
Dragonkin Boy

Enzo walked out to the training area. He had 1 week left until the fights started. He saw the dragonkin training with people who he was just tossing around.

"Oh my king please give me harder opponents!" He was hurting the trainers mercilessly. Enzo stepped in to stop him.

"Whoa….. Man you can't just be hurting people. They are here to help you. You need to learn respect seriously." Elza who was meditating on the roof watched over the action.

"Whos gonna stop me?"

"I will obviously." the dragonkins partner stepped up to challenge Enzo. "Well let me beat him first." The boy's partner was a very buff bald man with a beard. He ran at Enzo and enzo teleported behind him hitting the man in the neck with his hand. This causes the man to fall to the ground. Enzo smiled and said "Thank you, you caused me to gain a powerful adaptation. Teleportation." The man stood up and let out a red aura. "Ah so your a vampire." The man seemingly powered up rushed again at Enzo who dodged the punch and kick fury. After about 50 attacks he saw the vampire slow down and knelt down punching straight up into the man's stomach. Blood soon followed from the mans mouth. Enzo let out a flurry of punches into the stomach launching him towards his partner. "What was his name?" Enzo looked to the dragonkin for an answer. "Also what is your name?" The dragonboy picked up his vampire partner and threw him 50 feet away out of the training pit.

"My name is Mikhanette, dragonkin blessed by Vasirnette king of the dragons, which makes me the prince." After introducing himself he took out his gauntlets and put them on. His hair molded into two horns and wings grew from his back his skin turned slightly green and scales appeared in various places on his body. "I won't use my full power but i will give you the respect you deserve." Enzo smiled and unsheathed the sword on his back. Enzo rushed at Mikha and tries slicing him only for mikha to move out of the way. The two were dodging each others attacks. Slowly Enzo gained the advantage in the the fight. He used the time he was gaining to get a solid hit in. He landed it and it sent Mikha high into the air. Mikha used his wings to get even higher. "I have the high ground you cant even reach me now." Enzo assessed his surroundings. After doing so he jumped off a big boulder on his right high in the air and used his teleport to get higher and behind Mikha. Using the element of surprise he cut Mikhas wings to hear a scream of pain. Both combatants fell to the ground.

"That was a good power up i'll give you that." Enzo said to the wounded Mikha.

"Don't taunt me like your greater. All might Vasirette lend me your power." After saying those words the body of Mikha transformed into a green dragon. It was only 20 feet long and 15 feet tall. Enzo, before giving Mikha any more time to regenerate, jumped at the dragon punched it in his head sending it downward and used his momentum to keep sending him towards the dragon's tail. Once there he jumped off of the dragons back and sliced the tail off with all of his power. The dragon reverted back to the humanoid form. "How did you know my weak spot was my tail?" Mikha looked at Enzo with fear in his face. He had assumed Enzo would take advantage of the situation and finish him off.

"I saw it on a tv show. But good fight you still have 1 week to train and get stronger. I suggest you use it."

Enzo walked off to his room. When he walked in Elza was sitting on the bed. He started walking towards her but his body collapsed and he was left lying on the bed.

"You overdid it a bit too much plus you used your teleport right after unlocking it." Enzo looked up at Elza.

"Yeah i know but i think teleport is a very good adapatio i just need to grow and get used to it. I am also very tired right now so please turn off the light."