
Twin stars

In the era of space colonization, numerous talents emerged. Two teenage prodigies stood above all others, piloting legendary mechas on adventures throughout the universe.

DaoistpEprqF · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Element mecha

Christopher Clark was a veteran deputy minister among the Twelve Beasts, having grown accustomed to various battle scenes and possessing extensive personal combat experience. When he saw the lone opponent wearing female elemental mecha and wielding cold weapons, he inexplicably felt a sense of palpitation.

"Attack!" Christopher Clark shouted and retreated, ordering the other members of the Twelve Beasts to advance and besiege the enemy. The white mechaa's sword in hand cut through the air, emitting a buzzing vibration like a swarm of bees.

The white mechaa moved gracefully, its sword gleaming and a murderous aura pervading the battlefield. Members of the Twelve Beasts fell one after another. Christopher Clark knew he couldn't give the opponent any chances, so he opened the snake-shaped mechaa's head to reveal a silver cannon barrel. The barrel seemed to hold a glimmer of light, ready to unleash a powerful particle beam cannon to injure or even destroy the white mechaa, while the Twelve Beasts members would hold it in place.

The Twelve Beasts members were warriors accustomed to killing, and being knocked down by the white mechaa only provoked their ferocity. However, no matter what weapons they used, they were always one step behind the white mechaa. Amidst the dust and beams, the white mechaa seemed like a dancer in white, beautiful yet dangerous.

Christopher Clark hovered on the edge of battle, knowing that if he didn't make a decision now, he would fall here today. A ruthless look flashed in his eyes as he activated the final mode of the Twelve Beasts mechaa. Suddenly, the Twelve Beasts members attacking the white mechaa shuddered. Two red wires emerged from each mechaa's neck and connected to the members' brains, releasing a specific frequency current.

In an instant, the human consciousness of these Twelve Beasts members was destroyed, leaving only their combat instincts and awareness. The Twelve Beasts mechaa became fearless, continuing to swarm even with pierced chests or severed limbs. The white mechaa's space to maneuver grew smaller and smaller.

"Opportunity!" Christopher Clark's eyes lit up as he spotted a defensive flaw in the white mechaa. A dazzling silver light shot out from the silver cannon barrel of his snake-shaped mechaa. "Hit!" With his years of combat experience, Christopher Clark knew that this attack was unavoidable as soon as the particle beam was released.

Christopher Clark's lips parted, and the corners of his mouth turned up, just about to reveal a victorious smile. However, he was shocked to find that the white mechaa had disappeared from its original position, and his vision became blurred, gradually losing focus.

The snake-shaped mechaa separated from Christopher Clark's body and disintegrated in mid-air, reforming into a snake phantom before gradually vanishing. The snake phantom on Christopher Clark's pendant also disappeared, leaving behind a smiling face of a little girl on the back of the pendant.

The white mechaa looked at the pendant, shook its head slightly, and then threw its long sword gently. The sword entered a high-dimensional void and then turned away.

The Grand Auditorium of Osu University had been converted into a temporary command center by the Special Task Force. In an inconspicuous room on the side of the temporary command center, Augustus Kesar sat with his eyes closed, leaning back on the sofa. His arms hung relaxed at his sides, seemingly completely immersed in the comfort of the sofa. A female attendant behind him gently massaged his shoulders, while a table in front of him held cut fruit and an empty wine glass.

There was a knock on the door. After about a minute, Augustus Kesar nodded slightly, and the female attendant behind him said, "Please come in."

William gently opened the door and walked into the room, then closed the door softly behind him. He saluted Augustus Kesar and said, "General, the special task force is ready. We can start screening the staff at Os University tomorrow and locate the professor in batches."

The acubody mechaa has a high-dimensional space projection. Without any concealment, anyone who comes into contact with the acubody mechaa will leave a high-dimensional mark for a short period of time. This high-dimensional mark is itself a high-level energy, which can be identified by special instruments.

The special task force plans to use force to control the entire Os University and then check each suspicious person one by one. As long as the professor is still at Os University, the special task force will definitely find him.

Augustus Kesar slowly opened his eyes and said indifferently, "I leave these matters to you." He picked up the wine glass that had just been poured by the female attendant, took a sip of wine, and a virtual image of thunder and snow flashed in his narrow eyes. He said leisurely, "I hope the Twelve Beasts won't retreat just because they see my banner. It's only fun to have some opponents with real strength."

On July 22, 537 of the new universe calendar, in Room 308 of the Os University mechaa Department, Professor Smith, Jack Robinson, Daniel Brown, and two acubody mechaas were staring at each other in amazement.

Looking at these two acubody mechaas that emerged from the "The Nine mecha Scriptures" and were covered with Aiden Storm and Mason Phoenix respectively, Professor Smith's eyes were full of jealousy and incomprehension.

This completely contradicted Professor Smith's plan. Professor Smith had been studying the "The Nine mecha Scriptures" for more than a decade and naturally learned about the high-dimensional marks of acubody mechaas from some hidden channels.

Professor Smith hid the "The Nine mecha Scriptures" in a thick hand-copied book cover and planned to use the support of Ethan Taylor's classmates to let all students who supported Ethan Taylor sign their names on this hand-copied book. This would allow most of the mechaa Department students to be marked with high-dimensional marks in a short time, thus confusing them.

As for the plan after confusing them, Professor Smith had not thought it through. He was only a university professor, not a mechaa warrior skilled in combat.

Jack Robinson and Daniel Brown watched as Aiden Storm and Mason Phoenix wrote their names on the hand-copied book, and suddenly various light and shadow fragments flew out of the book like magic. Later, these light and shadow fragments covered Aiden Storm and Mason Phoenix, forming two acubody mechaas.

Aiden Storm and Mason Phoenix also opened their mouths wide, feeling inexplicably amazed and thinking that the acubody mechaas on each other looked really cool.