
Reincarnation of devils

Two months had already passed since Alina decided to take Alex's place.

Max had been training her in the basic moves and style of Alex, so she could easily copy him. Though Alina was obviously a born talent, she could wipe the table with Max only after a few days of training, she still needed to understand Alex's natural style and make it her own.

Alina and Max walked in after their morning training session, both dripping with sweat.

Alex was sitting in the living room with a book.

He looked up and made a face, "Go have a shower, you too. You stink."

Alina chuckled and gave an evil smile before running over and hugging Alex, getting all the sweat and dirt on him.

Alex frowned and pushed Alina away, "Hey!! Watch it!!"

Max came over and handed him a towel. Alex thanked him and said, "You believe me now?"

Max nodded witha defeated look.

"What?" Alina asked, looking from Max to Alex.

"Max didn't believe me when I told him that I was the mature one at home." Alex answered with a smirk.

Alina said as she stood up, "Of course. Did you get a trophy for being mature Hadum? All you got was my brother."

Alex: "....."

Max: "....."

While the two were speechless, Alina rushed to the bathroom and her voice was heard, "I'll be using the shower first!"

Max was speechless for a minute before he shook his head with a smile.

"What? What's on your mind?" Alex asked, pulling on his sleeve.

Max sighed as he sat down on the floor beside Alex, "I just..... it's just hard to believe that Alina so easily agreed to take your place."

Alex sighed as he closed his book, "She will never accept it, but there's too much of my dad in her."

Max: "What do you mean?"

Alex: "She's stubborn like dad. She cares for others like him. And doesn't know how to show it like him. And she's too passionate like him. Which is why she hasn't yet forgiven him for walking out on mom."

Max nodded, "I get it. There's too much of Victor Flame in her to just spend her life in this little village."

Alex: "Yeah. And like I told you, she's stubborn. She never would have accepted herself that she hates this place and is wasting her potential here. She would have continued to live here, clinging to the memory of mom."

"But she seems to love the place." Max added, deep in thought.

Alex sighed, "Yeah. She's changed. She has gone through much alone. And she's changed. Even I cannot tell what goes on in her head now."

Max didn't reply and the two turned silent.

"Hey, did you do what I asked you to?" Alex asked after a few minutes, fumbling around for Max's hand.

Max took hold of his hand and said, "Yeah. It'll be here today. But why are you keeping this a secret from Alina?"

Alex chuckled, "The only thing I was better at than Alina was shooting. And it irritated her to death. And I'm sure that hasn't changed yet."

Max supressed a laugh as he stood up, "Both of you siblings are the reincarnation of devils."