
Is it something special?

"Yeah." Alina replied with a smile, "I'll probably be late. Don't wait up."

Saying this she skipped out of the house.

Alex raised an eyebrow to himself as Max came into the room after finishing the dishes. "Where did your baby sister run off to?" he asked.

"Don't know." Alex shrugged and slumped on the sofa, "She said she would be late and not to wait for her."

Max smirked and walked upto Alex. He trailed down a finger from his forehead to his chin, lingering for quite some time at the lips.

Alex chuckled as Max held up his chin, "Someone seems impatient tonight."

Max stooped down to plant a kiss on Alex's lips before saying, "Well your sister will be out late." He wriggled his eyebrows suggestively as Alex laughed, "You do seem very desperate."

Max chuckled as he sat down and pulled Alex onto his lap, "What can I say, I've been living like a saint ever since we came here."

Alex undid the top two buttons of Max's shirt and kissed his exposed chest, "I don't think Alina will be back for some time."

Max growled in response as he held up Alex's chin and planted an urgent kiss on his lips.

The next day, Alex was sitting in the living room with a book. Alina and Max had skipped on the morning training and both had mysteriously disappeared somewhere after breakfast.

Alex sighed as he wondered where the two of them had run off to. His face suddenly lighted up when he heard the front door open and exclaimed, "Max!!!!!"

Alex was surprised when Alina came into view holding a bag in her hand. "Not Max. Alina. Disappointed??" Alina asked as she skipped into the room.

"No. It's not that. I just wasn't expecting you. Don't you have work in the field?" Alex asked, shaking his head.

Alina skipped towards him, it was then that Alex noticed that she was all dressed up.

Alina was wearing a light green short sleeved dress that ended a few inches below her knees. Her hair were done in a French braid which were stuck with beautiful white flowers.

"You look beautiful Alina!! Why are you all dressed up?" Alex asked.

"You'll look handsome too. Now, come on." Alina said pointing to the bag in her hand.

She helped Alex to his room and opened the bag to reveal a black tuxedo with a white shirt.

"Huh? What's this? Are we going somewhere?" Alex asked, looking from the tuxedo to Alina.

Alina beamed and said, "Yes. We're going somewhere. Now come on!! Get ready."

Alina took two steps back and eyed Alex up and down. "Wow!! My big bro! I've got to say, you do have my great looks after all." Alina exclaimed.

Alex chuckled and tugged on his collar, "Thanks. But do I have to? Is it something special today?" He was a bit uncomfortable.

Alina frowned and slapped his hand away.

"Don't." she said and adjusted Alex's collar. "And yes. Today's very special. Now, let's do something about your hair." saying this Alina busied herself with Alex's hair.

She slicked back Alex's brunette hair, which made him look quite royal.

Though he never admitted it himself, Alex was quite handsome, despite the slight feminine features of his face.