
Twilight: New Age

Continuing the twilight story of Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen. They had a child and named him Ateara Cullen Black who was born a hybrid. part wolf/part vampire/part human.

JayJ127 · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Chapter Nine

After a night of heated passion, they both eventually went to sleep, Igor woke up sometime later and stood, leaned against a cliff side. He let his mind wonder whilst watching Ateara sleep so peacefully. He saw him stir and walked over to him to give him a kiss then he slipped on his trousers to take a walk and an attempt to clear his head.

When Ateara woke up, he looked around and couldn't see Igor anywhere. He started feeling slightly worried and thinking of the worse, he may have pursued the adventure alone. So, he dressed himself and wandered around the cliff side. With everything going on in his head nothing had cleared and he only felt heavier thoughts dragging him down. As he slowly headed back to the camp, he gathered all the wood he could find, hoping maybe that what he was thinking wasn't true.

Elsewhere not so far away Igor had been sitting on the cliff side just looking at the view thinking about the options of him continuing his journey with Ateara or to venture out by himself. Either way he could not help but think about last night and how much more fun it could be. He decided not to go back to Ateara just yet and stayed where he was, this gave him some time to think clearly and would also benefit Ateara as it gave him some peace.

They both lay there on their own makeshift bed eyes wide open just thinking, Igor had Ateara on his mind, but Ateara was thinking about his next move to continue his journey to pursue himself. 'It has been a while since I thought about my own destiny, I have only focused everything on Igor. Least I know there are other Hybrids out there,' Ateara thought out loud.

It was way past midnight Igor had only just fallen asleep. 'Ateara! What are you doing here?', 'Is that anyway to treat someone that loves you so deeply…Igor'. 'Y…You...what now? Since when…?', 'Think that is enough talk for now' Ateara said, pursing his lips against Igor's and kissing for a very long time. They then started to rip off their clothes and slathered oil all over each other. Ateara caressing Igor's abs and enticing him by licking his hard nipples.' As the physical was getting hotter and sweatier Igor started to stir then suddenly woke up and felt a small tremor. He slowly opened his eyes, saw something rolling towards him and it took a few moments when he realized it was a large boulder and before it could hit him, a tall handsome stranger grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the way. "Are you alright?" said a voice he did not recognize. Igor looked around , but it was so dark he could barely see a thing. He was standing still when a hand was placed suddenly on his shoulder and it made him leap up.

"You're not really saying much, shall I just go…" said the tall guy. Again no one had spoken for a long time so the handsome stranger started to walk away and Igor called out loudly "Stop!...Where do you think you're going? You saved my life, I am in your debt, what can I do to repay you" gradually lowering his voice.

"Ah…don't worry about it I just happen to be in the right place at the right time" the tall guy continued "oh and my name is Seth. By the way you have an amazing body"

Igor blushed "Oh erm …. thanks I do train but I haven't in a long time". Igor walked closer till he could touch his abs. Seth then wrapped an arm round him pulling him closer and gazed into Igor's eyes. Igor felt a warm sensation and kissed him on the cheek. "I think you missed" Seth said "Try this one" and he pressed his lips with Igor's, he didn't want that kiss to end. Their clothes had come off real quick which had left no time to think things through, Igor was laying on his back letting Seth work on him kissing his torso, on to his toned abs and gradually moving up and down on his crown jewels. Igor moaned and groaned in sync with Seth's arousing scream. They were doing it all night consistently continuously switching positions, by noon Igor found himself in the nude with Seth in which he had no memory of like it was only a dream.

Seth woke up and smiled at Igor "I had a great time last night" As he was kissing Igor's neck attempting to seduce him, but Igor had a confused look, "So what actually happened last night? Did we…we…get a little physical last night" Igor asked bluntly.

"yes…unless I imagined it which I doubt cause I'm still feeling the effects of last night and you were amazing." Seth said, sounding aroused again.

"Ok then I think it is all coming back to me now" Igor thought for a long while… "Oh my gods…NOW I remember, that was totally..." "Hot!!!" Seth finished off. Igor nodded agreeing, then he placed both hands on his head in silence and Set just sat there not knowing what to do next, though he contemplated comforting him, but he didn't as he may cause him more confusion so he used his last resort and left him be without saying a word, but not without leaving something for him to think about.

Igor did not even flinch; he just sat there with his head in his hand, not mumbling a single word.