
Twilight: Return of Vengeance

After dying in a tragic clash between criminal factions on his own farm, Damian Blackwood finds himself facing the dreaded Mephisto, one of the Kings of Hell. Betrayed by his last Riders, Mephisto seeks a new and powerful general to contend in a war for the throne of Hell and the positions of lords. He offers Damian the opportunity to become the legendary Ghost Rider, the Spirit of Vengeance, and get the power he needs to take revenge on everyone who caused the death of his father and mother.

AaronBlackwood · Movies
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21 Chs

Chapter 13

After taking a shower, I head toward the living room. It's still early and... I forgot to work on Bella's car!


Opening the door that leads to the garage, which is close to the kitchen, I enter and step out beside the last spot that's occupied by the Torino. Next to it is my Land Rover and my motorcycle.

The Land Rover was my dad's car. He loved it because it was... unique? It's a limited edition of the 2002 Land Rover, a car designed for the elite guys.

My dad drove one that belonged to his boss at the company and liked it a lot. So he ended up buying one, and in the end, both he and my mom used it to visit clients.

The motorcycle is mine and also my dad's. He liked this model of motorcycle, but I was the one who mostly used it to go to school.

Both my dad and my mom preferred cars. I think my dad got along so well with my grandfather because of this. My grandfather loved cars, and the connection he didn't have much with Uncle Charlie in this sense, he had with my dad.

Uncle Charlie isn't a car enthusiast, so he didn't share that particular interest with my grandfather. But Charlie, my dad, and Grandpa had two more topics they loved: Guns and Sports.

"I wonder if Bella would mind going on the motorcycle tomorrow? Better not ride the motorcycle with her, what if she falls... she's a magnet for disasters," I think while looking at the motorcycle, remembering that I haven't taken it for a spin yet.

Shrugging, I head to Bella's car and start working. My grandpa has other cars of the same type as the Torino. But he sold them to help my mom at the beginning of her career. I remember him saying it was an investment in his little pot of gold. He helped my dad and my mom buy shares in the law firm at the start of their careers, and it turned out to be a good investment, as he received more than double later.

But at that time, he didn't have the health to take care of more cars... actually, Grandma didn't allow it. She said she preferred having only one car, so she wouldn't have his attention divided among multiple things.

After working in the car for three hours, I hear my phone ring. Looking at the caller ID, a smile graces my face, though it's a bit smudged with grease.

Alice: Good evening, Damian!!!!! <3

Damian: Good evening, little fairy!

Alice: Fairy?!

Damian: You look like a fairy, so I thought it would be a better way to call you?

Alice: Yes! Keep calling me that!

Damian: :)

Alice: What are you doing right now?

Damian: Uh, I'm working on Bella's car engine. Her car was in terrible condition, so I decided to... make it better.

Alice: At this hour? Isn't it too late for you to do that? Isn't it dangerous? You might get hurt! Leave it to professionals!

Damian: Do you worry about me this much already?

Alice: Uhhh, maybe? Does that... bother you? (nervous emoji)

Damian: No, it warms my heart. So, I like that you care about me.

Alice on the other end lets out a relieved sigh and types again: That's good! Then I won't hold back and will express more!

Alice: I'm looking forward to the weekend!

Damian: Me too. It's been a while since I painted or drew, so it'll be nice.

Alice: It'll be nice to do that... or is it because you're doing it with me?

Damian: Probably both.

Alice: Don't be so direct! Haven't you learned that men should also play hard to get?

Damian: So you want me to protect myself from you? Act cold towards you?

Alice: Well... you can be more direct with me... just with me, okay?

Damian: That was the plan.

Alice: Excited for break time! Let's have lunch together!

Damian: What does your family think about this?

Alice: What do they have to think? No one will keep me away from what I want, umu!

Damian: So, you want me? Isn't it moving too fast?

Alice: Not that fast... maybe a little?

Damian: Hahaha, I can almost imagine your expression right now. You must be pouting?

Alice on the other side of the screen looks at the mirror and sees herself pouting, "How does he know?"

Damian: I'm done for today with Bella's car. I'm going to get ready and go to sleep.

Alice: Before you sleep, send me a message... okay?

Damian: Okay!

Leaving the garage, I head straight to my room for a nice shower to wash off all the dirt. After that, I grab some food for myself and lie down on the bed, with Sirius already lying beside it. I send a message to Alice, and she replies... very quickly. Then I go to sleep.

-Next morning

After a run without Bella, as she mentioned she only runs when she stays over here... because she doesn't have the strength to wake up early. I already talked to Charlie to wake her up from now on when she sleeps over there, and seeing how poor her physical condition is, he thought it's a good way for her to gain some muscle mass. This caused me to finish my morning ritual faster, as it's quite slow with her.

While I'm getting breakfast ready, I receive another message from Alice. Since I woke up, we've been exchanging messages again.

Alice: I'm going to prepare our lunch! I saw your food yesterday and thought... well, I just want to do something for you. ^-^

Alice: So, what do you like to eat???

I think for a moment and reply: I like cheese, and Mac and Cheese is my favorite dish.

Alice: Great! I'll make that and a chicken and cheese pie, how does that sound?

Damian: Looking forward to trying your cooking!

Alice: I'm super awesome at it! I... got some tips from my mom to make it even better! I'm going to win over your stomach too!

I smile affectionately as I read that and continue getting ready for school. Bella was going to prepare my food... I send her a message letting her know she doesn't need to prepare anything for me since I have something for lunch.

Before leaving the house, I turn to Sirius, who is already lying on the couch watching TV, and say, "I think I need to find a good companion for you. It must be quite lonely while I'm away." He lifts his head to look at me, and I can almost read in his eyes, "Don't disturb my peace, man!" I smile at him and leave the house.

After arriving at Bella's house, I see her waiting for me outside. She gets into the car and asks, "Why did you cancel the food?"

I reply, "I'm going to eat with Alice. She said she'll make my food."

Bella goes, "Ah, I see," and then says, "You two are getting quite close... and so fast." She looks at me with a hint of envy.

I shrug and say, "She's enthusiastic, and I like that. Instead of beating around the bush, she just... is herself."

Bella bites her lower lip and hesitates for a moment before finally saying, "He... I don't know, I just feel this strong attraction, and I thought maybe he feels it too? But actually, he seems repulsed by me."

I look at her strangely, clearly acting, and say, "What? What do you mean?"

Bella: "When he and I first saw each other, I thought he could feel the same attraction, and he also kept looking at me in various places. But when we sat together," she pauses for a moment and continues after a sigh, "it seemed like he wanted to be anywhere but near me, and he kept covering his nose and mouth as if I had a terrible smell."

I let out an "Ohhh" and say, "That's very odd. You smelled nice. Maybe he's just... a bit strange, and maybe this is a sign for you to stay away from him! You're new, and you don't need any relationships."

She gives me a blank look and says, "We're the same age, and you're almost dating someone! And it was your first day!"

I reply, "That's different."

Bella: "How would that be different?"

I reply: "Well... how about I talk to Uncle Charlie, and maybe the two of us can explain it together?" I give her a playful smile.

Her eyes widen, and she quickly responds: "No!"

And with a teasing atmosphere, we arrive at school. When I get out of the car, I see a little fairy waving at me from the other side of the parking lot, very excitedly.

I wave back at her, and she points to a spot and starts walking there, separating from her siblings.

As I start walking towards her, Bella stops me and says, "Can you do that? Please?" She makes a cute face and pouts, the kind of face that was my weakness during my childhood.

I let out a sigh, mess up her hair, and say, "Okay! If this is so important that you're acting like this, I'll do it. Now, I'm going before I change my mind!"

She gives me a beautiful smile, hugs me, and says, "I knew you were the best brother anyone could ask for! Love you!"

Damian: "Alright, I better go before I change my mind! I still think this is a mistake, okay!"

She laughs, and I make my way toward an enthusiastic and adorable fairy.

When I get close to her, she hugs me tightly and says, "Good morning, Damian!!!"

I return the hug, which requires me to bend down quite a bit, and reply, "Good morning, little fairy!"

She steps back and pouts, "That's not fair, you have a nickname for me, but I don't have one for you!"

She doesn't let me respond and quickly says, "How about Dan?"

I think for a moment and say with a smile, "Dan sounds good."

She gives me a big smile and says, "So it's settled, Dam! By the way, do you want to meet my family?"

I tilt my head slightly and look at the Cullens on the other side of the parking lot, who are also looking at me while funnily shaking their heads, responding to their sister's enthusiastic demeanor.

I say, "How about after classes?"

She nods eagerly and with a sweet smile, says, "Okay! Let's head to the classroom!" She starts pulling me towards the classroom.

And then I realize the many pairs of eyes on the two of us. I had ignored it before, but there are a lot of them, including Jessica's reluctant gaze.

Many would ask: Why not later instead of now, to meet the Cullens?

I'm still... contemplating what to do with Jasper, whether I judge him or not.

Through my reading, Jasper has already suffered a lot during all this time. He killed some innocent people, the surprise being that it was much, much fewer than I imagined.

Jasper liked to investigate his prey before killing them, essentially going after bad people to feed on.

And the few "innocent" or "pure" people he killed? They still haunt him in his thoughts today. He seems to have a type of perfect memory, albeit on a low level.

Enough for him to remember those moments with great precision and use that to fuel his determination to become a "vegan" vampire.

But I... still don't know what to think, as he still killed people I consider "pure souls," and I'm unsure about that.

Emmett... he's a goofball. The times he broke his diet? It was to steal bags of human blood or almost feed on a human, but Rosalie stopped him.

That marked him, and it's clear that he hates that time, just like Jasper. I've never been the hero type. I always found thoughts of Superman or Batman silly... at least in what they became later.

I think they catch the same person 20 times, and they still escape and cause even more pain, and they keep doing, something silly.

I would kill those enemies without thinking twice, like Arrow... he was amazing in the beginning, but he changed later, and that made me a bit sad, but I continued to watch until it suddenly turned into a mess, and I gave up, the same happened with The Flash.

I look at Alice and I know that... if I hurt her family, it would make her sad. There's another way, but that will be in the future. I won't reveal anything about myself now; until then, I can ignore this.

But he has to show me that he's changed in the future. When we sit in class, I decide to ask about Edward to satisfy Bella's curiosity. I ask, "My cousin seems to have had a terrible first day of school because of your brother. It seems he hated her scent or something like that, and now she's incessantly asking me to inquire about him from you."

Alice fidgets with her fingers uncomfortably and speaks embarrassingly, "I'm sorry for that. My brother is... strange sometimes. Tell her it's not about her. It's not her fault. He had to go spend some time with our family in another state, but he'll be back this weekend."

I nod and say, "Does he have an allergy to her perfume? I found it a bit strange the way she described his reaction around her," I say, with a playful smirk forming on my lips.

Alice notices this and playfully gives me a light tap, but she also seems to find the situation amusing. "Yes, he's allergic to certain scents, and he's going to start taking medication for it again... I must say that the way he acted was quite exaggerated, and everyone in our house complained to him about it. He acted very immaturely!"

I nod in agreement and change the topic, "Bella was surprised and a bit jealous that you're making my food."

Alice gives a cute smile and says funnily, "Jealous?"

Damian: "Yes, she's jealous and a bit envious that we've become so close in such a short time. Maybe she wanted to be that way with her brother too."

She lets out an enchanting laugh and says, "She'll have to get used to it from now on! I'll be in charge of making the most delicious food in the world for you!" And in her mind, she thinks, 'I'll have your heart and your stomach! And... then your entire body will be mine! Umu!'

I give her a teasing smile and say, "I didn't know about this. Did you decide this on your own?"

She freezes and asks softly, "Don't you want to?"

I place my hand on her head, ruffling her hair, and speak affectionately, "Of course, I want to. I'm looking forward to experiencing everything about you."

She widens her eyes, and I realize I... said too much. Just as I was about to correct myself, she quickly interjects, "Me too! You're not allowed to take your words back!"

I give her a playful smile and nod, agreeing not to change my words.

And while the two converse and flirt, outside the classroom, many people are spying on them through the classroom door window...


the winner of the new images for inspiration was the following: photo 1, photo 4, photo 2.

I will put pictures 1 and 2 for the current moment, which will be used for you to imagine Alice between the two pictures.


Already photo number 4 will have another photo along with it, I imagined Alice in the future as it would be in these two photos:


you can use anyone you want, since... it doesn't change much... you can imagine the photo that I imagine Alice in the future, as she is now but with short hair if you want to.

do you think I overdid the text messages of the two of them? I started to do it and I didn't even realize that there were so many...