
Twin stars

In the era of space colonization, numerous talents emerged. Two teenage prodigies stood above all others, piloting legendary mechas on adventures throughout the universe.

DaoistpEprqF · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Test sword skills

Ethan Taylor is dead.

Several gunshots, no trial.

It is said that after the incident, the special task force found emails between Ethan Taylor and the Twelve Beasts League on his personal computer. The emails revealed that the Twelve Beasts League asked Ethan Taylor to incite students to attack the special task force at the school.

Ethan Taylor's death has silenced the students of Os University. The teachers of Os University voluntarily moved into the student dormitories to live with the students, in order to avoid further conflicts with the special task force. The dean of Os University strongly protested to Augustus Kesar, but couldn't even get a meeting with him. Augustus Kesar only arranged for William to reply to the dean of Os University with the relevant laws regarding attacking the military and colluding with terrorist organizations.

Os University has been forcibly divided into multiple zones by Augustus Kesar's special task force. Students and faculty can only stay in a small area, while most of the zones have been designated as military restricted areas.

Professor Smith, who teaches civilian mechaa principles, has moved into the dormitory where Mason Phoenix and Aiden Storm live. Professor Smith wears a pair of high glasses, has fair skin, and dresses simply, giving off a sense of honesty and ordinariness.

Professor Smith's mother used to be a female attendant in a noble family on Earth. After the noble family fell from power, Professor Smith's mother took advantage of the chaos to take away several valuable items from the family and fled to the moon, where she met Professor Smith's father and gave birth to him.

Professor Smith was intelligent from a young age and stayed at Os University after graduation to teach. Through some rare books in the Os University collection, he confirmed that one of the items his mother took was the legendary "The Nine mecha Scriptures."

Professor Smith has been studying the "The Nine mecha Scriptures" for more than ten years, but has gained nothing despite daily efforts. The excitement in his heart has long disappeared without a trace, and he only plans to sell the "The Nine mecha Scriptures" to make some money and live a wealthy life.

But before he could make that money, he was blocked by the special task force at Os University. Professor Smith's life experience tells him that the special task force did not go to such great lengths to seal off Os University just for a few members of the Twelve Beasts League. They must be after the "The Nine mecha Scriptures" in his hands.

A sense of absurdity surged in Professor Smith's heart. Since he found out that the legendary "The Nine mecha Scriptures" was in his possession, he has been racking his brains but gained nothing. And at over forty years old, with his parents long gone and no family of his own, he feels even more that this "The Nine mecha Scriptures" is an ominous book, as no family that has possessed it has ever had a good ending. However, Professor Smith is not willing to simply give the "The Nine mecha Scriptures" to the Kesar family. He doesn't believe that the Kesar family, with their dominance, would offer him any compensation.

Professor Smith was very quiet in the dormitory and always frowned anxiously. After several attempts, Mason Phoenix felt that Professor Smith was overly worried, not just worried about military control, but seemed to have some other stories.

Mason Phoenix found an opportunity when no one was around and discussed with Aiden Storm: "The Special Forces Corps strictly confined Os University for a month, saying they were looking for the Twelve Beasts, but what kind of person would it take a month to find?"

"The expression of our Professor Smith has no anger at being restricted, only anxiety and fear. With our protagonist status, I feel that Professor Smith must have a problem."

Aiden Storm nodded in agreement.

Mason Phoenix said again: "I don't know what Professor Smith's secret is, nor do I know if he has any accomplices."

Seeing Mason Phoenix's eager expression, Aiden Storm thought for a while and said, "We are still students."

Then he said again: "Only sixteen years old."

Mason Phoenix knew what Aiden Storm wanted to express, and said, "Don't worry, the Special Forces Corps is here, we don't know Professor Smith's situation clearly, and we don't know where the Twelve Beasts are hidden. The two of us add up to only thirty-two years old, how can we match up with these high-end players with thin arms and legs. Although we must be the protagonists, I'm not stupid enough to become the leader and touch these high-end players."

Aiden Storm nodded, but seemed a little confused and asked, "Didn't you say you were in your thirties?"

Mason Phoenix's face stiffened, and he was about to pretend to beat Aiden Storm. At this time, Professor Smith walked in from outside the dormitory and said gently to Mason Phoenix and Aiden Storm, "Aiden Storm, Mason Phoenix, you are here. The teacher just wanted to find you to chat."

Mason Phoenix and Aiden Storm looked at each other and understood the meaning in each other's eyes. Is this drama really about to begin?

Outside the city of Ares, in a hidden underground place, Christopher Clark was studying the defensive deployment of the Special Forces Corps in Os University with other members of the Twelve Beasts. Suddenly, a warning rose in his heart, "Bang!" A loud noise, the entrance of the hidden place was smashed open, and the smoke cleared to reveal a snow-white mechaa. The head of this mechaa has a smooth and rounded outline, and the sides of the helmet present a gentle arc. The four limbs are slender and proportionate, full of a sense of soft and beautiful lines. If it were not for the long sword in the right hand of this mechaa, this mechaa would look more like a white dancer than a warrior.

Seeing that it was a mechaa rushing in, Christopher Clark was greatly surprised. He immediately pressed the pendant on his chest with his hand, and a snake-shaped prototype mechaa faintly emerged behind Christopher Clark. Then this prototype mechaa dispersed and seemed to tear through space. The scattered parts of the prototype mechaa flew towards Christopher Clark, as if an invisible force firmly attracted them together. In an instant, these parts covered Christopher Clark's body and formed a complete snake-shaped prototype mechaa. The other members of the Twelve Beasts also opened the mechaa boxes behind them and put on the artificial mechaas made by the Twelve Beasts.

Christopher Clark said coldly to the snow-white mechaa: "Who are you?"

The snow-white mechaa raised its right hand sword and came a soft female voice: "Just come to try the sword with someone."