
Twisted Fate: Unexpected Love

Lin Yan and Li Jun have been married for three years without any child, even with the pressure from his family and friends to have a mistress that would give him a child, Li Jun has refused the idea after all he loved his wife. But one day he met his ex girlfriend Fang Min and found out he had a five years old daughter with her, even though he was shocked, he was still excited about being a father. Lin Yan who has always been touched by her husband faithfulness wanted nothing but to give him a child and the day she found out that she was finally pregnant was the happiest day of her life, not able to wait to share the good news with Li Jun, she gave him a surprise visit to his company but got a surprise herself when she saw her faithful, loving and caring husband kissing another woman in his office. Filled with anger, she confronted both of them and Fang Min couldn't help but gloat that she has a child with Li Jun. Feeling betrayed, she ran out of his office and company but immediately got hit by a car, her hands clutched her stomach as she felt her life leaving her. Opening her eyes again, Lin Yan found herself in the body of Shen Yi, the wife of Li Lingyun who was also Li Jun youngest uncle. A man whose only soft spot was his three years old daughter. Will Lin Yan live her life as Shen Yi just for revenge or will she fall in love again with the most ruthless member of the Li family and how will she protect her family when the real Shen Yi who has entered another person body comes demanding for Lin Yan to give her back her family.

Rosepetals456 · Urban
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145 Chs

Secret Between Siblings

Li Lingyun was not surprised at all by the question of his daughter. She has always been curious but refuse to go to school. Even though he has sometimes homeschool her, he still feels it is better for her to go to school, so that she could make friends of her age.

"If you really want to know the meaning of divorce then you have to start going to school."

Gu Wei smiled at Li Lingyun reply. He knew his boss have been looking for ways to put Li Xiao in school but she have adamantly refused to go.

Li Xiao pouted and said "No."

Li Lingyun smiled at his daughter antics and said "Why don't you want to go to school.?"

"If I go to school then no one will be around to take care of daddy." Li Xiao said with her childish voice

At that moment, Li Lingyun heart melted. He felt so grateful that she existed in his life. If he had allowed Shen Yi to go through with the abortion then he never would have had a sweet angel in his life and now, he could no longer imagine his life without Li Xiao.

"Young miss you don't need to worry about your father. I assure you that I will take care of him." Gu Wei said and indeed he met it. He would give up his life for his master if necessary.

"No one can take care of daddy more than mummy."

Li Lingyun understood those words. It was the words of a child who still hoped that her parents would be like a couple who love each other, but he knew it was impossible, not with Shen Yi.


After making the excuse of going to see the Shen family, Lin Yan went back to the ground they buried her and she saw him. She saw her brother kneeling, sobbing and blaming himself. She had rarely see her brother cry, even after their mother committed sucide, he refused to cry. Instead he protected her and kept on telling her it was a bad dream. They were supposed to be twins but why was he always behaving as if he was ten years older than her and not two minutes?

"I'm sorry, please forgive me. Why didn't i convinced you that he was not the right choice. it's all my fault." Lin An sobbed loudly in front of his sister grave. A part of him had always know that Li Jun wasn't good for her but given the fact that Lin Yan loved him she allowed them to get married but if he had persisted more, then perhaps she might have given up on the idea.

Lin Yan who was crying silently behind her brother, walked closer to him and said "Why aren't you keeping your words? You always said that if anything happens to me then you will never shed a tear. Now look at you becoming a cry baby."

Lin An who heard that turned and saw Shen Yi. He wondered why the wife of Li Lingyun was speaking to him so casually and what does she even mean? Lin An stood up and asked coldly"What are you talking about?"

Hearing his cold voice made Lin Yan to smiled because at this moment she realized that she was the only one he was gentle to. He was always so cold that girls who wanted to date him would usually ask her if he smiles. He always show it to her, she have seen him smile, laugh and even make jokes but she have never seen him cry. Looking at his face, she could see bruises on them. Li Jun must have order his men to beat him after the scene he created.

Seeing her staring at him made Lin An to frowned, "What does the wife of Li Lingyun want with me?"

"You know I could never get that image out of my head. Even though you closed mine eyes when she fell, I still saw it. I saw her hatred for us, I saw the tiredness in her eyes. She was too cruel wasn't she? killing herself in front her children. I knew you wanted to protect me, so I just pretended to be naive, but my nightmares were like a constant reminder of that day. Meeting Li Jun was like a breath of fresh air. He made me to laugh and forget, I was no longer having nightmares, he was like a safe haven so even when you said he wasn't good for me, I didn't care because I wanted to be away. Away from the memories of that day, away from you because I felt guilty. We were both the same age, you were only two minutes older than me so what gave you the right to handle everything by yourself. Why couldn't you trust me, why didn't you give me the chance to protect you. I thought if I marry Li Jun, then I could also protect you just the way you have always protected me. But I was wrong, I couldn't protect you neither could i protect myself." Lin Yan said with tears in her eyes.

"Who are you? What nonesense are you talking about!" Lin An shouted. A thought came to his mind but that was impossible. This is Shen Yi but why was she speaking like Lin Yan.

"I don't know how it happened. Brother An, I actually thought I was going to die. I regretted not listening to you. That day I saw him with his mistress, I wanted to tell him that I was pregnant. That we were going to become parents but instead not only did I find out that he had a child but also his mistress Fang Min was pregnant. I left his office and before I realized it, I was hit by a car. And then I woke up in a hospital, I thought I survived the accident but when I looked at the mirror I saw that it wasn't my face but that of Shen Yi."

Lin An felt his heart skip. His sister wasn't dead. But how is it even possible that she reside in another body, does such a thing really exist in this world. What if this woman is deceiving him, but there was a way to prove it. There was a secret that Lin An and Lin Yan promise to never share with any body. Something only them know. "If you are really Lin Yan, then what happened to us when we were ten years old?"

Lin Yan smiled sadly and said "Our step father didn't killed himself because he couldn't get over our mother death, the truth is, we killed him. That night I pulled the trigger and when the police arrived we acted like two terrified kids, the police would have never suspected us, I mean,we made it look like he committed sucide. We cleaned our fingerprint from the gun and indeed the police closed the case as one of sucide. Tell me brother An, have I proven to you that I am Lin Yan."

Lin An smiled and hugged her tightly and he whispered to her "Don't worry Lin Yan, don't worry about anything. We will definitely destroy Li Jun and everyone who have hurted you."

Lin Yan wrapped her hands around her brother and eyes became so cold as she said "Yes, let's destroy them all and take away everything they care about."

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