
Twilight: Return of Vengeance

After dying in a tragic clash between criminal factions on his own farm, Damian Blackwood finds himself facing the dreaded Mephisto, one of the Kings of Hell. Betrayed by his last Riders, Mephisto seeks a new and powerful general to contend in a war for the throne of Hell and the positions of lords. He offers Damian the opportunity to become the legendary Ghost Rider, the Spirit of Vengeance, and get the power he needs to take revenge on everyone who caused the death of his father and mother.

AaronBlackwood · Movies
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21 Chs

Chapter 12

When I finish the call, Uncle Charlie says that he luckily went to my house and confirms that he'll bring it soon.

I feel a delicate hand touching my arm, and when I turn, I see her, smiling so brightly at me, as if she's blessed by the sun.

Alice: "What are you doing here?" she asks curiously, but with the basic abilities of vampires, I know she already knows.

I reply: "I left a bottle of coffee with milk ready at home, I asked my uncle, Bella's father, to bring it for me."

Alice: "Will he bring it?" she asks while adorably tilting her head.

Feeling my heart race seeing her act like this, I say: "Yes, he should be on his way."

She must have noticed my accelerated heartbeat because her smile grew wider, and her cute dimples became more prominent.

Alice: "Then why don't we wait for him together near your car? We can chat a bit there?"

I nod in agreement, and both of us head towards my car, with her still walking with little jumps.

I can't help but say: "So cute."

Alice freezes and looks at me in shock before lowering her head, and I see a beautiful smile adorning her face, and she continues her way, this time humming a little tune.

When we reach my car, she says: "I had only seen it from afar, but your car is really beautiful. What's its name?"

Damian: "It's a Dodge Charger."

Alice: "My sister, Rosalie, really liked it and even drew it. She said this car has always been one of her favorites."

I say with a hint of surprise: "She likes cars?"

Alice nods in confirmation and says: "She's always loved cars. She and Emmett, especially Rosalie, always tinker with our cars, and she wants to collect some in the future."

I whistle, and Alice sits on the hood of my car while I stand next to her, surprised that she hasn't turned it into ice yet, as I thought they were made of rough ice.

Damian: "And what about you?"

Alice: "I'm not a car enthusiast, but I loved yours. I think I love anything you like." She speaks quickly and only later realizes that she got carried away again, but she doesn't try to correct it this time, just turns her face away and fidgets her hands shyly.

I say with a smile: "I wanted to ask what you like. I should have been more direct when asking."

Alice looks at me and says with a pout: "You should have said that then." She thinks for a moment and speaks with a cheerful face: "I love art! I enjoy drawing or painting, and I also like music!" She says with her super, mega, hyper energy.

Damian: "I don't like singing, but I can appreciate good music."

Alice asks a bit nervously: "And what about art?"

I look at her and say: "My mother loved painting pictures. She was a great artist and always wanted me to appreciate it too, so she taught me to draw and paint since I was a child. That's why I like it a lot."

She cutely clasps her hands and says happily: "That's great! Last week, the art teacher asked us to do a project in pairs, and... I don't have anyone to do it with." She lowers her head even more, but I can still feel her eyes on me, waiting for me to say something.

Realizing her intention, I say: "Well, since we're in the same class, why don't we do it together?"

Alice: "That would be great!"

Charlie arrives a few minutes later and hands me my bottle, but not before looking at me with amusement as he sees me with Alice, and even more when Alice gets shy about it and looks away as if caught doing something.

And so we both go back to our classes, spending the whole day together, and I must say it was nice because... I feel so happy being around her, it's like anything is possible when I'm with her.

After the classes, we go together to the parking lot, and I see Bella waiting for me next to my car.

Alice stops and looks at her family, who are looking at her with amusement. She says reluctantly: "I guess that's it, we have to go home."

I say with a smile: "You're making it seem like we won't see each other again, when in fact, we'll see each other tomorrow, for the rest of the day again."

This seems to make her happy, and she says with the same joy as before: "I almost forgot about that! But there's a whole night until the next day arrives."

I reach out and ruffle her hair a bit, giving her a small pet, and I say: "It will pass quickly, don't worry about it. It will be like snapping our fingers."

She pouts and says: "By the way, when can we work on the project?"

I reply: "How about this weekend? We just need to decide on the place."

Alice: "It can be at your house..."

Damian: "Won't your family think it's a bit... too fast?"

Alice shakes her head, denying what I said, and says: "No! They won't think anything of it, but I'll need you to pick me up?"

Damian: "Sure, you can give me your address, and I'll pick you up on Saturday? We can also set a time."

Alice gives me a sweet smile and says: "Okay!" and hugs me before walking away with hurried and timid steps, saying, "See you tomorrow, Darling!"

Shaking my head with amusement, I make my way to my car, where Bella is waiting for me with a shocked expression.

Bella: "You two just met today... right? How are you already so close?"

I shrug and reply: "I don't know, I just feel like... I've known her my whole life, or I've been waiting to meet her my whole life? Something like that, and I don't feel like it's going too fast. I wish you were this fast."

This earns me a loud and imposing laugh from the other side of the parking lot, where Alice, with a lovely shy smile, looks at me playfully, and Emmett, who just burst out laughing.

I completely forgot that they have a supernatural hearing...

I quickly get into the car, my face slightly flushed.

Bella gets into the car as well and says: "By the way, you had all the classes with her... so you know about her brother?" She speaks with a hint of hope in her voice.

I look at her strangely and ask: "Why would I want to know about her brothers? And which brother are we talking about, and what's the reason?"

Bella gives me an angry look and replies: "Edward! That's his name."

I say: "And what's the reason you're looking for this guy?" I look at her in a way that an older brother would be vigilant.

She realizes this and says: "Nothing, I just... he sat in the same class as me yesterday and I haven't seen him at school today..."

I know the reason behind all of this... but she doesn't know that I know, so I have to pretend to be ignorant about this matter.

I take Bella to her house, as she's staying here tonight, and even though she wanted to help me with the car... she can't help me with anything since she knows nothing about cars.

When she gets out for a bit and says, "Can you ask your friend about him?"

Damian: "If you tell me the reason, maybe I can ask."

Bella makes an irritated noise and leaves. Shaking my head ironically, I make my way home.

But on the way home, I feel it, I sense an impure and sin-filled soul, carrying a strong touch of danger, like a mighty hunter who believes himself invincible.

"I wonder what this is; I know it's not a vampire, as I understood a little about their aura when I met the Cullens."

I start accelerating towards the location where I felt my target is, and it seems like he's moving as well and quite fast.

That's when I decide to test one of the abilities of the Hell Charger.

I use my supernatural awareness to check if there's anything nearby that could notice me, and when I realize there isn't, I transform along with the Charger.

Fully transformed, I grip the steering wheel a little and communicate with the Hell Charger: "Come on, boy, let's test this."

My response is its fire grows larger and its engine roars louder, and in front of us, a portal of fire appears.

The portal is still in its early form and not as strong as it will be in the future, and it opens to the location closest to my target.


Passing through the portal and accelerating even faster, I see him, running on all fours at a very high speed.

His mouth is covered in the blood of his recent victim, his black fur is stained with blood, and his eyes are the same color as his fur, black.

The beast stops its run, and I brake as well. It stands upright on its hind legs and roars at me.


It looks like a Lycan, but why would a Lycan be here? That's when I see its soul and read it, realizing that it's not a normal lycan.

He's a human who performed a demonic ritual to gain superior power, sacrificing ten pure-hearted people, but the ritual failed, turning him into this beast.

I notice the differences between him and the Lycans; he has nothing in common with them. He looks more like a man covered in fur and muscles, nearly three meters tall.

His mouth still resembles that of a human, but more bestial and wider, with large teeth in his mouth.

The rest of his face looks like the head of a bat mixed with a dog.

I step out of the Charger and start moving towards him, and he also starts coming towards me, but with much greater speed.

Wishing to test my strength, I let him collide with me, and it feels like a truck hitting me at full speed, throwing me back into the Charger.

"He is strong," I notice, "but I seem to have become much stronger as well since the day I avenged my family. If I wanted to, I could have easily resisted his attack."

I let my chain from my right hand extend as I shape its end into a blade. I spin it and throw it toward the beast, which starts attacking me again.


He roars as my blade cuts into his chest, leaving burn marks on his skin. He winces in pain and glares at me with even more hatred in his eyes, then starts running towards me, and I also charge towards him, eager to test his strength.

As he extends his claws towards me, I turn slightly, dodging them and landing a punch in his stomach.


A small sound occurs as my fist impacts his body, sending the massive beast backward, making him roar in pain and leaving another fiery mark on his abdomen.

Looking at my fists, I'm a bit impressed with the strength I've gained recently.

I gaze at the beast, which is getting up, with the smell of burning emanating from its body.

Damian: "You chose the wrong path, and today, you will pay for your choice." This time, I want to end it all at once.

I extend both chains in my hands, throwing them at him and commanding them to entangle his body, immobilizing the beast.


A bestial sound filled with pain escapes the creature's mouth.

With firm steps, I approach him, the chains burning his thick skin and fur, but I suppress some of the fire's intensity.

Damian: "And now, you will taste the same pain you inflicted on them, the agony that a ritual brings to each soul... it's infernal."

'Eyes of Penitence.'


The beast roars in agony, experiencing the pain that those people went through when they were used in such a ritual.

Their souls were doomed to spend eternity trapped in a room, full of remorse and unable to rest, absorbing their sins as he now experiences the pain he caused. I feel my powers growing, my flames becoming stronger, and my control over them increasing.

'Even though he didn't become a demon, he still had half of a demonic soul, and it was many times richer than the last time when they were just ordinary humans.'

Releasing my chains, all that's left of him is just dust, as I let the flames from my chains consume him completely to leave no traces behind.

Returning to the charger and opening another portal, because the distance back to Forks is quite far. I hadn't realized before, but it must be about a 3-hour journey.

When I get home and step into the shower to clean up, I can't help but think about that encounter, it seems this world is not normal. A human ended up like that with a low-level ritual, but what if he managed to stay alive? How much pain would he cause? And if he found this type of ritual, there may be others like him who have become half-demons or even full demons.

I sigh...

It seems that in this world, it's not just vampires that sparkle in the sun and werewolves that exist. Demons seem to be involved in the normal realm as well.

I have to find a way to protect Uncle Charlie and Bella, like... how about some supernatural guard dog pups?

A smile forms on my face as I think about it, and Sirius, who is lying on the couch watching his favorite show, a dog that is a vigilante with a bat costume, senses his supernatural canine instincts acting up, warning him that someone plans to disturb his peace...


I'm new to fight scenes, last time I... tried to summarize and make it more basic, and tried to show more in this scene, because some readers asked.

I've done and redone this scene 4x! and I'm still not satisfied with it.

by the way, I saw that in chapter 4 there were some errors, I thank those who showed me this error, it turns out that during the copying of the text for the Webnovel I ended up copying some parts of the draft and ended up mixing everything.

then I will look at the other chapters and see if there is also this, thank you if you show me too.

that's it for today!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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