
We'll die together

"It's exactly because I don't want my whole family to end up dead." Alex said as he held his head in his hands.

"What?" Alina frowned.

Alex stared into Alina's brown eyes, "Do you know why dad left?"

Alina looked away and mumbled, "Something related to no one could know he had a family. I don't know why. It was your forte. You are obsessed with Victor Flame! What does this have to do with anything!!" Her voice had continued to grow louder and she was just one note away from shouting as she finished.

Alex held Alina's shoulders and said, "There's a rule in the underworld. If you try to leave before your term is over, or you do something against the rules, they kill your whole family."

Alina looked up and Alex continued, "Otherwise, no one can touch anyone's family. That is the greatest taboo. But there are times when whole families are killed because a person disobeyed."

Alina seemed to be looking far away. She suddenly stared at Alex and asked, "How long did you take a vacation for?"

"Huh? Six months." Alex said as he tilted his head, wondering what was going on in the mind of his sister.

Alina stood up and said, "Then everything is great. We can live here for six months and make preparations. After that, you and me can run away. We can go anywhere! We'll disappear from this country altogether. We can be together forever Alex! You and me!!!"

"It's not that easy Alina!! They'll kill everyone they can find if they don't find you! Do you want Steve and everyone else to die!?!?!?!?" Alex yelled and began panting.

Alina stood frozen for a few minutes while Alex's breathing became normal.

Once he was in control, Alex reached out and touched Alina's arm. "Alina?" he whispered.

Alina's face was blank as she sat down on the bed with a thump. "Alina!! Alina!!!!!!!"

After many calls, Alina blinked and looked at Alex. "So, we die together. You and me." She said, a weird resolve in her eyes.

Alex slapped Alina's cheek and shrieked, "Have you lost your f*cking mind!?!?"

The slap seemed to put some sense in Alina as she looked at Alex and whispered, "There's no other choice?"

Alex shook his head and touched his forehead to Alina's, "My term was ten years. I've already more or less completed six. You need to survive only for four years before you can leave."

Alina sighed, "You never should have run away."

Alex smiled, "I completely agree."

He wrapped his arms around Alina and said, "Sorry for pulling you into this mess."

Alina: "Aren't you always cleaning up my mess? This will be repayment for that. And Alex?"

"Hmm?" Alex asked.

"Put one dollar in the swear jar." Alina giggled.

Alex's eyes widened before he chuckled, "We still have that? Of course I'll put a dollar tomorrow."

Alina also wrapped her arms around Alex's frail body. The two stayed there for quite some time before Alina whispered, "Alex?"

"Can't you shut up for one moment?" Alex snapped.

Alina pouted and said, "Just a heads up, I'll be spoiling the image you've built."

A figure that had been sitting outside the door leaning on the wall quietly got up and walked away.

Max wiped his tears and mumbled, "Whatever she says, she'll do anything for her big brother."