

The story is about a well known handsome gentleman who one day wakes up to a basket of two beautiful girls who not only leaves him wondering which lady he planted this seed in, but is also left with the worry of how he'll raise them while still struggling to find out why his current girlfriend just chose his friend over him. Yeni turns bright in studies but Jeni feels her body is the only thing she needed to be given to shake herself through the world. Mr. Obi stopped looking for a lover the minute his ex came back and said she chose his friend for she became obsessed with Mr. Flinch power to turn her in 360 degrees. Whatever she meant, even Mr. Obi didn't bother to ask.

Joy_Gitonga_5817 · Movies
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10 Chs

Roller coaster

Yeni was going to get some cotton candy when Tii picked up some spray paint and started drawing the back left side of his car." Tell me about Cleo,Tii." Tii looked at Jeni who was handing him the blue cotton candy in her left hand. "C'mon Jeni, that's hard for me to do." He placed the paint on the ground before standing and receiving the candy. "You've been Cleo, why didn't you ask him about himself?" He stared at Jeni before bringing out a chuckle. Jeni knew Tii wouldn't be helpful to her. "I was trying to get close to him but I heard him call someone love over the phone." "You and I have had a moment but I'm still courting your sister," Jeni figured out how all guys were selfish and she walked to her sister. Yeni was waiting in line to hop the roller coaster when she saw Jeni, she gestured for her to join her and they both took a ticket. The line was long. "Yeni, your candy ain't getting finished, give me it. " Yeni handed her sister her candy as their turn came in. While they were still rolling, Yeni saw Cleo at a distance, Cleo was holding hands with another girl. She couldn't see the girl as she was quite a diva. She managed to see her pink dress and a black coat and her hair which were longer than her coat. Her coat reached her thighs. She looked at Jeni who was also staring at them, " They are all selfish." Yeni smiled after seeing Jeni laughing. The ride was over and Cleo and the pink girl were just walking towards them when Cleo said, " we should go for another round," Tii, who was waiting for the girls was almost saying something when Jeni interrupted him, " your treat?" Cleo took five tickets and they all had to wait before their turn arrived. The pink girl was so scared to hop on the roller coaster when Cleo reached out his hand for her to get it. Jeni laughed and volunteered to help. The ride was smooth but Yeni started glaring at the pink her. Yeni started to point out to her sister how she thinks the girl is a little bit extra. Jeni almost hit her sister when she saw the girl looking at them. It was time to come off when the girls shoe got off. Tii laughed as the four watched the shoe land to the ground. "I would have given you my shoe but I don't think you'll be comfortable with my canvas," Yeni stated. Jeni hit her sister lap as she showed the pink girl some empathy. Cleo looked at the pink girl and told her to hold on till the coaster will come to a stop. Jeni was happy with how Cleo handled the situation as she smiled at her sister. Her sisters thoughts were so loud for her sister that her sister winked. Cleo looked at Jeni who was currently staring at him. Pink girl was looking down wishing for her shoe not to get lost. The roller coaster ride ended and the pink girl tripped. Cleo held her before she found her head on the ground. Tii was laughing all this time and he had to pretend he's laughing at a baby who had just fallen from a horse. Jeni and Yeni gave the girl weird looks before they saw the kid Tii thanked for saving his ass. The pink girl wasn't embarrassed and she never minded Tii nor the girls, she got so clumsy before Yeni couldn't help it anymore and shouted for her to please wait for the people in front of her to come off first. The girl eyes were still glued to her shoe as Jeni shaked her head for Cleo to let go of the girls bag. The girl almost jumped down. Tii couldn't help his laugh as it grew more louder. Jeni looked at Cleo who was glaring at the pink girl. They finally got off when the girl rushed to get her belongings. Her bag was hanging on one of the metals that she had to ask for assistance. The ticket guy who was observing her from the time they got off came to her assistance. The pink girl joined the four, one was still laughing, three were just staring. "I thought you were weird Jeni. " Yeni brought her hand out for the girl to give her the bag so that she can be able to wear her shoe. "I'm Yeni and this is my sister Jeni." The girl looked at the two you could say she's deaf. She took hee bag and moved closer to Cleo. Tii patted the two girls before pulling their eyes to him and said," she's Tyara." Cleo smiled as pink girl locked their hands. Tii laughed and told them they should get going before his legs crumble down. They moved to all corners of the show ground before Tyara said she's tired. Cleo was about to say something when Yeni said," I think we've had enough and my head is spinning, the sun is so hot. " They headed for the car when Yeni told Tii to take her get a drink. Jeni wasn't sure whether to follow Tyara and Cleo to the car or Yeni and Tii. The two parties looked at her as she lifted her hands and hit her head. She was exhausted and she just followed Cleo and Tyara to the car. Tyara jumped in the driver's seat, Cleo shaked his head as he whispered to Jeni, "you haven't seen anything yet." Cleo had no option but to head to the co-drivers seat. He opened the back door for Jeni before entering the car. Jeni was so bored, she took this chance and clearly studied the pink girl. Tyara was busy on her phone, she couldn't hear Cleo asking for his jacket which was wrapped around the driver's seat. Jeni was so irritated that she almost pulled out her wig with the one swash she performed pulling the jacket our of the seat. " pink girl, I'm sorry." Tyara flipped her phone down and was about to start the car when Cleo reminded her of Tii and Yeni. "You made my bag tear on that roller coaster," Cleo and Yeni looked at the patch Tyara was rubbing on her bag. Cleo apologized as Tyara removed her mirror and make-up powder before she threw the bag out of the window. Yeni and Tii were finally at the car. They were all set when Yeni lifted up the bag Tyara had thrown away."Girl, you don't throw such leather bag away as if you can't use a needle and a thread." Jeni and Cleo chuckled as Tii handed each a bottle of their juice. Tyara ignited the engine and took off before they were all spilled on by the juice they were all were all trying to drink."When were you given your license woman?" Cleo uttered before Otii growled.