
Ch. 22 Newblood


I had lived a pretty normal life until now, I had a 9 to 5 Job… I had a few friends and I was happy with my life. It was the average life… but it all changed one night. It all changed when I met her. She came into my life like a storm and she wrecked everything.

Who was she and why did she have those sad eyes? Why did she do this to me… looks like I won' t know. I guess that this is it… this is where I die. I hope that I could see her once again… because I wanted to know her.

"Looks like you are up." I heard one of the most beautiful voices that I had ever heard in my whole life… my eyes opened and I was in the abandoned mill. I was laying on the floor and as I looked around I could see better and I could hear better.

I got up and dusted my clothes and I saw the sun through the window. It was late evening, the golden sun rays were falling on my hands and my hand was sparkling like millions of tiny little diamonds. It was beautiful. I touched my hand and I felt cold like I was dead…

I remembered what happened last night and a cold sweat ran down my spine. I need to run now! I tried to make a run for it but she appeared in front of me and she said "Please?"

I was furious at her and I said "Move." I tried running past her but she blocked me.

She looked at me and there was concern on her face and she said "Please listen to me."

I tried to run away but she grabbed me and pinned me to the wall and said "You can't leave or people will know what you are and you will be killed."

I pushed her and she went flying a few metres away and I was surprised by my strength. She was getting back up. I looked at her and started to walk towards the door and she tackled me to the ground and she folded my arm behind my back and she said "Listen to me… Listen to me! You are a vampire…"

When I heard that I was confused and shocked to my very core I said "No you are lying… there is no such thing!"

She said, "How is it that you can see and hear better? How is it that you can run faster? How is it that you can push me so far away?"

I grunted and said "No, it's not true."

She said "Then tell me this, do you feel incredibly thirsty?"

I was feeling a thirst and she continued "I know that thirst it is of blood… you need blood." She then let go of me and got off of me and she said "I can teach you how to be what we are…"

I then got up and I looked at her and I said "If you are lying then I will kill you."

She smiled and said "I am not and you'll see how fun it is."

She then asked "What is your name?"

I was mesmerised by her beauty and her smile and She looked at me and I uttered my name "It's Riley." What the heck why am I so enchanted by her what is up with this?

She smiled and said "It's a nice name." The sun sat down and she looked out and she said "We can now go out."

I asked "What is your name?"

She smiled and said "It's Victoria. Come let's go for a walk."

She then disappeared and I followed her out and I looked around and she was nowhere to be found.

She then appeared behind me and she said "Where are you looking?" I turned around and she was gone. I heard the sounds of her giggling. She then touched my hair and I turned around and she was gone again.

She then said "Come."

She was on top of the mill. She was laughing. I said "How?"

She smiled and said "Just jump."

I then prepared myself and I jumped and I landed on the roof of the mill. She then said "Come follow me."

She ran and I ran after her and it was so amazing this power, this gift that I have now I felt like I was alive and it was all because of her. She led me to the upper side of the city. We were standing on top of a building and I asked "What are we doing here?"

She said "We are here for your first hunt."

I looked at her and I said "I don't know if I can"

She looked at me and she raised her hands and I caught it and she said "You can't survive without blood Riley… it will drive you insane."

I looked at her and I loosened my grip and she said "Let me help you." She then placed her hand on my face and I felt something that I had felt for many people but not like this. This is something different.

I nodded and she let go and then we were looking for someone and we found that someone. It was a woman. She said "Follow and observe."

The woman was coming from her office and she was walking towards her car and we followed her to the car and then.

Victoria said "I will go and snatch it for you. Just follow my lead."

The woman opened the car and I saw Victoria. She grabbed that woman and she also sat inside the car. She signalled me to come.

I ran to the car and I also sat in the back seat and Victoria said "So you want the first bite or shall I start?" The woman was pleading for us to let her go.

I looked at that woman and I couldn't then Victoria bared her fangs into her and this was the first time I smelled blood after I became a vampire.

The blood was calling to me. Victoria then removed her fangs and she looked at me and I couldn't control myself and I caved in. As the blood flows through my mouth. I felt an incredible sense of pleasure.

I kept drinking and Victoria said something she tried to stop me but I just pushed her away but after a second I realised what she was saying I had drained this woman.

I looked at Victoria and I wanted to cry but no tears would come and she came to the back and held me closer and said "It's not your fault Riley."

I looked at her and she said "We need to make her go away first."

I then picked her up and we threw the woman near a dumping ground. We dumped her body in a car and we left.

We were back at the mills and Victoria said "It's not your fault Riley newborns have very little control."

I looked at her and said "You are right this is your fault why did you turn me into this creature."

She looked sad and I turned around and she said "Because I am lonely and I am scared for my life."

I turned around and asked "What do you mean?"

She then told me everything and it was indeed sad how those Cullens pretend to be nice just to collude with our enemies to kill her coven.

She said "You can leave, I get it that you don't want to risk your life for me."

I walked to her and I said "I will destroy the Cullens, Edward and Bella…"

She looked at me and kissed me. I picked her up and pinned her against the wall and kissed her.

She removed her shirt and I removed my shirt and I kissed her and she looked at me and asked "You won't leave me no matter what?"

I looked at her and said "Never."

That night was long and very exciting. I feel something for this woman and I will do anything to make her happy. My new life as a vampire begins today.


I hope you guys liked the chapter. I was out for an appointment that is why I didn't upload anything yesterday. I had a question for you guys does the phantom zone have a sun or any other source of uv radiation?

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