believe that she have to live poorly. She has never been poor, the Shen family adopted her because they lost their daughter many years ago. She have always been treated like a princess, from the Shen family to the Li family, she has never lack, so why did she have to enter the body of a poor girl who had no penny to her name. At least with this body, she have a chance of being with Mu Chen. Thinking about that made her to think that, if being poor was the only way to be with her love then she did not mind it but wait! Since I am in another body would Mu Chen recognize me. Right now Mu Chen is in love with Shen Yi, these thought made her to wonder what happened to her body.

She looked at He Jia who was already looking at her as if she have run mad and asked "Do you know of the Li family?"

"Who does not know of the Li family. They are practically royalties. Unattainable to us commoners. But why your sudden interest in them, you have always say a family like that must have dark secrets and messy lives."

"Have you heard any news about them lately?" Surely, if she was dead, then it must have been in the news.

"Oh you mean how the wife of Li Jun died in front of their company. The whole country know of the news already. Infact today was the day they held her funeral but I am sure it was only the top people of this country that was invited."

"Hold on. Lin Yan is dead!" She was shocked, how can Lin Yan be dead. So does that mean she and Lin Yan were involved in an accident. "What about Li Lingyun wife?"

"What about her?"

"Was there no news about her?"

"No, nothing at all. The only news was about Lin Yan death. I pity Li Jun. His wife died without bearing him a child to even hold on to. Knowing the way he loved his wife, I won't be surprised if he decided to live the rest of his life alone."

Shen Yi looked at He Jia and said nothing, she knew very well that Li Jun was two faced. Apart from shocked, she felt nothing about Lin Yan death. She was always so quiet, pretended to be the good one and even lectured her on how to take care of her daughter even though she had none. Shen Yi thought of Lin Yan was that she was a naive, foolish woman who believed anyone, it was no surprise that such a woman would not last in a family like the Li.

But if she is not dead then who is the one that is currently in her body and worst of all what if Mu Chen mistake her to be me.


"Daddy!" Li Xiao shouted as she ran to her father with her short legs. She hugged her father tightly.

Li Lingyun who felt his daughter trying to hugged him tightly with her small arms smiled and lifted her up. He kissed her hair and asked with a gentle voice "Are you ready to go home?"

Li Xiao nodded and said "Yes!"

"I am very hurt. It means Li Xiao didn't enjoy spending time with her grandmother." Meng Wu, the matriarch of the Meng Family said. Her decisions were law in the Meng family and even though she had other grandchildren, Li Xiao held a special place in her heart after all she is the grandchild of her precious Meng Xing.

"Li Xiao enjoyed spending time with grandma a lot but she is tired and needs energy from daddy."

Li Lingyun chuckle and shower her face with kisses making Li Xiao to giggle. He looked at his grandmother and bowed slightly as he said "We will take our leave now."

"If I ask you to divorce her would you do it?" Old madam Meng asked with a serious and cold tune.

Li Lingyun who was about to leave stopped and looked at his grandmother in the eyes as he said "You already know the answer to that." Then he took his leave.

Gu Wei who was waiting outside, opened the car door for his master and began driving. Looking at his master through the mirror he knew there was something on his mind and that thought was confirmed when the young miss suddenly asked "Daddy what's a divorce?"

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