
Battle For Life

After 5 days of training Enzo had progressed his new adaptation so far that he could now teleport 20 feet from his position and he could teleport 30 times before his body gave out. In two days Enzo and Elza would have to fight and subdue 3 other groups to become the second in line behind the king. Enzo assumed he could beat Mikha again, he however had no info on the other two groups. After eating breakfast he and Elza headed towards the capitals best blacksmith. When they got there they saw a blue orc with tusks that came out of his mouth and curved downward, he wore nothing except a long leather skirt and leather boots. The orc had scars on nearly every part of his body. Enzo approached him very eagerly. "Hello sir what's your name?"

The orc grumbled and cleared his throat. A loud deep voice called out "Olgarth."

"Okay well i have a very special request and i need it done in two days." Enzo explained his wish very clearly and asked for it to be done solely by him.

"Something like that will cost 40 maybe even 50 gold do you have enough boy?" Enzo laughed on the inside and places a bag of gold on the table it contained 150 gold pieces in it, "straight from the royal treasury." Elza told the orc her wishes too.

"May i have a spear, a spiked arm guard, and a small curved sword." The orc took all this in and expelled a deep sigh.

"Okay i will do and i'll have it done by this saturnday i'm assuming whatever is left in the bag after i can have right?" The things the two children had asked for in the time frame they asked would only cost someone 90 gold. Enzo nodded his head and walked out of the store with Elza following soon after. After entering the castle Enzo went to talk to the king. "Ah Enzo so glad to see you my son, do you have a second?" after waiting a second the king started talking again.

" there is a village about 15 miles from here that sent a courier pigeon to us saying that beasapiens were spotted not far from them."

"Okay and. Beasapiens are allowed to visit other continents just like every other race."

"Yes but the ones spotted were very coordinated as if in an army. Also the leader was the man you saw a week and a half ago. If nothing else you and Elza should be able to go there and come back before the fights start." Enzo very annoyed turned his back and started his small journey.

Enzo and Elza arrived at the edge of the town to find farms ravaged and burned down. Houses around the edge were caved in or still on fire. Enzo and Elza ran through the village ending just at the towns center hall. They opened the door to find an old man on the ground. Enzo took initiative. "Who did this?" The man mustered up his strength and still strugglingly said "It was about 100 Beasapiens they didn't give a reason. They ransacked the village and left with the women." Enzo's face grew angier by the moment.

"Elza stay here and heal him i'll be back." Enzo teleported out of the building and outside. He was in the air at this point and easily spotted the departing army. "COWARDS!!!!" The soldiers in the back turned around to see a man running at them. Enzo powered through them slicing and hitting about 10 of them. He soon found himself in a circle surrounded by troops and the soldiers he didn't kill or knockout were beginning to stand up again. This further angered Enzo and he showed no signs of slowing. The soldiers kept rushing at him and he kept cutting down soldier after soldier. Eventually the raw numbers overpowered Enzo and they began cutting him up. Enzo started to feel the pain from their cuts and teleported in the air. He saw troops 20 feet all around him. There was definitely more than 100 troops around him. On his way down from falling he kept slashing troops. He wasn't trying to kill them so he used the back of his blade cutting through their armour and fur still but not stabbing them. After losing to the army the beast king into the circle. "Stop hitting him." The troops stopped and backed away. Enzo was very beaten up at this point. He could feel a couple of his bones broken. The beast king picked up enzo by his shirt and Enzo's body fell limp. "Did you really think you could take on my army and me? But you did take out about 10 and injured 20. So i'll give you my name, it's Elthos Starkfur."

Enzo tisked at the fact he was forced to hear this slaughterers name. "Why did you kill the people in the village and bun their homes?" Elthos smirked at Enzo. "To send a message to the king." When he finished that sentence a boom came from the right side of Enzo he saw guards flying in the air and heard loud rumbles from the ground. Enzo smiled. Elza jumped into the air and came down. The ground shook under her strength. Elthos dropped Enzo and ran towards Elza. Elza had her two sword stance, one long sword and a short sword. Both of her swords were worn and growing old, she had had them for about 3 years. The soldiers around her backed off when they felt Elthos run that way. When Elthos came in sight of Elza she lunged at him with her sword. Elthos grabbed it cutting his hand. He clenched his fist very tight and broke her sword. Elza let go and run away towards Enzo. She picked him up and ran. An archer took a shot at her calf muscle only allowing her to move 5 feet after picking him up. Elthos walked to them slowly. Enzo whispered in Elzas ear "thank you." Enzo teleported himself and Elza back to the castle in a cloud of purple smoke. They were in the keep. Enzo had no pulse and Elza was very badly injured.