
Everything's ready

"I can vouch for myself, but what did my saint like brother do?" Alina's voice was heard as she entered the living room. Her russet skin was flushed after exercise and a shower and her hair were pulled up in a messy bun.

Max was flustered but Alex grinned, "Living with you, I'm bound to pick up some traits."

Alina rolled her eyes, "Of course. You picked up my liking for boys after all."

Alex: "...."

Max: "PUUU..... We don't need weapons. This girl can make people bleed just by talking."

Alina bowed with a smile. "You can use the shower now. And I'll make breakfast. Just a sec."

Alex shook his head as Alina and Max both walked out. He was going to miss days like this. God knew how many days he had left.

Alina was almost done with breakfast when Max came out of the shower, rubbing a towel in his hair.

He walked into the kitchen where Alina was busy and asked, "Need any help?"

Alina replied without even stopping, "Yeah. Punch yourself in the face."

Max: "..." *internally* "I didn't even do anything."

Just as he was complaining internally about how rude Alina was, she whipped around with an apologetic smile. "Really sorry. I. guess I'm just wired this way. Rudeness spills out of my mouth without my meaning to." she said.

Max turned his face away, a faint blush creeping onto his cheeks. Whenever he saw Alina, he would see Alex. They were both so similar. And right now he had seen the sweet Alex, apologizing after being rude, looking just like when they had just met. Well, except the hair.

Alina turned back to her work and said, "Thanks. But I'm almost done. Take these plates to the dining table and then could you help Alex? Thanks."

Max nodded, took the plates and began walking out of the kitchen. Just as he was at the door, Alina called out, "Hey Hadum?"

"Hmm?" Max turned around.

"Everything's ready for tomorrow." she said with a childlike smile and excitement.

Max smiled and walked out of the kitchen.

He wondered which of the siblings would get a bigger shock the next day.

"It'll definitely be Alex. Alina's surprise might just give him a heart attack." Max muttered to himself as he went to help Alex.

Alina was very tired and had actually drooped down on the dinner table.

"You look tired Alina. Why don't you call it a day? Max can help with the dishes. And I'll do what I can." Alex said worriedly as Alina shook her head to wake herself.

Alina was tired most of the time now. With all the practice and house-work she had to do. And she even took care of the fields to top it off. Though Max always tried to help, he was pretty useless when it came to house-work.

But for the last few days, Alina seemed to be really tired. By the end of the day, she looked like she would drop down any second.

Alex sighed to himself and cursed his uselessness as Alina got up and took the dishes back to the kitchen.

Alex was in the living room and Max was doing the dishes when Alina came down the stairs, dressed for going out.

"You're going somewhere?" Alex asked, very surprised.