
Twilight: New Age

Continuing the twilight story of Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen. They had a child and named him Ateara Cullen Black who was born a hybrid. part wolf/part vampire/part human.

JayJ127 · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Chapter Ten

Ateara had already continued his solo journey into finding who he truly is, he also only walked 2 days non-stop eating just the minimal and hydrating himself as and when he really needed to. In thinking that he had almost forgotten how much he could do on his own. He even emerged himself within his own thoughts to enjoy the peace, tranquility of solitude and he had the biggest smile, which he hadn't done in a while. So he decided to savor the moment and just stop for a short moment to rest. All was a grand feeling till he suddenly sensed someone he did not recognize, but at the same time he felt that his senses were somehow heightened just by him being on his own. He felt him slowly getting closer and didn't feel threatened, so he remained calm till he arrived. Ateara had prepared a fallen tree to sit on, then made a couple of makeshift beds in case he wanted to get comfortable. Just then as he was about to start a fire in the pit, the strange guy showed his face, "Hi, I didn't think I would see anyone for a long while yet, do you mind if I could crash here for the night?" The strange guy asked.

Ateara stopped, turned and stood up in one swift flowing motion, he was about to yell something then he took one look at all of him and smiled, totally lost for words, but he just about managed to say "Hi...…I'm...Ateara…..I…I…haven't seen you around before, what brings you here?"

"Hi Ateara, please to meet you, I'm Seth and I don't really belong anyway, I'm what some people call a lone wolf." Seth explained.

Ateara smiled in delight, but also he did not know whether or not to tell him what he is and can do, so he just said "That's great, B…because…." He stuttered "…because I am a wolf also" He deliberately left out the part that makes him a hybrid.

Seth already moved in on Ateara and he moved nearer to him still, though Ateara did feel slightly uncomfortable and tried to move away but Seth took hold of him. "Don't go anywhere I won't hurt you, I like you Ateara" Seth said seductively.

"But we only just met…literally. We barely know a thing about each other. Have you ever been close to just one person?" Ateara asked

"NO, I tend to steer away from getting too attached to things, or close to anyone as it hurts too much to deal with." Seth said.

"Oh sorry you feel that way, what happened to your family or friends?" Ateara passionately said.

There was silence for a short moment, Seth seemed a little shocked but carried on the conversation, "Well for starters I don't have any friends as I had problems communicating , so I mainly stuck around the house and chatted with my parents and they ran into some trouble and after some long searching for them, I found them...dead...with their…*retches*…hearts…ripped…o…out." Seth sobs. Without a word Ateara wrapped his arms around him, "So sorry I made you tell your story, I assume you are embarking a quest in search for the killers." Ateara asked carefully. Seth nodded and buried his head on Ateara's chest and he felt his warmth flow through his entire body, he raised his head and kissed him on the lips. Ateara wasn't sure as he pulled away for a moment and gazed in his eyes and saw something he had never before and found himself back on his soft lips gently pursed. They ripped off their clothes and expressed themselves in such a way they have never done with anyone, they got so hot, so aroused and lasted till the first light appeared on the horizon, which is when they stopped to watch the sunrise.

Seth gazed at Ateara then kissed him on the head, he then stood up and started pacing whilst pulling on his trousers, he kissed Ateara once more on the lips before walking away. Ateara knew right away that Seth was not going to return, but he still continued to just lay there staring at the stars thinking how did his life get so complicated. He had spent the majority of the day thinking about Igor and all the possible physical he could do, then he found himself thinking about Seth as well and he was thinking about the three of them in all sorts of positions, he had it where he was sandwiched with Igor on his back and Seth on top. Ateara was so aroused by his thoughts and released which almost hit Igor as he was walking towards him. "Ateara you almost got me" Igor muttered, Ateara came out of his daydream "Oh Igor you're back, since when?" Ateara replied.

"I only just arrived but saw enough. Do you want to hand cleaning up?" Igor winked.

Ateara looked at him weirdly. "Since when did you become so confident and somewhat happy and positive, what did you do?" he asked.

"why do you ask such things, don't you like seeing me this way, I mean that's what I thought you wanted" Igor getting worked up.

"Ok and don't take that tone with me. I'm the only one trying to help you find your past." Ateara said calmly, but feeling frustrated.

Igor just looked at Ateara in silence and sat down on the cliff edge unsure what is happening right now, but he still keeps looking back at Ateara in the hope he would come hug him.

For the remainder of the night they gave one another the silent treatment and kept their distance. Ateara was more focused on himself that evening; he felt like he had lost his way and was determined to continue his journey on his own. As he was already standing up due to sleep deprivation he pulled on his trousers and walked towards Igor, 'Igor I have decided to go on my own, we have had some good moments, Goodbye Igor' Whispered Ateara, then he kissed him on the head and sprinted away.

Ateara knew in his mind he was definitely doing the right thing as he could already think clearly, but occasionally he would revert back to thinking about Igor and Seth in all kinds of positions, slowly getting aroused, he suddenly had his hand down his trousers and began to stroke his dick. Unbeknownst, Seth turned up, saw Ateara, so he walked over to him, started kissing him on the lips. Ateara stirred and slowly opened his eyes, "Seth? …Is…Is that really you?"

"Yeah it is, I had to come back but I didn't think I'd be seeing so much …*wink wink*"

"I'm happy you came back, but why did you? I didn't think I would ever see you again, that is why I'm all the way out here, just clearing my head." Ateara explained.

"You don't have to explain yourself to me, I'm only here to be with you as I have missed you since I left you, I did go back to your camp but you weren't there so I wandered around everywhere" Seth admitted.

Ateara just stood in awe and didn't know what to say. Seth closed in on him and placed his hands on his shoulders gently, he looked Ateara in the eyes, noticed that he was hiding more than what he was giving out. "Ateara! I'm not one to tell you what to do, but whatever you decide, whether it's to go on your own on your journey and I will leave you be and not to find you or we can do this together" Seth said supportively.

Ateara stood quietly then dropped into a sitting position, "Look Seth, I do really like you…I also really like Igor...… but anyway to go on this quest alone I'd be thinking about you ALL the time. However if you go with me, I will always have someone to talk to, share experiences".

Seth gave him one big hug "This is going to be so much fun, when do we leave?" He asked excitedly.

"We will leave at dusk so get some rest now, cause I have learnt that I can go 5 days without stopping" Ateara said sternly, Seth's jaw dropped slightly, "This may sound stupid, but how? And where do you find the energy?"

"Oh that's easy, that's part of who I am, whenever I set my mind on certain things, it drives my motivation till I achieve my tasks and right now I have one to try to find others like me." Ateara slipped out.

"Oh! So what are you then? I'm curious about you as you are not like other Wolves that I have met" Seth asked intriguingly.

Ateara thought about the question and tried to think how best to tell him, "Well you see I'm not just a Wolf, I am also part Vampire…" Seth interrupted "Oh I've never met one before how much more different are you then? Seth asked.

"Not that much different really except I don't hunt humans, I hunt animals for blood but I can also survive on human food too." Ateara answered. Seth looked astonished and couldn't think of another question.

"And that's not all, though I'm not sure if I should be telling everyone I meet that I am also part human…" Ateara looked worried that he might run away as he backed away slowly.

"Wait…where are you going…? What do you mean 'part wolf', so you are a Hybrid?" Seth asked rhetorically.

There was silence for a long moment "I mean that I was born Part Human, Part Vampire, Part Wolf, which makes me Hybrid2. I'm guessing that you just a Wolf then"

"Yes I am. So back to you how did that happen?" Seth asked curiously

"It's a long story, but started with my Grandpa who is a vampire and Grandma who was a human at the time, now a vampire they had a part human part vampire daughter, as you may have figured is my mother. My father however imprinted on my mother when she was young. Imprinting is the term used by wolves when they bond with their mate, as you may know, which they cannot control. Yes, my father is the wolf and they prefer shapeshifters."

"Wow, your family sounds amazing."

"They are amazing loving people. I just had to leave as I felt like I didn't belong and needed to find myself and others alike." Ateara said

"Well I am here to stay and help you continue your Adventure."

Tears filled Ateara's eyes as Seth gave him a hug and that lasted for several hours, they comforted each other through the night even while they were sleeping.

Ateara woke up fearing it was only a dream or finding he left him again, but he felt this warm feeling and looked behind him, he smiled deeply, he gently kissed his firm lips that felt soft and warm.