The story is about a Chris who gets put in Twilight but he doesn't have much knowledge of the world, because he didn't see the movies... how will he survive in the world of Twilight.
I removed my shoes and took the bat and Cat and Emmet were supporting me.
I reached the batting plate and I did a partial transformation. I could easily turn parts of my body into the werewolf form but the drawback is I am not able to maintain them for a longer period of time and it also takes a toll on my body.
Because I am not fully turning and changing my anatomy completely I am changing parts of it. So you can imagine how hard it is for all of it to work together.
I changed my legs and the bone crushing and reforming sounds were heard. My legs were now twice as thick and were building with muscles. I did a little stretching and I also enhanced my upper body, mainly my shoulders and my arms.
I looked weird, like a lot weird because my upper and lower body was more muscular than usual and also a lot hairy.The noise of my bones breaking and reforming were now normal to the ears of the Cullens but it was new for Bella.
I then stretched a little and I was feeling a little off. The thing was my heart needed to pump more blood now because my muscles demanded more. I will mostly be able to keep it for 5 minutes I guess.
She looked concerned and asked "Are you okay?"
I turned and smiled and said "I am okay."
I then cracked my neck and took the batting stance. And Cat and Emmet cheered "Hit it out of the park Chrisy boy, You got this Chris."
Alice was still pitching and I was a bit concerned because I didn't know if I would be able to hit. Yeah I may be a walking tank but this is hard and I haven't played baseball at all.
I gripped the bat tightly and Alice took the throwing stance. She looked at me and threw a fastball and this was as fast as she threw for Emmet.
The ball was moving at an incredible speed. It was as fast as a bullet. I gripped my bat and I swung the bat. But it didn't make contact but as I swung my bat I created a gust of wind.
Bella said "Strike 1"
Emmet and Cat still cheered and said "See the ball first and swing with your wait Chris."
Esme then threw the ball back to Alice and I then took in a deep breath and I got ready to swing.
Alice then threw another fastball and I saw the ball and I swung the bat and as it made contact another thunderclap was heard and the ball went flying high toward the forest.
I threw the bat and I pushed the ground below me and a little divot was formed. I propelled myself forward.
I ran as fast as I could because I knew I would not be able to beat them without fully turning.
The ball was moving at an incredible speed. Edward was going for the ball and the ball was going into the forest.
I made my way to the third plate when the ball was lodged into a tree. Edward climbed the tree and picked up the ball and threw the ball from the tree.
I was in the mid way and the ball was thrown with great force adn I saw that and I crouched down and now I ran like a wolf. The ball was coming and then I dived and a dust cloud was again created.
And were anxious to know what happened. As the dust settled. Bella said "Safe". I got up and I said "Yeah, let's go!"
I walked over to the team and Emmet and Cat hugged me and Emmet said "I knew you could do it." Cat said "You were great, we could play more often." And I regret playing this well now. Emmet and Cat look at Rosalie.
Rosalie said "You did good." And most of us were surprised and I smiled and said "Thanks."
And now it was their turn to bat. We also got two extra players for fielding.
Carlisle was our catcher and Edward was fielding with us.
First to Bat was Jasper, he walked up to the batting plate. He took the bat in hand and was twirling the bat around.
Alice was cheering him on and I saw a smile on the guy's face. He gripped the bat and was waiting for the ball.
Rosalie was the one who was pitching, I was placed on the left side of the batter. Rosalie narrowed her eyes and threw a fast ball.
Jasper twisted his waist and connected the bat with the ball and it went flying it was in Emmet's direction.
And Jasper started to run when he was on second base. Emmet climbed a tree and caught the ball mid air and then landed on his feet and threw the ball at Carlisle and he caught the ball and Jasper stopped running.
And Rosalie looked at Emmet and said "My monkey man."
Jasper went back to others. Then came the turn of Alice.
Rosalie looked at Alice and Alice smiled and showed her her tongue and Rosalie then threw a slow ball.
Well slower balls still move faster than any human will possibly be able to pitch. Alice gripped the bat and hit the ball and it went high and it was in my direction it was moving towards the forest.
I said "I got it." I then ran after it. As I was running towards the ball. Alice said "Stop."
I turned around and was confused. I looked and all of them stopped and I was now even more confused about what was happening.
I took a whiff and I smelled blood. Then I saw three vampires across the field and I got low and I removed my pants and my shirt. I was not about to ruin another pair.
I then turned and got down low. I was moving as quietly as I could. I was trying to circle themCat and Edward were trying to protect her. Edward said to Bella "Put your hair down."
And Bella did so but Rosalie said "Like that will help. I can smell her from across the field."
She tried to find me. But she couldn't move closer to Cat and she said "He is not there."
Cat didn't turn around but she caught a glimpse of me. She said "Be ready."
I was listening to them. The guy with the leather jacket showed the ball and said "I believe this belongs to you."
He then threw the Ball at Carlisle and he caught the ball and said "Thank you."
They then started the introduction. I was now at the optimal position to take them out. The guy said "I am Laurent, this is Victoria and James."
Carlisle said "I'm Carlisle. This is my family." They were sizing them up. There is no way they will do something but still.
Carlisle said "I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us."
Laurent said "Our apologies. We didn't realise the territory had been claimed."
Carlisle said "Yes, well, we maintain a permanent residence nearby."
Laurent said "Really? Well, we won't be a problem anymore. We were just passing through."
Victoria then said "The humans were tracking us, but we led them east." She whispered "You should be safe."
Carlisle said "Excellent."
Then Laurent then asked "So, could you use three more players?" Alice and everyone looked at Carlisle and Laurent smiled and said "Oh, come on. Just one game."
Carlisle then sighed and said "Sure. Why not? A few of us were leaving. You could take their place. We'll bat first."
Carlise then threw the ball and Victoria caught the ball and said "I'm the one with the wicked curveball."
Jasper said "Well, I think we can handle that."
And it looked like everything was good but then as soon as they turned and walked James was eying Bella and then as he was about to go a breeze came and then James got a smell and said "You brought a snack."
He then was about to attack. I got up and roared and ran at him. I ran past Laurent and Victoria and they just stood there like statues as was James as well.
As I got closer to James he regained his senses and it looked like he wanted to run but sadly it was too late. By the time I got to him the only thing he could do was scream.
I raised my claws and I aimed at his shoulders but I didn't realize how easly my claws ripped through his body. But as the claws were going through they made a sound like someone was cutting through glass.
I ripped his stone like body in half. I stepped on his chest and I grabbed his head and I pulled it and the head came off.
But the thing was he was still alive. James was looking at me and then I looked up and I saw Edward infront of Bella and Bella looking a lot calmer than she should be.
I heard a scream and I turned around to see it was Victoria. I threw the head over my shoulder. She looked at me and I looked at her and I roared, it looked like she wanted to fight but Laurent said "Run, run Victoria."
I started running after them and Cat also followed behind me.
Edward then crouched down and looked at James and smiled and said "You are one unlucky bastard." He then took Bella's hand and he got her in the car.
Bella asked "How is he still alive?"
Edward said "I think that is a question for another time… first we need to get you home and we need to get some pants for your brother."
As they got in the car they heard the cracking noise of glass and the scream of James. Then as it stopped Bella looked out and she saw Alice crouched down with a lighter.
And she set James ablaze; she didn't even have to use anything else.
They then started the car and got out of there.
Hey guys I hope you guys have liked the chapter. The second volume will mostly be off canon stuff and we will pick up the story at the third volume.
This is for those guya who were asking for lwgacies yes I am working on it I am at 700 words i still need like 1k more so I think tomorrow I will be done.
And can you guys please suggest a name for the 100 series.