
Maybe she realized something

Alex sighed, "Alina knows more about mom's disease than mom herself. Maybe just as much as the doctors."

Max looked at Alex's face with surprise and worry, "So she knows something that made her react that way?"

Alex shrugged, "Or realised something. That only Alina knows."

As he finished, Alex had another fit as he started to cough violently and breathing became a difficult task to him.

Max hugged him and stroked his back, the only thing he could do.

Alina sat for quite some time crying her eyes out. When she looked up, it had already gotten late enough that the sun had no warmth left. Alina shivered as a gust of wind blew past her, autumn was saying goodbye and winter already stood at the door knocking.

Alina got up drying her eyes and walked back to the house.

Alina called the two men after she had set the dinner table.

"I'm not rich enough to feed three people. You both will have to pay for your rations." Alina grumbled as Max led Alex in.

"Don't worry. Your big bro is filthy rich. I'll pay for everything." Alex said with a chuckle as he sat down.

Alina put a finger under her chin, "Is that so? Then maybe I should start charging rent from you both too. How long are you gonna be here for anyway?"

Alex: "Four months."

Alina: "Okay then. Ten thousand dollars a month."

Alex: "....."

Max almost coughed out blood upon hearing Alina's words. He slumped into a chair and murmured, "Your sister is gonna suck us poor Alex."

Alina turned to him with a sweet smile, "Ten thousand dollars per person."

Max: "....."

"Say. Alina? Your eyes seem a bit red. Did something go into your eyes?" Alex successfully changed the topic.

Alina rubbed her eyes and looked down as she sat, "No nothing. Come on. Let's eat."

The three are in silence for some time before Alina looked up. "I got mom's room ready for you. You guys will share a room right?"

"Right." Alex replied.

"And remember not to be too loud during the night, I'm a light sleeper okay." Alina said, waving her spoon in front of Alex's face.

Max: "....."

Alex: "... I'm your big brother."

"By two minutes. But everyone has needs." Alina replied.

Alex: "..."

"So there's only two rooms in the house?" Max changed the topic.

Alina nodded.

"Then you and Alex shared a room to the time you were both seventeen?" Max continued to ask, glad to be able to have a conversation with this girl.

"Yeah. And I pushed his bed out of the window as soon as he left." Alina replied.

Alex and Max both burst out laughing upon hearing this. Alina also chuckled and said, "Eat quickly now."

"So Alina? Can I ask you a personal question?" Max asked, looking a bit scared.

Alina laughed, "Go on. You're almost part of the family now. We just have to hold a wedding for you both."

Max blushed as Alex beamed.

"Why is your name Swan ans Alex's Flame?" Max asked, stuffing his mouth with food to hide his embarrassment.

Alex looked at Alina from under his lashes, worried that Max had stepped on a wound, but Alina just shrugged and replied, "Swan was mom's maiden name."