
Twilight: The Heavenly Demon

MC in his original world dies, reincarnated into Murim, becomes The Heavenly Demon. The world, of course, hates him and expels him. Then he arrives in Twilight. !!! DISCLAIMER !!! ALTERNATE UNIVERSE Twilight I've fixed my grammar, spelling mistakes, etc. So feel free to check it out, if you have any suggestions or advice please tell me, and yeah, hope you enjoy my fics. I only own my OC and the cover picture, Twilight is not mine. You can support me here and get chapters in advance; p@treon.com/tikuskecetit

tikuskecetit · Movies
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(Same Day)

-MC Pov-

"That was awesome, man!" Emmett said while patting my back.

"Indeed, that was very lovely to listen to," Esme said, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, everyone. I'm happy that you guys enjoyed my song," I said while smiling.

"Anyway, where did you get the idea from?" Thea said with a curious gaze, and everyone looked at me with the same gaze as her.

I understand why they suddenly became curious about the song because some of the lyrics describe them as vampires and their mate bonds. So, of course, I had already prepared excuses beforehand, and I was aware that they knew what the song meant.

"Well... when the first time my eyes met Alice's eyes, I don't know why, but my heart told me that she was the one for me," I said while looking into Alice's eyes and caressing her cheek. She smiled sweetly and looked back into my eyes.

"And when the first time I got to know you guys..." I looked around at everyone and then back at Alice's eyes.

"I felt love coming from the way you looked at your companion or lover. It's like you guys are fated to be together... and forever," I said, still locking eyes with Alice. She suddenly kissed me, and we lost ourselves in our world once more.

The Cullens were completely silent. I imagined they were absorbing what I had just said earlier. Maybe they were thinking about how their lives were before they met each other and after they met each other. But, as always, Emmett broke us out of our world.

"Geez... get a room, you two," Emmett said teasingly to me and Alice. Of course, Rosalie slapped him on the back of his head while we just laughed at him.

Time passed by just like that. We played, chatted, told stories, and of course, Esme made me food again for lunch and dinner. I ignored the fact that they weren't eating the food. They said they were still full, so I just shrugged and didn't question any further. It was now midnight, so I went home.

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep here for the night?" Carlisle asked.

"Yeah, we have a spare room for you," Esme said.

"Thank you for your offer, but I'm afraid to disturb your time," I replied while smiling. Carlisle and Esme just nodded.

"Are you sure you'll be fine? It's pretty dark on the way back. I'm afraid that some wild animals might attack you from the dark," Alice said in a concerned tone beside me.

"I'll be fine, my pixie," I said while holding her hand.

"Mmm..." Alice nodded sweetly.

"Alright, see you tomorrow," I said goodbye, and Alice gave me a goodbye kiss. After that, I waved at them while smiling and made my way home.

I arrived home, parked my bike in the garage, and went inside. I made a cup of tea and sat in the living room. I noticed that the car I had requested from Robert hadn't arrived yet, so I messaged Robert.

"Good evening, Robert. How are you?" I said.

"Evening to you too, Master Kael, and I'm fine, thank you. How may I help you, Master Kael?" Robert said.

"When will the car arrive?" I asked.

"Apologies, Master Kael, it is delayed because the Duke rejected my opinion on giving you a supercar," Robert said.

"It's fine, Robert. No need to apologize. I don't mind getting any type of car, to be honest. So when will it arrive?" I said.

"Roughly in 2 days, Master Kael," Robert replied.

"Very well, Robert. Stay safe," I said.

"Will do, Master Kael," Robert said, and then I closed my phone.


She's already here. 'Hmm...let's see what she's going to do tonight.' I giggled. I'm curious as to what she's going to do when she finds out that I'm not sleeping yet.

So I immediately went into my meditative state in the living room while facing the glass window with the moonlight illuminating all over me.

I sense that she's standing on one of the trees and staring in my direction. It may look creepy to other people, but not to me. I find it funny and am having difficulty holding back my laughter right now.

I let out a heavy breath, stood up, and went to my room. I didn't close the glass door, so I sensed that she was already in front of my bedroom door right now, waiting for me to sleep. I lay on the bed and spread my arms to see what she was going to do tonight.

To my surprise, after 10 minutes, she's lying beside me with one of my arms as her pillow. I didn't find it funny this time; instead, I found it comforting. So without me realizing it, I already fell asleep with her in my arms.

I woke up the next day feeling fresh, and I noticed that every time I woke up, it was a different bedsheet. I'm sure Alice changed it every time she was here to not leave any scent or marks. Well, I don't mind if she doesn't change it at all, and I quite like the perfume she's using.

Anyway, I went about my usual routine: working out, swordplay, meditating/cultivating, then showering and making a cup of tea. I checked the date, and it's Sunday. Hmm...tomorrow Edward is supposed to be back, right? I'm not sure about the exact timeline, but it's been a week since he left Forks and went to Denali.

Hehehe...I think it is time to do another tomfoolery tomorrow. I'm curious about the reactions the Cullens would make when I pull it off. Especially Alice, I love teasing her.

Ahem, anyway, I stayed cooped up at home for the entire day, cultivating, and honing my sword arts. Then Alice came over in the evening with Thea dropping her off, and then she said goodbye.

*ding *dong

The bell rang, and I opened the door. Then Alice immediately pounced on me.

"Hey Alice, how are you?" I said.

"Forever loving you," Alice said, then suddenly kissed me. After about 5 minutes, we parted our lips.

"Here, Esme made you some food and told me to bring it to you," Alice said while putting the food on the kitchen table.

"Tell Esme my thanks," I smiled, and she nodded.

After I ate all the food, we cuddled in the living room while watching some movies. Time passed fast, and it was now midnight.

"Shouldn't you go home, Alice?" I asked.

"Don't you want me here?" Alice said with her puppy eyes.

"Of course, I want you here, but what about Carlisle and Esme? They must've been worried about you," I said while hugging her.

"Hehe, don't worry, they already gave me their permission to stay overnight here," Alice said while smirking.

"Alright, I'll go to sleep. There's a guest room you could use," I said, then walked to my room and noticed Alice's pouting face.

Suddenly, she hugged me from behind and said, "I want to sleep with you..."

"Very well, my Pixie," I said while smirking.

We went to my room and immediately crashed on the bed. She lay beside me and covered ourselves with the blanket, cuddling. After only about 10 minutes, she couldn't hold it anymore and said...

"I want to do it..." Alice suddenly said, and I'm not surprised, but...

"Do what?" I teasingly asked.

"You know what I want, and I know that you want it too," Alice said while kissing me.

I know she couldn't hold it anymore and wants to do it right here and now. I feel the same way as her too, but no, not today... I must hold on.

"Yes, I know, but I don't want to do it right now," I said while looking into her eyes.

"Why?" Alice said, feeling a little disappointed.

"I want this moment to be special," I said while caressing her face.

"Do you mean..." Alice said curiously.

"Yes, I want to do this after we get married in the future," I said with a soft tone.

Alice suddenly hugged me with excitement all over her face, and she couldn't stop smiling, knowing that in the future, I would marry her.

"So you want to marry me!?" Alice said excitedly.

"Yes, but I have to turn 18 to do that." Well, I could marry her right here and now, but the government wouldn't allow it. In their eyes, we're still minors, but I know we're not. And I couldn't imagine what reaction Robert and my uncle (The Duke) would make when they knew I married at the age of 17.

"Mmm..." Alice nodded in understanding. Then, after that, we went to sleep. I know that she can't sleep, so I imagine she's just staring at me like last night the whole time. I don't mind it, so I quickly close my eyes as it is very comfortable with her beside me.




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