
Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

“You ask who I am?” “Good question, friend!” He stood in front of her, spat out the yellow sand in his mouth, raised his hands high over his shoulders, and said proudly: “I am the boss of the gutter in Zaun, the ninth member of the Piltover Council. I am the honorary hero of Bilgewater.” “What have I done?” “I once set a fire in the stone forest of Demacia, and also compared heights with the dwarfs in Bandle City.” Standing in front of her, he spoke eloquently. “And now, I have met you in the sand-filled Shurima.” “Alright, lady, I have finished speaking, so can you put away your weapon first?” //translator note Hello, I’m currently translating a fanfiction from mtl and I’m planning to use ChatGPT to correct it. I’m posting it here because it makes it easier for me to read. This fanfiction is about someone who got transported to the world of Arcane (you know, from League of Legends?). Someone has already translated it and you can find it by searching for the title “Arcane: Champion Witness System”. You might want to read it there because they were the first to do it. However, I couldn’t wait any longer, so I decided to translate it myself. // The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm //for the mtl: www.mtlnovel.com/twin-cities-hero-witness-system/ P.S i'm gonna copied chapter 1-85 from TypicalFicEnjoyer6 cause im lazy sorry about that brother.

JikoxChatGpt · Video Games
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104 Chs

Chapter 89: So Embarrassing!

After the conversation, both Lin Wen and Jess were in a bad mood. Although Jess was smiling, it was extremely forced, and so was Lin Wen. Later, when they talked about trivial matters in life, neither of them was in high spirits. After Kai'sa spoke again, Jess said he couldn't drink anymore, and Lin Wen tactfully left with Kai'sa. Jess didn't see Lin Wen off.

After Lin Wen left, Jess sat in his position, lying on the chair looking at the table, Jess was drunk. He couldn't sort out the documents in front of him now, but those people would want these things tomorrow. He silently looked at the pile of papers on the table, not knowing what he was thinking about. His fingers were rubbing the band on his left wrist, touching the gem embedded in it. A mage he met by chance in his childhood gave him a gem, and it was because of that gem that Jess started to yearn for magic.

Jess sat there touching the gem, this action lasted for two hours. It wasn't until the sound of the twelve o'clock salute that the third day of Evolution Day arrived, and Jess woke up. He looked outside the window, Piltover at night was still so beautiful. Looking out the window, Jess murmured, "You have your position. I also have mine." He pushed the door open and walked out. He was going to make something, a childhood dream.

"You're already home, but you don't seem to be in a good mood," Kai'sa took off her cloak on the streets of Zaun, covered her nose with her hand, and Kai'sa, who had a keen sense of smell, hated the smell of Zaun. The air was filled with various pungent smells, and the air quality was also worrying. It was worse than where she was. The bustling city above also had a strange smell in the air. But when she was up there, Kai'sa could accept it, but the smell down here, Kai'sa couldn't accept it. It's too pungent!

"There's a bit of that."

"Do you not like him?"

"No, on the contrary, I like him very much, he's my brother."

"Then why are you unhappy after seeing him?" Kai'sa asked curiously. She was very happy when she first met those people, but after they drove her away as a monster, Kai'sa was very sad, but it wasn't their fault. They just didn't understand. But seeing familiar people is always a good thing. But Lin Wen's situation is not quite right. In short, if he doesn't talk to her with a smile, Kai'sa is really not used to it.

Lin Wen took a deep breath, inhaled the air of Zaun into his lungs, and then exhaled it. A long breath, Lin Wen seemed to want to spit out all the troubles. Then, he looked at Zaun, which had changed a lot, and said to Kai'sa, "Because I almost lost a brother."

"Uh, because of that Hex?"

"He actually doesn't care about Hex."

"What he cares about is the city above his head." Lin Wen shrugged his shoulders and talked to Kai'sa, who didn't understand anything and was still picking up garbage to eat a while ago. Lin Wen suddenly felt relaxed. It's precisely because Kai'sa doesn't understand anything and doesn't know anything, so Lin Wen can easily tell Kai'sa some things.

"Are you going to fight that city?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Kai'sa "heh" a sound, said aloud: "I heard it, when you and he were talking, I was listening, although a lot of things do not understand, but you and he, and the relationship between Zaun and Piltover I understand."

Lin Wen squinted his eyes, stopped, and Kai'sa walked in front of him, turned her head and looked at him strangely.

"Then you say, you listen to my conversation with him, what did you hear?"

Lin Wen stood in place and asked Kai'sa curiously. Kai'sa, her story is quite heartbreaking, she is also a strong girl, but after such a tragedy, a girl who is strong and hardworking without crying or making trouble will make people feel more affectionate. But, after knowing Kai'sa for a month, Lin Wen found that Kai'sa was no different from a normal girl. Take off this purple shell, she is just an adult Shurima girl. Desert girls are passionate, a bit masculine, but that's normal. No, wait, Kai'sa is more greedy than normal women! This should be because she has been hungry too many times, anyway, Kai'sa really eats everything. After all, she used to live by picking up garbage in the desert.

"Isn't this simple?" Kai'sa confidently said: "You are a Zaunite, he is a Piltovian, the relationship between Zaun and Piltover is not good now."

"How do you know the relationship between Zaun and Piltover is not good?"

"Stupid, if my family is oppressed by others, I will also quarrel with others." Kai'sa stood there with her chest in her arms. This question asked her to understand things from a young age, help with housework, and do things like herding sheep. Kai'sa has done a lot of it. When herding sheep, if she encounters someone else's sheep, Kai'sa will deliberately drive those sheep away, so that her own sheep can eat better grass, grow whiter and fatter, then. It will be more delicious when you eat it. In short, it's always right to be good to yourself. Zaun is oppressed by Piltover, and all the good things are Piltover's, so it's normal for Zaun not to like Piltover! Lin Wen was happy, Kai'sa said this is not wrong. Although it didn't hit the point, it was indeed one of the contradictions between Zaun and Piltover.

Kai'sa looked at Lin Wen and laughed, so she confidently continued: "It's because of the war, so your relationship with him has become tense, right?"

"You're pretty smart."

"Thank you for the compliment." Kai'sa happily agreed, but immediately said: "But Lin Wen, where are we going now? Just find an alley?"

"Think about it, there are plenty of places to live."

"Live with your brothers and sisters?" Lin Wen thought about the time and immediately shook his head and said: "No, first of all, it's too late to find them now, and I don't know where they live now, the middle layer is quite big. I can't go from house to house, can I?"

"Use your square box." Kai'sa blinked, she said the square box, Lin Wen knew what it was, it was a Hex phone.

"So it's too late now."

"Oh." Kai'sa nodded, walked in front of Lin Wen, looked up at Lin Wen, she whispered: "Then you hurry up and find it, you promised me, food, clothing, housing and transportation."

Kai'sa stammered: "I haven't slept in a bed for a long time."

"Didn't you sleep in a tavern in Shurima?"

"What I'm talking about is a soft bed, I just saw it, your friend's room has a big soft bed." Kai'sa said with some envy.

"Bed? That's Jess's office, where's the bed?" Lin Wen looked at Kai'sa in front of him for a moment and was a little confused. Bed? He and Jess talked for a long time, but how did he not see a bed in the room?

"That is, that is the special bed! Once you sit down and lie back, it will bend down and become longer."

Kai'sa blinked her big eyes, and then said: "I also want to sleep in that."


Lin Wen looked at Kai'sa silently, and after a while, he said: "Kai'sa, when you see people, try to say less, just be a beautiful woman who can't speak."

Kai'sa blushed first, she had never thought about being a beautiful woman. Before coming here, in Shurima, no one said she was beautiful, they all called her a monster. Now, Lin Wen said she is a beautiful woman.

But soon, Kai'sa caught the key to the problem and questioned Lin Wen: "Why? You said my image in Zaun is not strange."

"Lose face."

"You lied to me? You clearly said that I am no different from normal people here."

"I said you talk and lose face!" Lin Wen pushed Kai'sa away with a light push, walked forward in big strides, and growled: "That damn thing is a chair!"

Don't say water, don't say water, don't say water! He sped up.