
Twilight: New Age

Continuing the twilight story of Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen. They had a child and named him Ateara Cullen Black who was born a hybrid. part wolf/part vampire/part human.

JayJ127 · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Chapter Eleven

It was a little after dusk Ateara and Seth started their new journey together to find to see just how big the world is. Neither of them were being talkative but that suited Ateara just fine as he enjoyed the peace and quiet. Seth also liked it, it gave him time to think about how he could keep Ateara interested.

Seth walked for about a week without stopping and did not realize it till he started to feel a slight twinge in his legs and slowed down. Ateara was a few yards away when he stopped to see where Seth was, "Hey Seth, what's going on? Why did you slow down?" Ateara called out.

"I'm fine. I'm getting tired that's all, is it ok if we rest for a while…I'm not really used to walking this much" Asked Seth.

Ateara looked at him "Yeah sure we shall camp here for a couple nights then we make our move again" he nodded.

Seth smiled and walked towards him, laid down to rest on the makeshift hammock that Ateara had made for him. As soon as he closed his eyes he instantly fell asleep, Ateara kissed him on his soft lips leaving a pile of berries in the tree. Ateara paced within the surroundings, he rarely slept, most times he would close his eyes to 'sleep' but he would be awake thinking always thinking. As the night grew colder Ateara had laid down in the hammock, he shut his eyes and everything was black for a while...'He found himself in the middle of nowhere, on his own surrounded by nothing. What does this mean…? He asked himself...then something appeared right before his eyes, but he could not make out what it is, the silhouette was blurry…it was not moving…neither did Ateara, he was eyeing the figure...he blinked…the figure moved in…he couldn't believe what happened, he blinked again the figure moved closer still…Ateara was getting nervous, but he could not move he felt paralyzed… he tried not to blink or close his eyes. His eye lids slowly feeling heavy…making his vision even more distorted he felt a cold, hard presence that was unfamiliar and felt a sharp pain piercing his neck and after the release the excruciating pain running through his entire body, he woke up heart pounding, looked around to Seth seemingly worried. Ateara nodded and inaudibly spoke 'I'm alright…' he mouthed.

"How long have we been here because I feel surprisingly refreshed than I have in a long while." Seth said changing the subject.

"Oh not long, just about 3days, but we do need to start moving on to get to the gathering on time."

Seth looked at Ateara "Gathering? What gathering…?"

"The gathering that I have been mentioning, I have mentioned it haven't I not…" Ateara tried to explain, also rethinking the moment. "You know what I may have mentioned that to Igor my other companion I had to leave, but this gathering I think will help me find out about my past that I seem to have forgotten"

"You probably haven't forgotten your past, you may have just locked it up inside you" Seth said trying to help, "Do you know what kind of people you are meeting with?"

"No I'm not sure, but they claim they know some knowledge that Igor and I read in a book. I'm hoping that they are still there" Ateara explained.

Seth thought for a long while "I know we only just met, but it sounds to me, they may be witches." Seth said.

Ateara paused at the thought, "Well I don't remember hearing any of my family mentioning witches, however it could be a possibility".

That very same evening he had not stopped thinking whether it might be true, so he decided to channel his power and connect with the only one he knew. He muttered a phrase in another language, something Seth couldn't understand. "Ah Ateara, it has been a long time, I see you finally know what to say to get me directly. What do I owe this pleasure for being here this time, Young Ateara?" Chief Black greeted me like an old friend.

"It is good to see you again Chief. I have this question that has recently crossed my mind…"

"Go on…What is it?"

"Well have there been any witches involved that I don't know of?" Chief Black's eyes widened as the word 'witches' came out of his mouth. "You look surprised…" Ateara added.

"Well you see Ateara a thousand years ago before the treaty was made Vampires and Wolves allied against the witches and killed them all. Somehow if they are witches that you will be meeting I suggest you be careful." Chief explained.

"So if in fact that they were 'ALL' killed, then somehow they must have found another power source to build another…." Ateara said "…coven…" Chief finished.

"So I guess you will be leaving now till next time I call for you." Ateara said, Chief nodded "Yes I have to go, but remember do not underestimate their power"

"Considering they have somehow found a way to get enough power to come back, underestimating their power is not what I am going to do." Ateara said gearing up with a plan.

Chief nodded once more and turned away walking in between trees before fading out. Ateara stood watching the sunrise where Chief Black disappeared. Seth stepped up behind him and kissed his neck, Ateara jerked slightly at his touch whilst still in deep thought, even with Seth seducing him. Ateara then turned in his grip and whispered "We need to go...NOW. I feel something in the surroundings, we'd need "

"But…Why are you running?" Seth asked, getting worried.

"We are being followed…" Ateara quickly answered.

They kept running and ended up in an area surrounded by a lot of concrete stone rubble, they looked all around "A Cemetery…?? Seth said, "I've been here before, I think this is where the gathering is going to happen…" Ateara said.

Then out of nowhere they heard a language neither understood, but Ateara knew it was some form of incantation only the witches knew. One Witch appeared from behind a stone guardian with her hand outstretched. Ateara noticed her muttering some incantation and seemingly having no effect, as she hesitantly lowered her arm. "Look…" Ateara started to say "…I'm not here to look for a fight, I have been told that there will be a gathering here today and I am only here to learn about my past".

"We don't work with your kind…Now…", "But I'm a Wolf as well" Ateara interrupted.

"We know what you are...A Born Hybrid…which makes you an original"

"Yeah…I figured that part out for myself with some help from my ancestors" Ateara explained

The Witches eyes wide, "Your ancestors…You can contact your ancestors… You're more powerful than we thought you would be." One of them said as Ateara gently nodded.

"As you can see our gathering has started…and…we would like you to leave now" said another witch.

"That won't be allowed as he is meant to be here as I had once foreseen." The Elder witch spoke as he stepped out.

"You're a 'He'? I assumed you would be a She with all the girls you have here…" Seth asked.

"Not so surprising, but male witch is how it all started before the females took over, I am one of the Original witches alive…" He started to say.

'And there you will meet someone powerful…' Ateara muttered under his breath, "So you are the powerful witch I've heard about" He said. Seth looked at him and mouthed 'You know of him?'.

"My ancestors told me a brief description; I've had to work out all the rest for myself"

"I know why you are here, but what I am finding it hard to understand is why are you wasting our time with your life journey" The Elder original said.

Ateara and Seth stood silent till two of the witches grabbed hold of them and dragged them closer to them.

"Leave me Ateara, take the other hybrid to the other side, I may have some use for him" Ateara looked Seth right in the eyes and he saw thinking why he didn't see that before. "As for you Ateara, I want to take a look inside your head…" The Elder paused, "There is a part of you that I cannot read…"

"Like what Elder Witch…?" Ateara said in confusion, "I'm not too sure I have to get past your shield…" after spending hours through the day and night to get him to lower his protection wall nothing had worked, not even The Elder's most powerful spell could. He decided to call it a night. Ateara knew all too well why his shield could not be lowered.

When Ateara left that night, he knew he wouldn't be returning, all he knew he needed to continue his journey. He made camp somewhere in the woods and heard someone fast approaching, he searched the perimeter and there was no one to be found. He laid back down in his makeshift bed wide awake.

Hiding behind a tree he waited till Ateara fell asleep, although uncomfortable he laid there next to him just watching him peacefully sleeping until he finally fell asleep himself.

The following morning, they both woke up and gazed in each other's eyes, "Seth! How did yo…? When did you? Glad you are back." Ateara hugged him. "Ateara…Just breathe and calm yourself, they just let me go when they couldn't get into my head…" Ateara interrupted "Wait…! What? They tried to penetrate your mind for information too?"

"Yeah…You were mentioned…something about couldn't get pass your shield…??" Seth tried to recall.

"But this doesn't make any sense why would they think going through you would help...unless…" Ateara stopped suddenly.

Seth placed one hand on his shoulder, "Wh…" he started to say then noticed that he was spaced out.

Seth had walked Ateara back to camp and sat him down waiting patiently for him to come out of his phase moment.

'Ateara! You don't need to say anything, only to listen to what I have to say. Firstly, I am proud of how you handled those witches, but you must be careful who you trust. Some only want you dead as they pose you a threat and some want to use you for your power in which you haven't fully released yet. Know this that you must have control to succeed on your journey ahead, and don't worry you will do it and you will rekindle with your old flame.

OH!!! Ateara, I would keep this to myself till the time is right…...you will know when.'

Ateara awoke only to see Seth cooking on a campfire.