
Fight For The King

Enzo and Elza left for the castle. They shortly arrived in the keeps first floor. Elza took the first action to open the door just to see 5 guards and one dragonkin boy fighting a very muscular beasapien, or an animal man, in this case a lion-human. "STOP!." Everyone in the room paused at the sound of Enzos voice. One of the guards took out his bow and used the distraction to try and kill the intruder. Enzo saw the arrow get shot and rushed over in front of the beasapien slicing the arrow away. "Come On guys 6 on one isn't fair no matter the circumstances." Enzo jumped at the group of guards then turned his back against them and point his sword at the beast man. "Now why do you want to kill the king?" The beast man was surprised by the boys bravery and let out a loud chuckle. "I don't necessarily want to kill the king but i do want him removed he is the worst king i've seen."

"Your a beasapien who's only been on earth for 20 years at most. You have seen two kings and total and think he is the worst, why?"

"He doesn't take care of the beasapiens and give humans special privileges while beasapiens are killed by the dozens from the polices. He is racist!"

"Okay and if you kill him and become king you'll be racist towards humans and show favoritism towards beasapiens right?" Backed into a corner the man became very angry and let out a yell seemingly increasing his power. "Im done with conversating."

He rushed at Enzo then punched him out of the way. The fighters from before Jumped forward and elza joined them. The new found power made the guards easily taken care of. The dragonkin and Elza were able to hold off the beasapien, but were fighting a losing battle because humans have lower stamina.

"Get up Enzo i know that punch was nothing stop resting!" Elza called out to the hurt Enzo on the ground. He smiled and stood up. "5 more minutes?" Seeing Elzas mad face he stopped caring for the answer and rushed at the beasapien himself. His speed was a lot faster than the beast mans and he was able to get cuts in while the other two distracted the man. Sensing he was losing the man retreated let out a howl and ran out the doors. The guards went to chase after him but enzo stopped them.

"Let us kill him, or hell come back stronger!" Enzo just smiled at them. "I know i can't wait." After the man left Enzo and Elza went back to the witch and made her turn of the freezing spell but she wasn't there. When they rendezvous with the old man and Aryn they were still frozen. Enzo tried touching them like he did to Elza but it wasn't unfreezing the two.

"Maybe we can try moving them with us."

"No Enzo if they're frozen then we could seriously hurt them." After deciding to wait a red light appeared in the sky. Enzo opened his mouth to speak but was stopped before he could. "Before you ask its a disenchanting spell probably for the freezing one." With that said they both turned around to see Aryn and his guard unfrozen. "Hey we can continue on to the castle now." The four walked back to the castle keep. When they entered Aryn ran towards the king and told him about what happened while he was out. Aryn then turned towards Enzo and introduced him. The king explained what had happened prior to them arriving. Aryn looked at Enzo with an annoyed face, he wanted to be the one to reunite the two. The dragonkin boy from before walked into the room.

"Ah good you're here i could kill two birds with one stone." The king said excitedly. "The reason why i have brought both of you here today is because you are the eldest son of me and you have taken in the blood of the dragons king. There are two more candidates. The demon's prince and the humans prince." The way this world works is there is one king who rules over everything and there are different continents who have their own kings who rule over their own race. There are 6 continents. Each race has one person they nominate for second in line behind the king who is under the age of 20. The King's eldest son also has the right to participate in the tournament. Knowing this Enzo spoke up.

"What about the beasapiens?" Enzo remembered the words of the beasapien who was in the keep earlier.

"The beast man an hour ago was their king so they will not participate in this decade's tournament." Enzo was surprised that the three of them were able to fend off the beasapiens king.

"I didn't know how strong you were but if Aryn brought you here then you are stronger than him and i saw you fight the king. So i know you'll do great."

"Is that all you need just tell me when the tournament is and i'm off." The dragonkin boy was avery prideful person and having received help from two others just to make an enemy retreat was very enraging for him.

"Hold your tone when you are talking to the king dragon boy." Elza disliked disrespectful people especially when it was towards powerful people.

"No it is okay..." the king dragged out his sentence because he did not know the girls name.

"Elza. Your majesty."

"Yes sorry for that. Elza." The dragonkin boy even further angered spoke again.

"Who do you think you are girl. You are speaking to the prince of all dragons."

"That's enough you two. The tournament will be held in two weeks every candidate and their partner will stay in the capital until then." The dragon boy walked off.

"Wait you said partners what do you mean."

"Every contestant and their partners fight to win the tournament. It seems you have a very good one Enzo."

"We have had each others backs since the orphanage. She is a little stuck up though." Enzo smiled only to receive an elbow in the side.