
Twilight beginning

Guy gets transported to twilight verse thousands of years before the start of the saga and is reborn as a human. How will he come to power? Will he die in a measly few years? Or become a true immortal. ———————- This fanfic won’t be 100% the same as twilight due to me not know what happens thousands of years before the saga but I will try to keep it as close to accurate as possible so it matches with original story line when it comes I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT.

asgardianDgod · Book&Literature
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11 Chs



It's been two hundred years since I started my journey as a immortal. And although my individual strength has stagnated my influence has soared to new heights.

The organisation know as Titan is the biggest organisations within the supernatural world. With its head quarters in the kingdom of atlas.

Atlas has transcended into a radiant kingdom with huge cream brick buildings protecting the streets from the sun, and a hill at the southern most part of the city rest a gigantic white marbled coliseum that looks over its land, a over hanging roof that is supported by 8 white pillars, they then lead down to hundreds of white steps that people would have to ascend to reach this heavenly place.

Reaching the brown marbled doors, you can see the immense detail that is displayed on the drawings, showing a giant wolf standing above his army of soldiers.

Going into the palace you could see a huge spacious room with white pillars going parallel with each other down the middle. And in between these two pillars is a long red carpet with golden edgings.

Further going into the palace you would see a huge stone statue of a black wolf that is over 40 ft tall, in between it's huge black front legs is a white marble Throne that looks as if only a god is worthy to bless it with his presence, while leading up to the throne our three rows of white steps, Looking closer at the steps you can see intricate writings that look like they've been drawn with gold, written on the steps says.

"The almighty and fierce Fenrir, he who rips his enemy's and he who leads his people stands in-front of you, show your worship and bow down to the almighty"

Once exciting the palace you can look down over the entire kingdom, while looking you can see 5 miles in north, east and west huge light brown brick walls protecting the inners of its mother land from whatever may challenge her.

After two hundred years of waiting, and waiting I finally get to meet the one who would've ruled the supernatural world, Yes Aro the leader of the vultori and the one who would strike fear in people's hearts. Having spread out my influence, I not only own and have complete control over my wonderful city but I have stations set up all over the world in different locations, some secrets and some out in the open like my kingdom.

After I learnt of my ability to change people while them having the upmost loyalty to me I started to experiment more. But while gaining more and more loyal followers, the surrounding towns grew scared and jealous of my power. So to try stop me from gaining even more they tried to demolish the land me and my father built, but every time they did I would single handedly go and destroy them. i used this chance to test my powers more and get more in-tuned with them so it's safe to say after just over 200 years of battling I have gained a lot of experience.But also gained the faith of my people who started to worship me as a god and deity while I chose to go by the name Fenrir.

After being placed on a pedestal and gaining recognition from my people as God's I decided to boost my people's power, so I turned people into supernaturals some with lasting life spans and some without obviously the ones I turned were to keep this a secret and due to the loyalty they have it wasn't a problem, with all this extra strength upgrading the city was a minor thing. While doing this the person I put in charge of architecture planned my palace, Although I didn't agree to it at first, he kept prostrating himself and begging so I gave in and told him it was expectable, but if he was going to do it, it better be grand.

Back to Aro, over 100 hundred years ago he got born into this world and I have been using my minions to watch over him ever since. Sending the shapeshifter and werewolf hybrids out, they had the ability's to hide into there surroundings and erase there scent, it especially wasn't hard to hide from a group of only a couple hundred year old vampires.

After being in the supernatural community for some time now there large coven that just recently started to go by the name of vultori here'd of my almighty power and asked permission to speak with higher up in our organisation so that they could get a better grasp on who was this Fenrir god.

Little did they know that I was going to speak with them myself, coming through the huge marble doors of my palace was 2 men surrounded by 5 vampires with the strength of newborns( I could change the strength of a individual race by there max potential all the way down to human strength) these newborns being my minions immediately bowed down when seeing me.

Raising my hand the five of them stood up and left in a instant.

Jäger:" Aro and Marcus I presume"

Aro:" that is correct your... holyness?"

Jäger:" please just call me jäger"

Marcus:" very well then jäger, I would not expect we could get to meet the god himself when we only asked for one of the higher ups"

Jäger:" hmm, I wanted to see what your group of misfits was like, I would also like to test something"once I finished speaking you could see the displeasure in there faces with the way I address there coven.

Standing up from my huge marble throne that lays in between the feet of the giant wolf, I immediately speed in-front of Aro.

Not seeing my movement at all caused Aro some panic, not expecting the gap between them to be so huge.

Jäger:" little boy it seems you have the ability to read minds, I would like you try It on me."

Aro although a little ticked of my being called a little boy while also being worried about how he knows about his power, eventually complied with his wishes anyway.

Grabbing jägers raised hand Aro tried to see any memories, but it came up blank, having this never happen before Aro furrowed his brows which caused delight to spread across jägers face.

Jäger:" seems I'm immune to your little party tricks, hahah"

Getting angrier by the second of the mockery that was being displayed in his name Aro was ready to burst. Marcus seeing Aro in distress tried to calm him down by patting his shoulder, but Aro moved forward stepping into jägers face.

Jäger sensing the burning rage coming from Aro after insulting him and his ability's couldn't help but chuckle.

Aro seeing this chuckle couldn't hold back any more and threw his most powerful punch straight towards jägers face

Happy that he got a reaction out of the power hungry psychopath jäger grabbed Aro by the neck and threw him out of the open marble doors and 5 miles north over his walls. Looking at Marcus he just stayed there and did the impossible ..... shivered.....