
Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

“You ask who I am?” “Good question, friend!” He stood in front of her, spat out the yellow sand in his mouth, raised his hands high over his shoulders, and said proudly: “I am the boss of the gutter in Zaun, the ninth member of the Piltover Council. I am the honorary hero of Bilgewater.” “What have I done?” “I once set a fire in the stone forest of Demacia, and also compared heights with the dwarfs in Bandle City.” Standing in front of her, he spoke eloquently. “And now, I have met you in the sand-filled Shurima.” “Alright, lady, I have finished speaking, so can you put away your weapon first?” //translator note Hello, I’m currently translating a fanfiction from mtl and I’m planning to use ChatGPT to correct it. I’m posting it here because it makes it easier for me to read. This fanfiction is about someone who got transported to the world of Arcane (you know, from League of Legends?). Someone has already translated it and you can find it by searching for the title “Arcane: Champion Witness System”. You might want to read it there because they were the first to do it. However, I couldn’t wait any longer, so I decided to translate it myself. // The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm //for the mtl: www.mtlnovel.com/twin-cities-hero-witness-system/ P.S i'm gonna copied chapter 1-85 from TypicalFicEnjoyer6 cause im lazy sorry about that brother.

JikoxChatGpt · Video Games
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Chapter 87: Are We Still Friends?

"What have you been doing all these years?" one of them asked.

"I've been doing some work in Shurima, looking for materials, exploring relics, and making some new friends," the other replied.

"It sounds pretty good, but why haven't you made a Hex call back for so long?"

"You have to know that there is no signal in the place I went to. It's deep in the desert, do you know it's a no-man's land?"

"You talk as if no one has ever been to Shurima."

The two people inside the house were talking. Outside, Kai'sa was sitting alone on the balcony chair, blowing the cold wind, but she was not dissatisfied. Because in front of her, there was an exquisite and super beautiful cake stand! On the cake stand were small cakes of various colors. The touch was also different, there were soft ones, hard ones, and some that looked like liquid. Kai'sa had never seen these things, let alone eaten them!

"Are these for me to eat?!" She picked up a piece, looked at it left and right, but Kai'sa couldn't put it in her mouth, so she just yelled at Lin Wen in the house. Because it was really beautiful. What is this?! Is this also food? Are the people here not only living well, but also eating so well?

"Yes, those are all for you to eat!" Lin Wen also yelled at the balcony.

Hearing Lin Wen's affirmative answer, Kai'sa tentatively put the cake in her mouth. The cake was as big as half a palm, so Kai'sa thought she had to open her mouth wide.

"Ow!" She opened her mouth as wide as possible, put the cake in her mouth, and then, Kai'sa's eyes narrowed in an instant. She swallowed it in one bite!

Inside the house…

"Hasn't she ever eaten these things?" Lin Wen turned around, and Jayce asked him in surprise.

Lin Wen nodded, "Definitely not, you should have seen it too, she has some small differences from humans, her background is also a bit complicated."

"Forget it, I don't want to know those things, there are already enough things bothering me now." Jayce quickly said.

"I didn't plan to say it either." Lin Wen shrugged, and as Jayce made a move to hit someone, he quickly said again: "How is Victor doing now?"

"Thanks to you, he's doing very well now." Jayce thought about Victor and said with a smile: "He is now very healthy and has no mental pressure. He stays in the lab every day messing with Hex technology."

"Isn't he clamoring for investment from the big family?" Lin Wen joked.

"With you, the richest man in Zaun, supporting him, does he still need the investment of the big family in Piltover?" Jayce rolled his eyes.

Lin Wen had no choice but to not refute Jayce's words. The two talked from Shurima to Piltover, and then from Piltover to Zaun. Lin Wen and Jayce talked a lot. Half an hour passed quickly, but Lin Wen and Jayce showed no signs of stopping.

And just then, there was a voice from the balcony.

"Lin Wen, I'm done eating." Kai'sa yelled outside.

As soon as Lin Wen heard Kai'sa's words, he immediately said to Jayce: "Is there any more food?"

Jayce looked at Lin Wen in surprise, with a question mark on his face: "?"

"There is, but there are so many cakes, isn't it enough for her to eat all by herself? And Lin Wen, are you sure she means she wants to eat more?"

"This is our tacit understanding, Jayce."

"Over there, go get it yourself." Following where Jayce pointed, Lin Wen found the place where the snacks were placed.

"Don't worry, they are all fresh. They will prepare snacks and tea for me every day, even if I don't like to eat those things."

"You really live a luxurious life as a councilor." Jayce retorted: "If you want, you can live as luxuriously as me, your wealth is not inferior to me."

"It's just now." Lin Wen carried the food to the balcony, passing by Jayce and said: "After all, after purchasing the Hex phone once, it can be used for life, and the energy is not worth a few dollars. And the cost of building the base station is just that. If you really want to make money, your Hex portal is more profitable."

Transportation, trade, these are big money-making items. The Hex portal occupies both. And as the founder of this technology, Jayce, his wealth has certainly reached an immeasurable value.

"But they are now dividing the Hex portal, and the Hex phone only belongs to you and Zevi."

"That's true." Lin Wen pushed open the balcony door, and saw Kai'sa sitting there obediently. When she saw him appear, her gaze was not on Lin Wen's face, but on the plate Lin Wen was holding.

Kai'sa quickly stretched out her hand and pointed at her face, asking: "Are they all for me?"

"Otherwise?" Lin Wen put the plate in front of Kai'sa and said: "We have agreed that I will take care of your food, clothing, housing and transportation."

"But I didn't expect to be able to eat such delicious food." Kai'sa grabbed a biscuit and stuffed it into her mouth, chewed and looked at Lin Wen and continued to say: "I thought beef jerky was the most delicious thing."

"There are many delicious things." Lin Wen finished speaking, and then returned to the room, and also closed the balcony door. So that Kai'sa wouldn't listen to their conversation and get a big head.

"Where did we just talk?"

"Hex." Jayce said: "The matter of making money with Hex." Lin Wen touched his face with his index finger, and then sat across from Jayce.

"Do you want to drink? What do you want to drink?" Jayce got up and walked towards the wine cabinet.

"I can't tell the difference between good and bad wine, so any wine will do." Lin Wen quickly said, and then looked at Jayce who was going to get the wine, looking at his back, Lin Wen also said: "I remember your drinking capacity is not very good."

"It's not very good to drink with others, but it's different to drink with you."

"I can accompany you to drink, drink until I vomit." Jayce took two large bottles of wine, the bottle was as big as half an adult's arm, he looked at Lin Wen and said: "Just drink directly against the bottle, no problem, right?"

"If you want to drink like this, of course I have no problem, but are you sure you can bear it?" Lin Wen joked: "I don't want to get the councilor of Piltover drunk. If you mess up, I might be arrested."

"You don't say, it's really possible to mess up. But. If not, there are some things I can't ask." After giving a bottle of wine to Lin Wen, Jayce first opened the wine stopper, and then drank a few big mouthfuls, and then wiped his mouth.

He looked at Lin Wen and said: "You came to find me, it must not be as simple as just seeing me. You have been hiding from me for several years. Now you appear in front of me."

Lin Wen put away the previous smile. He came back, and some things had to be resolved completely.

He looked at Jayce and said: "The method of making Hex gems was stolen from you by me and given to Zaun."

"I know." Jayce shook his head. He didn't care about the manufacturing process of Hex gems. This item is now entirely managed by the Ferros family. Jayce can't get involved at all, even if. That's his thing. And this is capital.

"What I want to know more." Jayce stared into Lin Wen's eyes and asked seriously: "Lin Wen, did you appear in front of me from the beginning to see me for this purpose?"

Upon hearing Jayce's words, Lin Wen immediately shook his head and said: "No, believe me, Jayce, that was really just an accident."

"I just wanted to find something useful. As a result, I didn't expect to meet you and Victor. After seeing Victor, I changed my mind."

"So the group of kids who stole my lab at the beginning, you actually know them all?" Jayce took another sip.

Lin Wen was silent for a while, also took a sip of wine, and said: "They are my brothers and sisters."

"No wonder." There was a long silence.

"How do you see me?" Lin Wen looked at Jayce: "We are brothers."

"Brothers?" Jayce laughed at himself and said: "But what you do doesn't seem to be what a brother should do."

"I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize, if it was before, I would definitely be angry with you at that time, but now I can understand why you did that." Jayce looked at Lin Wen and said softly: "Position."

"If I were you, I might also want to change everything." Lin Wen was silent and didn't speak. For Jayce, Lin Wen only felt guilty. Because Jayce really regarded him as a brother.

Looking at the silent Lin Wen, Jayce suddenly said: "But you are back, so can we still be friends in the future?"


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