
Twilight beginning

Guy gets transported to twilight verse thousands of years before the start of the saga and is reborn as a human. How will he come to power? Will he die in a measly few years? Or become a true immortal. ———————- This fanfic won’t be 100% the same as twilight due to me not know what happens thousands of years before the saga but I will try to keep it as close to accurate as possible so it matches with original story line when it comes I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT.

asgardianDgod · Book&Literature
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11 Chs


(900 B.C)

Two hundred years have past since I politely escorted Aro out of my kingdom, and since then his rage has only grown stronger. Understanding that his individual strength is not enough to destroy me or my now bigger kingdom he decided to build a army. A army so big that it would overwhelm me and cause my kingdom to fall with me along with it.

(Underground tomb of jägers palace)

A thick brick table can be seen with 6 chairs around it. One of those chairs being twice the size Of the others. The bigger chair belonging obviously to jäger and the other 5 belonging to the highest commanders in his organisation, 1st commander works with jägers military force. 2nd commander works on the scientific side of things, 3rd commander being the head of the assassin department and works with not only killings in secret but also information gathering, 4th commander is the leader of the spy department which follow my targets and keep track of important figure heads all over the world, The 5th commander is all about the defence of the city and works on making sure that any attack or attempt At infiltration will cease to exist.

They each have 10 direct subordinates that command at least 10 others, but more for the military and more for the defence commanders, The 10 subordinates each have there various own servants depending on there merits. The higher you are in the organisation the more information you are given, the scientists also known as Frankenstein has the least amount of subordinates as not many are qualified in the art of being smart.

The 1st commander has done a lot of action throughout the last couple of years with his subordinates and by himself, when he goes out he is like a tyrannical maniac that slays all his opponents and puts fear in there eyes. His name has spread throughout the world not only on the supernaturals but a few humans have written about him as myths as well, going by the name Dracula, a vampire who has the strength to be able to take down a group of up to a couple dozen newborns and can also extend his claws to a metre long to slice his opponents apart thanks to the scientists department who worked on body enhancements.

The spy department has also done major things throughout the couple hundred years, including getting info on the one known as Aro who I had the delight of meeting years ago, although a long time ago his rage has continued to burn and has created a army of hundreds of vampires against there will and commanded them to fight in his favour. Now obviously I could have destroyed him and it have been over before it started, but I needed to test my military power.

Every supernatural in my organisation whether a scientist or part of the military goes through vigorous training to get the best combat skills out of them as possible. I Have a huge training ground built below my kingdom which does come in handy for hiding hundreds of strong soldiers. So to put there training to the test I will be sending out a hundred of our best trained soldiers against there 600 untrained and undisciplined ones. With my soldiers also each being able to take on two newborns at a time.

(Night of the fight)

With night being upon us I send out my men and women into battle. The 1 hundred warriors leave my kingdom without a trace and turn up infront of the fast approaching 600, a little surprised that they couldn't see there movements clearly, they looked to there leader.

Aro looking at his enemy and scanning them as if looking for someone, after a couple seconds a scowl appears on his face.

Aro:" this is blatant mockery, who does he think he is to look down upon me like this, to not even turn up to the fight and send only 1 hundred vampires."

Clearly not pleased with jäger not being there he gives the command to fight. With all 600 fighters charging at the opposition on this open field, the 100 just stayed there and didn't move, assuming this to be because they are scared it boosted most of the 600s moral but once the first line of attackers clashed it was like a bloodbath. With hundreds of vampires dying rapidly by being out classed completely by there enemy's, and within the minute the 600 vampires diminished to 400, Not stopping this onslaught the 100 trained vampires carried on demolishing there enemy's, until only one enemy remained, Aro.

Aro turning around in fear began to run as fast as his legs could take him but before he could get far he saw a huge 17ft black wolf standing on all fours infront of him. Understanding this was the god Fenrir he immediately got in the floor and begged for forgiveness.

Aro:"please, forgive my sins, it was not my intention to displease your highness"

Jäger not caring to listen strolled over the the kneeling child ahead of him. Switching back to his human form in a instant he stood there infront of Aro. Aro looking up to see his aggressor.

"aro, i will admit, you've entertained me for a while now, and seeing you like this does bring a smile to my face but I can't help pity you", at this point are has just accepted defeat

" whatever it is you are going to do jäger, just get it over with"

with a little chuckle jäger speaks" I'm going to allow you to run, run back to your little coven, and cease this nonsense grudge you have with me"

after getting an agreement to never cross jäger again Aro sped off, back to his coven, leaving jäger to ponder his next course of action.

'maybe its time to be rid of this army, this kingdom, if I wipe it all of the face of the earth now, theres still time for the plot to emerge later on, Aro still has his volturi, the army we faced were just full of newborns'

With his next course of action planned out jäger proceeded to decimate his entire kingdom, killing all inhabitants, including his army, getting rid of all research, destroying all building down to ruble, even getting rid of his beloved palace.


kinda wanna introduce him into the actual plot soooo ; )