

The story is about a well known handsome gentleman who one day wakes up to a basket of two beautiful girls who not only leaves him wondering which lady he planted this seed in, but is also left with the worry of how he'll raise them while still struggling to find out why his current girlfriend just chose his friend over him. Yeni turns bright in studies but Jeni feels her body is the only thing she needed to be given to shake herself through the world. Mr. Obi stopped looking for a lover the minute his ex came back and said she chose his friend for she became obsessed with Mr. Flinch power to turn her in 360 degrees. Whatever she meant, even Mr. Obi didn't bother to ask.

Joy_Gitonga_5817 · Movies
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10 Chs

Back to trouble

Jeni ran and hid her face, she felt terrible and worth nothing. She buried her head deep in the pillow, she felt not even drugs nor music could hide this hate she had. She wished she was alone and she wanted to just escape to the world of peace. She had no suicide attempts, she just wanted her peace. Mr. Obi got back and once Jeni heard his voice she knew they were back, she rushed to the window wishing she could just find Cleo's face. She saw many people many entering and coming out of Mr.Finuos house and she also never had the chance of seeing neither Cleo, Tii nor her sister. Where are they? She rushed out just to open the door to an angry father and an apologetic Tiff. Did you have to lock the door for her, She pissed me off and that's why I did it. Father, where is Yeni, father had come back to take an envelope and head out again. They are all in Mr.Finuos house. Jeni wore her shoes and headed to the next compound. She had the chance to meet up with many relatives of Tiis family especially this 'Royal Family' he always talked about, he always boosted about a certain auntie he had who got married to a very rich family and today Jeni could see the whole family. Yeni was so indulged in the piece of articles lined at the shelf next to a microwave at the right corner of the house. She gave the guests a welcoming smile as her eyes wished to land on Cleo. She saw Tii and decided to head to him. Tii handed Jeni a glass of water as he motioned for her to follow him. They entered a blue yellow decorated room. The room was spacious and books were neatly arranged at a shelf next to the window. Jeni caught her attention occupied by the pile of Micheal Jacksons collection, next to it was a square ruled book which Jeni flipped the first page to find lyrics. She went through the lyrics and looked at Tii just to bump with Cleo's beautiful eyes. "Is this book yours?" Cleo walked to her and brought out how nosey she had become. Jeni snobbed him and rushed to the thriller albums she saw next to a laptop on the table behind a door which she didn't know headed. She looked back at Cleo and realized his eyes were soaked. She stood up and went to him," you good?" Cleo took the book Jeni left unopened and asked who lead her to his room. "I thought you told me Tii is your cousin and this is his house, so I asked him to lead me here." Jeni lied but she wasn't ready to live an upset Cleo all to himself. She has been through alot and she knew everyone deserves to be heard out. She went to sit down on the bed and signalled for Cleo to come join her. The two looked at each other before Jeni decided to break the silence. " Between my sister and I, I always knew that my sister was better than me when it comes to studies, I never compared myself to her though I knew everyone else did compare myself to her?, never did I let anyone come between us and I feel so blessed to have her as my sister. I feel she's the most mature I know for not only does she note when I'm sad but she is always able to manoevure me from getting intimidated by everyone, including some teachers." Cleo wiped the tear which fell on her cheek. She smiled and took a napkin from her purse. "I'm so happy for her for achieving her examination target but I got so annoyed when Tiff ran to me and told me congratulations on Yenis grade." "You've ever felt like trouble is coming your way but you decided to just relax and let the worlds best regards, to me the best pineapples are the tamed ones, the ones who never kept living for today not for the days after tomorrow. If tomorrow will be good, then the rest of the days will also be okey." Tii came back with Yeni but Jeni assumed Yeni were busy listening to their conversation, Yeni saw Jeni and smiled, "Hey you too, are you busy, Tii wants to take us four out." "You got a car?, " Cleo winked to Jeni and opened a tin which was next to his bed alarm, grabbed a Mercedes C-Class key and threw it to Tii who ducked to catch them, Yeni was mouth agape when Tii winked to her and gestured for her to lead the way. Jeni was ushered a hand before she came off the bed and followed the two. Jeni was more curious of what was going on but decided to keep the questions for another time.