
Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

“You ask who I am?” “Good question, friend!” He stood in front of her, spat out the yellow sand in his mouth, raised his hands high over his shoulders, and said proudly: “I am the boss of the gutter in Zaun, the ninth member of the Piltover Council. I am the honorary hero of Bilgewater.” “What have I done?” “I once set a fire in the stone forest of Demacia, and also compared heights with the dwarfs in Bandle City.” Standing in front of her, he spoke eloquently. “And now, I have met you in the sand-filled Shurima.” “Alright, lady, I have finished speaking, so can you put away your weapon first?” //translator note Hello, I’m currently translating a fanfiction from mtl and I’m planning to use ChatGPT to correct it. I’m posting it here because it makes it easier for me to read. This fanfiction is about someone who got transported to the world of Arcane (you know, from League of Legends?). Someone has already translated it and you can find it by searching for the title “Arcane: Champion Witness System”. You might want to read it there because they were the first to do it. However, I couldn’t wait any longer, so I decided to translate it myself. // The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm //for the mtl: www.mtlnovel.com/twin-cities-hero-witness-system/ P.S i'm gonna copied chapter 1-85 from TypicalFicEnjoyer6 cause im lazy sorry about that brother.

JikoxChatGpt · Video Games
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104 Chs

Chapter 88: Human Power is Limited, But I am Not Human

"Lin Wen, Zaun and Piltover can improve together. You're back, we can change the relationship between the two cities," one of them said.

"Jayce, it's not that simple," the other replied.

"I know this is not a simple matter, but in the years you were not in Piltover, I have been working hard for this," Jayce put the wine on the glass table, looked into Lin Wen's eyes,

and said seriously, "When necessary, I also tried to use force. But it's useless. Lin Wen, now only I am working hard, Victor can't help me, Mel can't help me, and Professor Heimerdinger has no intention of participating in politics."

"But you can help me."

"As long as you can let Zaun write the alliance book, I will submit it to the council. Mel will stand by me, so will Professor Heimerdinger, and Mrs. Gilman. We can try."

"By then, we will have at least four votes."

Lin Wen was silent, looking at the table. With Jayce's excitement, the table was constantly trembling.

After hearing Jayce's words, Lin Wen was silent for a long time before he said,

"Jayce, I know you mean well, I also believe that you sincerely want Zaun and Piltover to get along well, I know all these things, Jayce, I know."

"But have you ever thought about a problem?" Lin Wen raised his eyes and looked at Jayce.

He really owed Jayce. Jayce regarded him as a brother, but he approached Jayce in order to get Hex technology from Jayce. After leaving Zaun for four years, Lin Wen indeed intended to avoid Jayce, and now he is back because there are some things Lin Wen must do.

Lin Wen's tone became a bit heavy, he wanted to stop himself from saying what he was going to say next. But he didn't succeed. He had wanted to say this for a long time. To tell all the people in Piltover. It's time for you to listen to the voice of Zaun. Lin Wen finally spoke to Jayce.

So wine is really not a good thing. It can make people inexplicable, some things that should not be said, even if they know that saying it will hurt the other party, they can blurt it out.

"Until now, do you still think that Zaun wants to be peaceful with you? Do you still think that Zaun is begging you? Until now, do you still think that Zaun is parasitic under Piltover?"

"Jayce, we are not pitiful." Lin Wen looked into Jayce's eyes, "Now, it's not Zaun begging Piltover, but Piltover should open their ears and listen to Zaun's voice."

Jayce was speechless looking at Lin Wen, the previous excitement turned into powerlessness. He found that Lin Wen in front of him suddenly became very strange. A kind of aura not inferior to Jayce appeared on Lin Wen.

Yes, Jayce is a councilor. But Lin Wen was the one who led the people of the Black Alley out when he was fourteen. At the age of sixteen, he inherited Vander's banner and truly unified Zaun. Jayce is a high-ranking councilor in Piltover, and he has the confidence and pride of the upper city people. But Lin Wen also has the unyielding and firmness of the lower city people. He is now, first of all, Lin Wen of Zaun, and then a friend of Jayce, the councilor of Piltover.

"Have you ever noticed that until now, you always have a bit of arrogance? When you say you want to change the relationship between our two cities." Lin Wen sighed.

"I've been changing, after meeting you and Victor, I've been changing myself." Lin Wen shook his head.

Jayce still wanted to say something, but in the end, he was silent: "."

He knew the outcome early on. This is an inevitable battle, maybe not a battle, but the relationship between the two cities will always have a day of conflict. Jayce is a very smart person, and he has been involved in political work for many years. He certainly knows what Lin Wen's disappearance for four years means.

On the one hand, Lin Wen is to protect him from being harassed by the council, and on the other hand. Lin Wen is not giving Jayce a chance to change his mind. Jayce knew very early that when Lin Wen returned to Zaun, the relationship between the two cities would officially change.

So he asked Lin Wen that sentence - you are back, are we still friends?

"But," Jayce raised his head, and saw Lin Wen say very seriously: "We will not involve innocent people, what I said we, is you and me."

"What really makes the relationship between Piltover and Zaun bad. It's not you, it's not me, it's them, it's those big families, it's class."

"Jayce, we will never be enemies, you are my brother."

"Lin Wen, I hate them too, they are controlling me in various ways, but you have to know, without them, Piltover will be in chaos." Jayce said aloud.

Piltover will be in chaos. Of course it will be chaotic, but what does that have to do with him, Lin Wen? He just wants Zaun to be good now. Jayce also understood Lin Wen's meaning. Not speaking is Lin Wen's answer.

"Jayce, you can continue to try, try to change their minds. If they are willing to apologize to Zaun and sign a contract, agree to Zaun's autonomy, no longer discharge waste water to Zaun, and open the Hex portal for Zaun to use, I can promise on behalf of Vander."

"Only in this way can there be real harmony and coexistence."

"You're kidding me? Your conditions are too harsh, they will never agree." Jayce took another sip of wine.

"You try it." Lin Wen replied.

"Try a fart." Jayce looked at Lin Wen speechlessly and said: "I just thought you were like a changed person, but now you are back again, you are still so shameless."

"This is not shameless." Lin Wen said seriously, "I'm serious, I'm not joking."

"Piltover can't beat Zaun."

"If .... it weren't for some reasons, I would have solved those people a long time ago."

"I'll take it as you are joking again. Human power is limited. They are studying hex weapons in private, and about hex, the power should not be underestimated."

Human power is limited...

Lin Wen muttered to himself.

Yes, human power is limited.

But I am not human.

Not only was I not human, but the girl sitting on the balcony eating, she wasn't human either.

As far as Lin Wen is concerned, Kai'Sa can easily solve the problem of Piltover alone. Although Kai'Sa may be injured or even hit by powerful weapons, Kai'Sa may die, but...before that, Kai'Sa can definitely cause a devastating blow to Piltover.

Piltover was raining heavily, and Kai'Sa could destroy Piltover in no time if she wanted to.

But Jace clearly didn't believe it.

Forget it, Lin Wen was too lazy to explain.