
She promised it wasn't genetic

Max replied with an oh and went silent.

The rest of the meal passed in silence, as the three of then ate quietly. Even Alina did not try to start a conversation, she seemed deep in thought.

Alina cleaned up after dinner and did the dishes as Alex and Max sat in the living room, talking in serious tones about something.

Alina said goodnight to the two as she headed up to her room.

She was brushing her brunette hair when Alex knocked and came in.

"Is it okay if I come in?" He asked.

Alina rolled her eyes, "I did throw out your bed, but it can still be considered your room. And you are anyway in."

Alex looked down and saw that he was indeed in. He chuckled and sat down on the bed.

"Is it really okay for you to be walking about like this?" Alina asked looking at Alex in the mirror.

Alex waved his hand, "I'm fine. Besides, your food has miraculous effect. I feel like my strength is returning."

Alina chuckled, "What do you want?"

Alex raised an eyebrow, "Why do you assume I want something?"

Alina: "Because the only times you compliment me is when you want something. And you've been doing it since you came, so I assume you need a big favour."

Alex sighed in defeat, "I swear you're spoiling your genius in a place like this."

Alina shook her head and went back to brushing her waist long hair.

"You grew your hair. It looks nice." Alex commented.

"Yeah. I couldn't have everyone mistaking the two of us always right?" Alina chuckled.

Alex also let out a sad smile, "Yeah. It was a wonder how we could be so alike despite not being identical twins. Mom told me that even the doctor was surprised to see us so identical, being of different genders."

Alina: "We really were a miracle."

Silence fell between then as Alina continued to brush her hair.

When she was almost done, Alex asked, "So, how have you been?"

Alina replied, "O you know, the usual. How have you been? I assume you have more stories than me to tell?"

Alex chuckled, "Oh I do. But maybe not now. As for how I've been, you can see that for yourself."

Alina's face fell, "Mom's disease?"

Alex nodded, "Mom's disease."

Alina made a face, "Damnit! Mom promised it was not genetic."

"You talked to mom about if the disease was genetic?" Alex was taken aback.

Alina rolled her eyes, "You can't imagine the kind of talks we had after you ran away. Do you know, we talked of nothing but periods for a week straight?"

Alex made a face, "I did not need to know that." His face then fell, "You know Alina, I really wish I hadn't run away. I wish that I had stayed. We could have had a happy life."

Alina turned her chair to face Alex.

"I'm not trying to make you feel guilty Alex. I don't even blame you anymore. And do you really wish you had never run away?" she asked with a sad smile.

Alex stared at Alina's smile, she really had matured a lot. "What do you mean?" he asked.