
Twilight beginning

Guy gets transported to twilight verse thousands of years before the start of the saga and is reborn as a human. How will he come to power? Will he die in a measly few years? Or become a true immortal. ———————- This fanfic won’t be 100% the same as twilight due to me not know what happens thousands of years before the saga but I will try to keep it as close to accurate as possible so it matches with original story line when it comes I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT.

asgardianDgod · Book&Literature
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After quite a few town hopings and site seeing I grew bored, all the towns were the same with some being slightly more elegant than others, after meeting a stray vampire every now and then I was surprised to find that they couldn't smell me. Like when I tried to blend into the background hunting back home, but this time I'm just a constant blur for there noses.

I also stayed In my wolf form in large forests for months at a time, while my strength decreases by a small margin my other abilities including speed, smell and eyesight increase by a lot letting me track down any animal I've caught sent of.

Testing my blood on animals was my next goal after a few weeks of doing this I came to the conclusion that mixing my blood into others didn't do anything other than my blood dominating there's and eating away at there organs like it has a mind of its own. Willing all the blood to Stop I sucked it back in and contemplated if I was able to turn others.

That's when I remembered that vampires didn't use there blood to turn others but used there venom, so I immediately got to work and boy was I shocked. After another couple weeks of experimenting on the wild animals of the forest I found that my control over venom increased by leaps and bounds. Being able to turn things into any of the three species I am, although the animals with there little intelligence didn't know how to use there shapeshifting powers I could still smell the changes. And the vampire animals were going on rampages until I cleaned up there mess and got rid of any loose ends they might've caused. But the last species was the most boring, I had to wait a couple days for a full moon to appear and the watch again as the animals went on a rampage.

Understanding I could make a vampire, shapeshifter or werewolf I decided to see if I could mix these species, but for that to work I would need humans as the results wouldn't be as accurate on these animals.

With that out of the way I decided I would head back home, once there it wasn't hard convince people I was the lost nobles son considering my aristocrat looks, the hard part was isolating my father and convincing him it was me, many loud words a few tears, a long fake explanation and a hug we were back on track.

At least I'm not some uncaring monster.

Although glad I get to keep my humanity i was still angry at myself for putting my father through this, even if he wasn't the most respectful of people, he still brought me into this world. So to apologies I started work to improve the house of aristo. Telling my father my plans after a month of being back he decided that it would be good to work together on improving the houses dignity and pride. So I immediately requested the change of the name, knowing that if this house was to last a stupid name like aristo wouldn't be the most adequate of choices.

Having the permission to change the name I then though hard about a name that would show power and rule over the lands,I came upon the name house of atlas after the Titan that holds up the sky's.

So with the new noble house of Atlas me and my father got to work. For starters we rid the tiny government our land had of any corrupt people, and then we spent lots of money in buildings and expanding our territory while creating beautiful hotels and bars that would attract travelers and bring in business. We then at my request sorted out sewage systems and created proper roads and places where people could hire carriages.

(10 years later)

A lot has happened in this time period, from the small town where the noble house of aristo started, it prospered into a huge city governed by the noble house of atlas filled with bustling concrete streets and lots of wealthy merchants. They were setting up shops hoping to reap the rewards from this hot spot of people. Happy with the progress of the city that has grown at a rapid pace, I was also happy with my other endeavours, after the first 5 years my father noticed my lack of change to appearance still keeping my fair skin and long dark hair that reached down to my shoulders, so I told him of my gifts I also told him that I created a organisations by the name of Titan that was holding the whole of atlas city together, I informed him of my people that were 100% loyal to me thanks to my gifts, I also told him about all the different supernatural and that everyone of the people in my group where vampire-werwolf hybrids, all holding half the strength of a normal vampire in the original body's but the strength of a newborn in there werwolf form. I told him not to worry about the city's safety as they have complete control over there shifts and that it was impossible for them to infect others as my venom prevented that from happening at my will.

After my father found out, I decided to ask of him to join the organisation as one of its leaders, with his improved skills over the years he would be a great asset, but he informed my that although he is a greedy man he wouldn't want to live forever because he wants to meet my mother in the afterlife, understanding that he will not change his mind we settled on him having the power of a werewolf thats in control of his shifts.

Back to my organisation called Titan, it is a completely hidden agenda with not even anyone from the supernatural world knowing about it, I made it so that I would be able to influence the world with my choices and further give me a reason not to bow down to anyone.


Just trying to move the story along a bit haha should I carry on at a slow pace or do a big time skip? xD