The story is about a Chris who gets put in Twilight but he doesn't have much knowledge of the world, because he didn't see the movies... how will he survive in the world of Twilight.
A few weeks have passed now and our numbers have increased. I was on a hunt with the newborns and these newborns are way too erratic and uncontrollable. They don't understand anything besides their own thirst for blood. They had flipped a car and were sucking down the blood. I jumped on the car and tried to get their attention but they were too busy sinking their fangs in them.
I picked up the car door and slammed it down and then they stopped and I had their attention I said "There are bigger forces at play here, monster bigger than any of us to face alone. So if you can CONTROL yourselves… we all will die." They looked at me and they looked confused. I just sighed and said "What's done is done. Just… clean up after yourself." I walked away from them.
In the distance on top of a parking lot 4 figures stand and watch all this unfold in front of their eyes. A middle-aged guy said "They have already caused too much chaos, drawing too much attention towards them. We should finish them."
Another tall guy said "He is right if we don't control this soon. Others may question the power and effectiveness of the Volturi."
A blond girl among them said, "Let them ."
The tall guy turned and said, "Maybe we should consult Aro."
The girl turned and then suddenly the tall guy was being bent backwards, he gritted his teeth and was groaning in pain and the blonde girl said "Aro's decisions are being watched. He wants the Cullen's gone and he shall have. We must decide"
A young guy touched the girl's shoulder and said "Then decided sister it's time."
She turned and the tall guy fell to the ground. She said, "Either we let them do what they were created for or we end them. Decisions, decisions. We stand and watch. We are doing nothing. " The newborn looked at us but we were already gone.
Chris's Pov
I was peacefully sleeping in my bed until I was pulled again for a history lesson. I opened my eyes and I was sitting around a bonfire. I was sleeping but then I heard a noise coming from the bushes in the distance.
I took my bow and followed the noise. As I got closer it started to run. I drawed my bow and shot an arrow but I missed the target and moved out of the way.
I started to run after it, it was very fast. I was wondering what kind of beast it was. I again drawed my bow and shot an arrow.
I missed it again. It was running towards the east deeper in the forest. If it goes in there I will lose it. So I drawed another arrow and shot at its side and it dodged and it started to move toward the north.
I smiled and I started to run faster. I continued to shoot arrows at it to guide it where I could capture it. It was moving toward the cliff near the clearing. I have it cornered now.
I ran at full speed and jumped out and shot at it. But when I saw who I shot at I was surprised it wasn't an animal, it was a maiden. She was wearing a silver cloak underneath a white nightgown.
I regretted the arrow that I shot at her. I wanted to take it back but alas it was too late.
She turned around and caught the coming arrow towards her with her hands. I was surprised by her. She broke the arrow in her hand and she removed her cloak.
That was the first time I have ever seen someone as beautiful as her. Under the pale moonlight. Her pale face glowed. She had raven black hair, eyes that shined like rubies in the darkness, she was short compared to the women I had met before but in no way she was any less.
I was captivated by her eyes, I couldn't look away from her. I felt this attraction. It was like she was pulling me towards her.
I somehow dug up words from my stomach and said "I am Lucien…. I am sorry for shooting at you. May I ask the name of the fair maiden?"
She looked at me up and down and then I realised that I wasn't in the best shape to court anyone, especially someone like her. I expected a scoff but I heard "Elizabeth."
I looked up and she smiled and said "I am Elizabeth and you are forgiven." She then ran away. I wanted to run after her. I wanted to know her but my legs just won't move. I had never felt this way before what was happening to me.
As I was seeing all this. I was suddenly woken up. I opened my eyes and I saw that I was on the floor and I got up and said "What is happening?"
Cat was yelling, "We are late, come on hurry up." She got up and was getting ready.
I got up and yawned and said "Fine, I'm up."
She threw my clothes towards me and asked "Were you having one of your trips with your ancestor?"
I was putting on my shirt and said "Yeah, I saw him chasing and a girl." She looked at me and I said "Not like that. He thought that it was a animal or something and he was shooting arrows at it."
She stopped me and said "Whatever it is tell me in the car." I nodded and we both got dressed as quickly as possible and we were going to school today in Cat's car aka Esme's car.
Cat was driving, so we reached school a bit faster than usual. I didn't think telling her the story while she was driving was the best of moves so I decided not to do it right now.
We were at the school and we saw a couple of kids from the reservation there. I looked at Cat and said, "What are they doing here?"
She asked me "Did you tell them you can turn them?"
I realised and said "Oh." She looked at them and said, "Yeah."
I smacked my lips and said, "This seems bad."
We then got out of the car and were walking towards the school and a guy walked up to us and he said "Can we talk?"
I looked at him and said "It depends. Do you want to talk about me turning you?" he looked at me and I knew the answer and I said, "Not going to happen."
Another guy from behind said, "If you turn us we can help you in the coming war."
I looked at him and said "Did you not hear what I said last night. You can die. The survivability of the bite is low and if any of you dies then the tribe will make me it's enemy and I can't have that… not now."
I was walking away and someone mumbled, "You turned your dad." I heard it. I turned around but Cat stopped me and she said "Chris, look at me. Let it go…"
I took a deep breath and we walked into the school and I said "I need to talk to Sam about this."
She nodded and she held my hand tight.