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In the era of space colonization, numerous talents emerged. Two teenage prodigies stood above all others, piloting legendary mechas on adventures throughout the universe.

DaoistpEprqF · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Nine mecha Scriptures

On July 23, 537 of the new universe calendar, in a reinforced cage in the auditorium of Os University, Professor Smith, Jack Robinson, Daniel Brown, and Aiden Storm and Mason Phoenix looked at each other in silence.

Professor Smith still couldn't understand why he had been with the "The Nine mecha Scriptures" for more than a decade and still couldn't touch it, but these two young guys could easily get the acubody mechaas. Professor Smith suddenly felt a sense of absurdity, like when a cabbage he had been growing for more than ten years was suddenly eaten by a pig.

Aiden Storm was very speechless. He didn't want to encounter such things beyond his control. He was only sixteen years old and still a student.

Mason Phoenix was somewhat excited, feeling like he had entered the main storyline of an RPG game that he had been playing for sixteen years. He was just worried about his parents in this world and didn't know what kind of implications this incident would have on them.

Jack Robinson and Daniel Brown were both scared and regretful. They reacted too slowly, and the special task force reacted too quickly. Jack Robinson and Daniel Brown hadn't had time to sign their names on the hand-copied book yet, and the situation was already completely under control. Jack Robinson and Daniel Brown were still thinking that if they could have signed their names at that time, maybe they would have had four acubody mechaas.

Each of these five people had their own thoughts, and the scene was unusually silent.

Outside the cage, Augustus Kesar lay on the sofa, ignoring the five people in the cage, but looked amusingly at "The Nine mecha Scriptures" in his hand.

There were no marks or words on the cover of "The Nine mecha Scriptures", only a layer of black leather wrapped around it. When he opened the first page of the book, a childlike drawing of an acubody mechaa appeared before his eyes. The mechaa was outlined with different colored crayons, with simple and vivid lines on its body. Its head had huge eyes and exaggerated expressions, and the mecha on its body was covered with indiscernible patterns.

When he turned to the second page, there was another childlike drawing of an acubody mechaa. This time, the image of the mechaa was even more exaggerated and bizarre. Its body was elongated and its limbs were extremely slender, giving it a unique aesthetic.

When he turned to the third page, the style suddenly changed. A living red and black acubody mechaa stood on the paper. This red and black mechaa exuded a strong sense of movement. Its body was painted in dark red and black, with smooth lines and strong limbs, showing a powerful sense of strength. The red breastplate shimmered with hot light, as if flames were burning.

The fourth page showed a blue and white acubody mechaa. This blue and white mechaa looked calm and composed on the outside, with simple and smooth lines on its body, exhibiting an elegant and calm temperament. The mecha on its shoulders flickered with cold light, as if ice and snow were shining.

Only these two acubody mechaas in the entire book had clear details and distinct expressions, as if they could jump out of the book at any moment into reality. The other seven pages of acubody mechaas were somewhat blurry, like crayon drawings.

Augustus Kesar flipped through "The Nine mecha Scriptures" several times but did not find any other peculiarities. He tried to tear it apart with both hands, but even with ten times his strength, he could not tear open a single crack in "The Nine mecha Scriptures".

Seeing that brute force could not damage "The Nine mecha Scriptures", Augustus Kesar's left hand sparked with electricity while his right hand was covered in frost. He wanted to see if his abilities could damage "The Nine mecha Scriptures". William behind Augustus Kesar saw this and his heart thumped wildly. If this precious "The Nine mecha Scriptures" were damaged by this gentleman, he would only get scolded when he returned to Kesar Family, but William would have no chance of redemption. However, William dared not openly discourage this gentleman's interest and could only pretend to cough softly from the side.

Augustus Kesar played with the The Nine mecha Scriptures for a while, but failed to damage it in the slightest. Feeling bored, he casually threw the coveted book onto the coffee table in front of the sofa.

Augustus Kesar leaned back on the sofa and lifted his right hand lightly. A wine glass, filled with red wine, was handed to him by a maid.

After taking a sip of wine, Augustus Kesar looked at the five weaklings in the cage.


"Block the news. I want to wait for the Twelve Beasts and see if they can bring me some surprises."

With the The Nine mecha Scriptures in hand, William didn't want to cause any trouble. He nervously said, "But the patriarch said to return to the family immediately after obtaining the The Nine mecha Scriptures."

Augustus Kesar seemed not to have heard William's words. He just pinched the stem of the wine glass between his thumb and forefinger, watching the wine in the glass swaying round after round.

William broke out in cold sweat and bowed even lower. He said with great respect, "I understand."

Augustus Kesar smiled, raised his high nose, and lay on the sofa overlooking everyone present. He said, "Leave those two kids who can summon acubody mechaas behind. Kill everyone else."